#2 Wondering Executioner

| November 23, 2013 | 0 Comments


#2 Wondering Executioner

Character Back Story:
The Wondering Executioner is shadowed in mystery. A figure that most don’t believe in. Stories of a this dark man have appeared in ancient texts and stories for thousands of year. He has been seen in all major battles and wars throughout history, folklore and legends. The story is always the same. When the battle nears it’s end The Wondering Executioner appears fighting anyone that challenges him. He them finds the cowards or traitors of both sides and begins to execute them. Slicing them in half with his giant sized sword named Judgement. He yells the same sentence with every kill “You have been found guilty”. It is believe he might be a fallen angel punishing mankind for his own sin of betraying his god. It is also believed that he is not one man but many, that the Wondering Executioner persona is part of a secret order of warrior judges. No matter his origin, do not betray your comrades in arms or you may be judged by his Execution Sword.

Behavior Traits:
Judge, Jury, Executioner

Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Swordsmanship, Field Battle Experience, Immortal (perhaps), Super Strength, Invulnerability

I like the idea of creating a figure that we don’t really know his origin. Is he one man of one in a lineage. I can see this character working in stand alone stories or being referenced in back story. I think I may eventually add him to my upcoming comic project “First Legacy”

Check out my other 2013 Challenge Characters:
01-Days-2013  02-Days-2013  03-Days-2013  04-Days-2013  05-Days-2013

Check out my characters from the last challenges:

2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!

All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.

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Category: 2013, Fantasy, Superhero

About the Author ()

My name is Ralph Contreras, I'm a graphic designer and proud comic book nerd living in Santa Fe, NM. A Four year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge, I have aspirations of becoming a professional comic book artist. I've been reading comics for over 25 years. I owned and ran my own comic shop for 5 years. My day job is graphic design, but at night I work on sharpening my storytelling, drawing and inking skills. I setup a personal blog www.Comic Book Graphic Design.com where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. I post all my pencils, inks and character designs on the blog. I also post great comic book resources to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too. In past 30 Character Challenges I've made some really great online friendships with fellow creators.. I'm always interest in making new friends and contacts, so drop me a line any time. - Shazam!

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