Archive for December 1st, 2013
#30.) That Thing
If this creature likes you, it will silently follow and just stare at you. It is not aware that most people find this behavior creepy.
Post 30 Days Thumbnail Gallery for John Tompkins, aka captblitzdawg
It wasn’t easy with the holidays, full-time job and full-time family and all kinds of computer issues, but I finished the challenge on time yesterday or the second year in a row. I didn’t get all the pics colored like I would want and I may go back and re-edit those posts. It was fun and I look forward to next year! Thanks.
Joyce Ann (InkGizmo) Martin 2013 Summary!
If thumbnails aren’t your thing, you can check out the blog post archive of my entire run of 30 Characters in 30 Days 2013 here.
I am happy to have succeeded in my first year as a challenger! I used 2013 as a month of no-pressure discovery by exploring subjects that I like while experimenting with my method. Along the way I ended up developing some good time-management habits for sure! It also left me anxious to start storytelling again, which was an interesting and encouraging feeling. It’ll be fun to look back on this set next year!
If you liked my work, more of my illustrations and visual musings can be found on my blog:
You can connect with me on Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook.
Cheers and congratulations to all participants!
#27.) Lugger
Lugger is a minotaur. Unlike his more vicious brethren, though, he tends to be a lazy beast. He’s mostly content to lounge around in the center of his Labyrinth smoking his cigarettes and watching T.V. all day. In fact, most people are more likely to be killed by Lugger’s Labyrinth then they are to killed by Lugger himself.
#26.) Delilah the Dust Fairy
Delilah’s job in the fairy world is to spread dust to wherever it is needed. She is often annoyed that most people don’t appreciate her art of dust spreading.
#25.) Albert Albertson
Most people, upon hearing Albert Albertson’s name, laugh at how silly his name sounds. When they meet Albert face-to-face, though, the humor surrounding his name quickly becomes a non-issue.
#24.) The Business Lich
Grigoroff the Great and Terrible was a powerful sorcerer who had turned himself into a lich for the sake of immortality. Unfortunately with the advancement in technology over the years, Griforoff found that his power in arcane magic became less and less relevant in the modern world. He eventually resigned himself to being an accountant. He’s now known as Greg the Business Lich.
#23.) Minnow & Jiblet
Gah! I’ve been caught up in Thanksgiving, Black Friday, doctor’s appointments and other art projects, so I’ve kind of lost track of this past week.
Anyway, Caleb “Minnow” Jimms is the son of renowned biologist George Caleb Jimms II.His best friend is a panther named Jiblet, who was rescued as a cub and hand-raised by George. The two often venture into the jungle and fight the evils of poaching.
day 25 – Jabbernowl
The Jabbernowl. as I see it, a cross between an owl and a donkey. Another term used in W.C. Field’s movie “The Bank Dick” (1940) and refers to a person who is a “blockhead”. The term seems to have been traced to Francois Rabelais’ “Gargantuan and Pantagruel” from 1532 and refers to a person with a large and misshapen head. The concertina? Well, he likes a funky polka beat. (dead computer = unfinished and uncolored – with this one I bow out say I am done after a long couple of days trying to get my computer fixed – the rest are all really rough sketches)
day 24 – Ukluk Hahn
A Polar Bear shaman, Guardian of the Spirits whose souls are trapped between life and death in the realm of the Northern Lights. (dead computer = unfinished and uncolored)
day 23 – Fighter X
Fighter X of the Dyna League All Stars RoboTerra Games of 2057, 147 feet tall (dead computer = no coloring, unfinished character)
Day 22 – Elder Agamorph
An Elder Librarian of the Agomorphs, a race of beings made of liquid rock and crystal. He is the keeper of his tribes role of ancestors, the Tomes of Aaz-Ur of the linage of Tyrek. (my computer with Photoshop died yesterday so I’m just scanning these last few characters in uncolored)
Day 21 – King Slugwort
King Slugwort of the Elanthi. on his throne of roots and twigs in his mud-encrusted underground palace.
Robert McKeone – 30 Characters in 30 Days 2013 – Mischief Managed!
Though the server time for this challenge is set for “Eastern United States”… I live on the West Coast, so, it was still November 30th when I posted my last (and this) entry, thus successfully completing this years 30 Characters Challenge. Woohoo! But if it weren’t for deadlines, nothing would ever get done… am I right?
This year, I tried to push the “quality” as much as the default quantity. I wanted each character to match an overall style, and I’d like to think I was quite successful in that, even though I wasn’t entirely sure what that style was gonna be when I started. There were a lot more animals and creatures this year than I thought there would be. Was kinda interesting seeing that unfold. I would also occasionally look back at my entries from 2011, and I must say, I see some growth… which is awesome!
It was a blast seeing some contestants from previous years continuing in the challenge, as well as seeing some new blood, my hats off to all who attempted it. I’ve got a couple ideas for next years challenge if I participate… but I’ll have to wait til next year to see if I follow through with any of them, or something completely different.
Until then… cheers!
#30Characters Chatter…