#5 Lis’a Roan
#5 Lis’a Roan (science fiction)– Lis’a is the engineer aboard the starship Foxfire One. She is a strong, opinionated woman that has some deffent ideas on how things should run (“Everything has its place”). Naturally she is mechanically inclined, with a talent for growing plants (one of her ways of “getting away from it all” aboard ship), and reading up on nutrution and health books. Her husband is Jason Templar (see post #4), the captain of the starship.
Lis’a is part of my Foxfire One series of characters. She is loosely based on my wife (Â though my wife would point out that Lis’a doesn’t look like her much). For the Foxfire One series I’ve stuck in a number of injokes. One of these is the use of fox images and references. Lis’a Roan’s name is one of those examples. Lis’a (Â that’s Lis_a, not Leesa) is the Polish word for fox. And roan is a color usually associated with the color of some horses — a red-brown. So in a sense, Lis’a Roan, means “red fox”.