2011 Challenger: captkevman

| November 1, 2011 | 0 Comments

I’m Kevin Copeland, known online mostly as captkevman, but also occasionally as The Wayward Cartoonist. I did the challenge last year, although I only completed 5 entries. I promised myself I’d try again this year and try to complete all 30.

My online handle (captkevman) is a combination of my name and my favorite childhood cartoon character. I picked it as an AOL handle back in the 90s, and it just sorta stuck. My other alias (The Wayward Cartoonist) is a bit more appropriate: I used to cartoon a bit back in high school and early college, but I haven’t done anything to speak of for the past couple of decades. I’ve spent the last few years trying to reconnect with my creative side. During my journey, I have started (and serve as organizer for) a local cartoonists/comickers group, I’ve been to a few conventions (SPX 2009 & Intervention 2011, plus some other local cons) that have been very inspiring, and I’ve had a few false starts on a webcomic project (which, despite several personal setbacks, I’m not ready to give up on yet).

As for my “real job”, I’m an independent technician and consultant focusing on products with a certain fruit logo on them. While I haven’t been creating as much as I’d like, I do take comfort in the fact that several members of our local group have gone on to do some pretty cool things: a self-published comic book, a self-published drawing book, and admission to RISD are a few of the achievements by our members. While I’m not personally producing anything at the moment, it’s nice to be a part of a community that encourages and inspires peers.

I’m hoping to use the 30 Characters Challenge to “clear the rust” from the ol’ creative pipes and flex those muscles again. I look forward to seeing everyone’s incredible work again this year!


Category: 2011, About, Participants

About the Author ()

I'm a guy who was a cartoonist in high school and college, dropped out of college, entered the workforce and forgot he was a cartoonist -- for 20 years. I'm now trying to reconnect with my creative side and see if I can make something happen. I also help organize a local comic & cartoon creators' group, and I organized an October 2012 community drawing event called DRAWtoberfest.

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