Archive for November, 2013

#24 Flyt

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


There is nothing Flyt loves more than the giggle and laughter of babies. Like all fairies and fantasy creatures, this little feather creature brings joyous laughter into the world. He prances around floating from anything that has a tickle bone. For some strange reason, he also enjoys tickling beneath your nose like a scratch you can’t itch and eventually you just have to sneeze.

#23 Papa Norf

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


Papa Norf is currently on vacation from his life as town’s sorcerer. He wants to catch some sun and lay out next to the beach. His stylish socks in sandals gives him away as quite the tourist, but his mage-staff clearly needs a more inconspicuous form. Although, the staff looks the part of a tiki torch.

#22 Old Man Tremble

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

A once peaceful and protectorate society, the Ranjorc Behemoths made up the various mountain ranges providing shelter to the creatures that were insignificant beneath them. After a few thousand years, Old Man Tremble is the last of his kind. His brethren destroyed by envious gods and sadistic warlocks. He has gone into a deep slumber to hide in plain sight and as you pass near him, the ground trembles slightly as he sleeps. No longer a protector and no longer wishing to be involved in the squabbles of men or gods alike.

#21 King Triglos

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

To be a good ruler, you have to be able to do some things yourself. King Triglos, is trying to prove a point, but this walnut is proving to be his undoing. His trusted power drill arm should do the trick… sometimes you just need a nut.

26: Todd Mitchell

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Joyce Ann Martin 2013 - 26: Todd Mitchell

For just a moment, the fireflies looked like his own personal starry night sky.

#25 – The Strange Schoolgirl

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments



Nobody knows exactly who she is, or where she came from, but the only real clue to her identity is that she takes on the appearance of a first or second grader wearing a bandana and frequently carrying a backpack.  Many say she’s a ghost.  Others think she’s a monster disguised as a sweet little girl to eat the other kids at school.  And few claim she has superpowers and could save (or ruin) lives.

2013 Challenge: Day 26:- Tumblin’ Joe

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Tumblin' Joe


Never trust a drifter.

Day 26: “Star Boy”

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

star boy“Star  Boy” is one of the singers in a traditional Finnish Christmas play.

# 25 Herb Collector

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


#24 – Olaf

| November 26, 2013 | 2 Comments


After a long day of pillaging and plundering the royal kingdoms… what’s a good swamp goblin to do?  Kick back some ale, that’s what…

#25 Gina the Astroexplorer

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Here’s Gina a part of an explorer team of the planets.  She mostly scouts the surface of unknown planets to deem them life-worthy or not.


#22, 23 & 24 – Dran, Hanbot, and Chloe

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Continuing with wizards, Dran is a techromancer working on Hanbot, a really helpful robot.  Chloe’s a helper mage who basically helps around the place.

Techromancers and Such

Day 24: Dream Catcher

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Grey often attack people, young and old, by driving them mad through their dreams. The mysterious man known only as the Dream Catcher has discovered a way to combat this insidious threat. Just like the Grey, he hunts at night, leaping across roof tops and clambering fire escapes. As he stands guard over the sleeping, he can exorcise nightmares, conjure them into real, physical monstrosities, and then he battles them. His fights are brutal, and he finds himself frequently in great peril, but he will not rest, and he will not quit.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 23: The Recruiter

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

If we are going to have a chance against the Grey, we need to build an army. And who better to wield our weapons of destruction, massive and small, than the energetic young? The teens who, before the Grey invasion, showed such promise in their electronic games and computerized simulations? And what of the boys… no, young men… just barely elbow high? Such energy, such will to do what they’re told. You don’t even know how to read yet? No problem son, I’ll just tell you where to point that gun.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 22: The Stone King

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Stone King rose with his ancient ken to protect humanity from the forces of the Grey. He is as devoted to the cause as any of his brethren, but he opposes many of their radical plans. Tradition, centuries old, will sustain our people. Compromise, the King says, is the the true danger. Compromise and change, that leads us into the unknown, untested, and inevitably ruin. The Stone King will bring his power to humanity’s aid, but only if we promise to cling, as he does, to old tradition and ancient law.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


Day 21: The Necralyst

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Necralyst is one of the queens of the Grey. While some queens lead dread hordes of grasping limbs and rending claws, the Necralyst comes alone with soothing words and seductive tone. She has seen the other side. There is peace, there is rest, there is soft embrace. Just give up this life and follow her. She won’t force us, she won’t get angry, she just wants us to experience the tranquility she knows awaits. When we’re ready, she’ll lead us beyond the veil, where we belong.

In the world of New Gaius, creatures from the Grey have invaded, and humans are a dwindling species. Beings of magic and myth have manifested to protect and integrate with the last survivors. But still, the fate of humanity is uncertain in this strange, beautiful new world.


#25 and #26 – Alys and Rowan Achard

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

day 25

The tank knight and her mage/husband.

Day 25: O-Nose

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments



| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

the horrid

Fred 22: Michael Nedson

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments


Michael is an escaped prisoner with a sword.

Escape the prison! Explore a vast open world! Uncover Michael’s misterious past! None of those will ever happen!


| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments


No #22 Ruben Kaae

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Doodles Big1


No #22 Ruben Kaae

Shopaholic Alien

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day25-Shopaholic Alien-01


| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments


#25 – Vlad

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

25 - Vlad

A child of privilege from the city’s outer suburbs, “Vlad” is a kid deep, deep into his vampire phase. Because vampires are powerful and sexy, and above petty mortal concerns like senior thesis and prom. When he’s a vampire, nobody gets to call him Albert, which is an old, stupid name. As a vampire, he’s not stuck in a dead town or ostracized by the few people his own age.

Day 18: Mister Tea

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

JFKDay18_13Mister Tea does have pity for a proper fool… especially when one is termed a “suckah” (oh and telekinetic power over tea based items… fool!)


No #20 Frank Raabirck

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

For more stuff go HERE!


Day 17: Mittens

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

JFKDay17_13You might remember Mister Mustache and Dash from such 30character posts as… THIS ONE well his cat Mittens is usually setting the poor fool up… usually it is Mittens behind a good portion of the things that have Mister running in terror. Cats are evil… and dumb. (actually he’s clever…)


Day 25 – Queen Zoa

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Queen Zoa is the mother of Sophia and Rancor.  She is a small, fragile-looking woman, mostly due to her Fae blood.  She is a powerful magic-user but she rarely uses magic because her queenly and motherly duties don’t leave her much time to herself.  She is a loving and caring woman but gets stress headaches.



No #18-19 Frank Raabirck

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

For more stuff go HERE!


Day 25: Raggok Mansplitter

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

RaggokThe final Killosseum entry, a remix on last years Blisterbelch (who also got further treatment here). Below, you can see the fighters and the Killosseum itself, 3D printed in all its glory!
