#13 Skyspy

| November 20, 2010 | 0 Comments

Yikes!  Well…fell behind in posting, due to family matters.  Hopefully I can catch up.  Now onto…Skyspy!

As an intelligence officer, Lee Gibbs worked in the shadowy world of gathering and studying data for government agencies.  His world was shattered when his journalist friend Carla Hass was murdered.  Despite the efforts of the police, the ones responsible for her murder went free.  They were also part of the Marano crime syndicate.

Angered by Carla’s death and the miscarriage of justice, Lee used his skills and discovered the existence of a prototype battlesuit being tested by the military.  Lee not only managed to steal the suit, he carefully covered his tracks and decided to put it to use.  The suit–an offshoot of the XOS series of powered exoskeleton prototypes–is capable of limited flight; it increases the strength of its wearer by a factor of ten, and it is packed with numerous sensors and recording equipment including FLIR and thermograph scanners. For defense, it has a wrist-mounted 9mm gun and ECM capability.  And although he was well aware of the illegal actions he took, Lee weighed that against pursuing justice (while resorting to violence only when absolutely necessary).  In his mind, justice won out.

Lee used the suit to track down and gather evidence that lead to the convictions of Carla’s killers.  That evidence also lead to further investigations of the Marano syndicate.  Lee names his alter-ego “Skyspy” and forges a relationship of trust with D.A. Karen Rothenberg and maverick detective Sam de Leo.

As Skyspy, Lee Gibbs is now the new eyes and ears of justice.

Category: Manga, Scifi, Steampunk

About the Author ()

Hello everyone, I'm Marc McKenzie, and this is my second year taking part in of this challenge. I've been a freelancer for the past few years, working in animation and creating commissioned work for clients including the New York Times. There have been ups and downs, but...that's life. Honestly, though, I enjoyed taking part in the challenge last year, and I hope to do my best this year...but I hope that everyone does their best and has fun! Ironically, I never really set out to do art at first. I studied something completely different in college and it was only because of an art teacher that I changed gears. Currently I'm living in Hillsborough, New Jersey, working on commissions, trying to find full-time work, and being a doting uncle to my niece.

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