Archive for November, 2013

Day 26 – Magpie

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 26 – Magpie
a goofy little boy who lives on the streets. Loves shiny objects (hence the name) and doesn’t seem to be poor, but no-one has any idea where he comes from.

#28 Tapio

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

#28 Tapio


Fight to survive.

#27 SFR-32

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

#27 SFR-32


There will be time when machines rule the world. SFR-32 is the one who started the revolution. It’s still unknown how everything started precisely, but it doesn’t matter. Not anymore…

#26 Chlaulthu

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

#26 Chlaulthu


Deep beneath the mountain labyrinth is a crypt. There is something which never should be awaken…

Day 25 – Kesta Nightcrest

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments


A member of a ‘race’ I came up with back when I was in high school- born human and blessed by one of the animal spirit servants of the goddesses. in a coming of age ceremony. Their last names are made up of two words, one from each parents’ last name. Kesta would be a part of the high priest’s guard and a very capable warrior.

2013 Challenge: Day 27:- The Wood Tinsman

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

The Wood Tinsman



The finest in tinsmithing, despite those tendril-y digits.

022 – Jessica Ann Clarke

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments



The youngest child, she’s a menace.  Jessica is also very smart and uses it to her advantage.. which tends to lead into fights.  Her middle name is her mother’s first name.

021 – Patrick William Clarke

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments



The middle child.  He tends to go into his own world and also writes it down.  A bit timid and awkward, but a very good young man.  He’s a freshman in high school.

020 – Lily Olivia Clarke

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments



The Eldest of three, her personality is similar to the classic character Pepper Ann.  She loves playing baseball and is a junior in high school.

#27 Chad the Battlemage

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

Here’s Chad the Battlemage.  He does battle with some magic stuff.Chad the BattleMage copy

#26 artists block

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

hovering around to suck any ideas out of your head

#26 The Royal

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments

Here’s The Royal, a chick who can fly, has minimal judgement capabilities, has purple skin, and a dozen other odd powers.  She’s in the same realm as the other supes.

The royal

#27 The Tickler

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments


The Tickler is determined to put a smile on your face. When evil appears and sneers in the face of justice, The Tickler assesses the situation and chooses the right tools from his laughter belt. He’s going to take down his opponent with a good rolling on the floor laughing move.

When the bullets start flying, the Tickler’s big ol’ smile is going turn any frown/evilness upside down.

#26 Emotiguru

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments


#26 – The Hyper Slacker

| November 27, 2013 | 0 Comments



Everyone look out!  (No seriously, everyone look out) It’s the Hyper Slacker!


Defender of laziness, he was even too lazy to remove his shirt while wearing his uniform, Crusher of Crime, and Annoyance to Civilians!

Day 26: Mayor Mais-Non

| November 26, 2013 | 1 Comment


#26 – Revenant

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

26 - Revenant

The term “revenant” is actually a fairly generic term for any shambling corpse that reanimates itself after death. Stories of the walking dead — and there are many — are the genesis of creature people in later years have come to know as vampires. Though the modern age may have granted it an air of power, at heart the vampire is just another rotting corpse that wants to eat people.

#24 Captain Deadline

| November 26, 2013 | 1 Comment



Captain Deadline is the most trusted super news broadcaster in Rocket City.  Bringing all the groundbreaking coverage as good battles evil and Captain Deadline gets the story!


| November 26, 2013 | 1 Comment

plymouth rock

#23 Joseph Webb – the living zombie

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments



When bitten by the overpowering horde of the undead Accountant Joseph Webb thought he was done for.  Several hours later he awoke in Baron Karsa’s secret laboratory where the mad scientist was perfecting a cure to zombification. As with most of Karsa’s experiments the method got a little garbled and he was able to restore Webb’s mind and more importantly his self control over the desire to needlessly tear into the flesh of the living (zombies have no digestive system).  After the zombie outbreak was wiped out Joseph returned to his previous career as a top accountant.

Cheerful Man

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day27-Cheerful Man-01

Day 19 – Gar Gnash, War Badger

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

day19 - Gar Gnash War BadgerGar Gnash, a warrior of the Truffle clan, does his best to uphold the honor of his tribe. Inspired somewhat by Gimli the dwarf from the Lord of the Rings.

The Little Chef

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day26-The Little Chef-01


| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 26 – King William

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

King William and Queen Zoa are the rulers of the kingdom. He is a strong ruler with powerful magic.  Few would oppose him openly but there are a few who are working in secret to have him removed.  He’s not a bad person, it’s just that some of his policies are causing problems for some of the nobles.  He knows someone is working against him but so far he hasn’t found out who it is.



Day 26: Ironwood Warrior

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


A piece for my Brood of the Ironwood Pocket-Tactics set.

The Drauge

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character 26 the Drauge

Day 27: “80 degrees man”

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


No #22 Frank Raabirck

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

For more stuff go HERE!


No #21 Frank Raabirck

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

For more stuff go HERE!


#25 Dracon

| November 26, 2013 | 0 Comments


Draco is like a dog, loyal, obedient and loves games. His favorite game is fetch and all the variations with the game such as fetch the hero’s skull or fetch the entrails of the next passerby. Sometimes the unfortunate souls don’t even know they’ve wandered into Dracon’s play time area before it is too late. Once they’ve set foot in his vicinity they’re automatically agreed to play, the other unfortunate part is that the games never end until the traveler has expired…

His sharp claws allow him to open most armor and if it doesn’t rip open, they’re thin and long enough to dig into most openings in the armor. His dome cowl provides him with protection from mental and magical disruptions from playing the game he’s currently enjoying with his current playmate. The perfect playmate for anyone.