Po … no, not THAT one, it is a common name, you know … was a panda with a great destiny: to be the Dragon Warrior. Â Unfortunately he lived quite close to Mr. Ping’s Noodle Restaurant and became addicted to one of their delicacies, Kung Po Noodles. Â So while Po … yes, THAT one …went on to join the Furious Five as the Kung Fu Panda, Po … the OTHER one … drowned his sorrows in tub after tub of spicy goodness, becoming bigger and bigger, and earning himself a less distinguished name: the Kung Po Panda!!!
Category: 2013, Humor
I live in Northern Ireland though, for me, home is simply wherever my loved ones are: my wife, best-friend and soul mate, Carole, and our two wonderful little boys - Mackenzie (5) and Nathaniel (3).
While I have a degree in art I'm really nothing more than an enthusiastic sketcher. Most of my creative energies are focused on writing - predominantly a short story author but have delved into novellas and am current researching/prepping my first novel.
I founded, and edit, 'With Painted Words' - www.withpaintedwords.com - an online literary magazine that takes inspiration from monthly image prompts and 'The WiFiles' - www.thewifiles.com - a weekly speculative fiction 'zine.
I'm also a co-host on the Folowing The Nerd - www.followingthenerd.com - radio show, and a contributor to their news/reviews website.
I teach kung fu.
I'm a school Governor, a Director for the Arts & Disability Forum of Ireland and a lobbyist/advocate for the Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership.
... and sometimes I sleep.