
| December 2, 2013 | 0 Comments

Not enough time! I had preliminary sketches for about 6 more, but are too far behind. I thought I’d put up the remaining sketches up even though not put into the computer:

moonman penguinknight reynold chiara ce  timetraveller tortoise


10. Is a heat/fire emitting fox.

11. Chiara is a female gondelea(?) in Venice of which there are only two, she is also a P.I. using her connections and ease of travel.

12. Is a nomadic engineer who incorporates earthly solutions.

13. Is a time traveler, she is a medic and biochemist who travels through time to find cures in tough terrain throughout time.


That’s all I’ve managed in my first year – I’ll try next year, and will probably work on all these characters beyond! 🙂

Category: 2013

About the Author ()

I’m a PhD student in Chemical Engineering, but always loved drawing. Not sure how to make a drawing seem like a professional polished piece of work though, but trying to find time to learn.

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