#5 Tommy Knuckles
Tommy “Knuckles” Gambino is the grandson of Don Vincent Gambino Sr. of the Gambino crime family. Much to his grandfather’s lament, Tommy had lived with too much violence in his life and turned his back on the family when he was eighteen in order to pursue a career in music. During his time in school, his families reputation followed him and Tommy couldn’t escape the violence. During this time he was approached by the CIA and was asked to become an organized crime “insider”. Seeing this as a means for correcting the wrong his family had committed, Tommy accepted and entered specialized CIA training that was above an beyond normal operative training. Tommy’s specialty was weapon making, which his superiors believed could be an asset to the dons of the crime family and give Tommy some legitimacy for his long absence. Tommy returned to his family and his grandfather received him with open arms. Tommy rose through the ranks of the family quickly and was soon one of this grandfather’s most trusted advisors. That all changed one night when the CIA raided his grandfather’s house and killed the whole family including his mother, and two sisters. Since that time Tommy has been on the run and is trying to piece together who eliminated his family and why.