30 Characters Challenger: Drew Williams

| October 30, 2010 | 1 Comment

Where do I begin…?

I’m a 20 year old Computer Science major at the University of Chicago, minoring in Visual Arts.  I have yet to start my sequence for my minor, and my skills up until this point are self-taught, having a foundation in a love for anime and american cartoons and more recently being inspired by Disney and modern comic books as well.  I like sweets, techno, old Disney movies and Apple computers, and do my work on my iPad, in my sketchbook and on my iMa

c with an old Graphire 4 that I remain very proud of/pleased with.  I did writing back in the day, and won a few contests with it, but I have shied away from the art of writing in more recent years, in favor of quick sketches that can be done between classes.

I used to have a deviantart, but I grew fed up with the website’s politics, so I closed it.

I value fluidity, action, motion, and color in my drawings, and you’ll probably see a lot of urban influences.  I have a love for steampunk, fantasy, and science fiction, and I am inspired everyday by the students in my dorm, but I try to break free from repetitive characters and thus will try and mix it up a bit.

I want to do this challenge because I have been in a slump in the art department as of late, Computer Architecture taking over my life and all, and thus I want to get back in the groove, so to speak.  🙂

Also, the samples of art I include in this post are all from 2+ years ago.  I tend to sketch in notebooks more than on the computer.  Stay tuned to see how much my style has improved!  (Adding in the obligatory my-old-artwork-is-horrible, etc etc)

Category: About, Participants

About the Author ()

Self-taught artist with 4 years of writing practice under her belt; Computer Science major, Visual Arts minor; Web Designer.

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  1. Wow… We have a lot of things in common, you and I. Girls, self-taught artists, CS majors, almost the same age, Disney fans. It’s somewhat scary but simultaneously awesome. ^^

    I look forward to seeing more from you!

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