#19 Pink Diamond

| November 19, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real Name: Patricia “Patty” Gleason-Roman


Weight:192 lbs.  Age:32

Race: German/ Italian/Caucasian

Location: New York, NY

Patricia whose friends , family members and close associates call her Patty is a accomplished make-up artist and a popular name in the fashion elite. Despite her porcelain skin tone, she believes in not having her disability be her inability.  One night she witnesses a crime and decides to help. After saving that person’s life, she came across something she has a passion for, helping those in need. After taking some martial arts training and some yoga, transforming her body, using a corset made of impenetrable materials, some hot pants and some glasses she made in high school, she hunts the streets whenever possible and save the streets of the city as Pink Diamond.

Powers: Hand to hand combat skills due to her intensive training in all fields of combat.

Personality: As Patty, confident but isn’t the one that always have a say in what goes on in her life. By the book and at the same time compassionate. As Pink Diamond, tough as nails when it counts, at times using her control over men to do her bedding, and mostly winning at it.


Category: 2012, Fantasy, Participants, Superhero, Uncategorized

About the Author ()

Just an artist creating a large amount of artistic things in a world of possible destruction.

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