30 Characters Challenger: Rolando Garcia

| October 26, 2010 | 0 Comments

Let me begin by saying how excited I am to be joining this challenge. I really look forward to this entire endeavor. It’s like my two favorite parts of grade school, recess and show & tell, all wrapped up into one.

I am a 30 year old raised in Brooklyn, NY and now living in Queens with my fiance. She’s so cool she’s letting my groomsmen and me wear superhero cuff links. I’ll be rocking Batman, they’ll be my Justice League: Superman, Green Lantern and The Flash.

My lifelong love affair with superheroes, mythology and serialized storytelling began as a toddler, watching reruns of the 60’s Batman TV show with my grandmother. That was followed by Star Trek (the original series) with my dad. But the real watershed moment came the day I first watched Back to the Future. My life was never the same after that one. Through it all comics have been omnipresent. Even when I wasn’t reading monthlies, I would have to pick up trades regularly to get my fix.

In college I spent most of my time writing and directing plays. My career path thus far has been steeped in movies. I have done everything from set work, to marketing at a studio, to producer on a documentary. But my passion has always been creating worlds and telling stories both big and small in them. Throughout the years I never stopped amassing ideas for stories in my head. This year I decided enough was enough and I have been bringing them to life on paper. I’m ready to share!

Unlike most of you, I am just a writer and thus all my entries will be written. Most of them will be coming from two projects and written in styles that play specific roles in those stories. They are:

CAPTAIN KERPLUNK. Despite the title this is not a superhero story. It is a story of a small town and the stranger that inadvertently inspires the young people who are tired of being marginalized for not conforming. The female lead, Lilly, leaves her job at the paper when they don’t let her publish the stories she believes are important. She begins a blog that becomes the voice of her friends. The entries from this world will be written in her voice, as her blog posts.

ILLUMINATIONS (working title). This is a superhero universe… only before the people with powers have realized their true value. They have all been hiding their powers, using them mostly in secret for personal gain. Each one thinks he/she is a singular fluke and alone. What happens, though, when someone figures it out and decides to start exposing them? These entries will be written as that person’s secret files. Except for one.

The rest of my entries will be one-offs, as I want to give myself room to play. Perhaps some of them will expand on THE OMEGA KID, an all ages cartoon series I have been writing (tweet at me if you’re interested in reading the first script  — I love feedback).

Thanks to Tyler and everyone else for creating this amazing opportunity to see new creators’ works and share mine with the community. See you all in a few days!

tothemthatsgone.com (aforementioned documentary)

Category: About, Participants

About the Author ()

Rolando is extremely excited for 30 character. He has spent most of his time since graduating college in 2002 working the film industry. But his passion has always been storytelling and he is going back to his roots. He can't wait to see what everyone else is cooking.

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