Archive for November, 2013
026 – Claudine Marie Richmond
Claudine’s one of the guidance counselors at the demon brothers and Greg’s high school. Â She recently transferred to the school after getting married to one of the teachers there. Â Claudine is also good friends with those of the supernatural kind in the area, due to her gifted sixth sense.
025 – Jericho Andres Morales
This is the human father of the demon brothers, Roland and Henry. Â He works at the local auto shop where he actually met his wife.
024 – Stuart Meyers
An American student who ended up studying abroad in England. Â He was hired by David to take care of his three children.
023 – David Clarke
The father of the three Clarke children, he supports them by continuing to work at his law firm. Â He lost their mother a number of years ago and still struggles and mourns.
#29 Alan Griffin and the TS36 BattleMech
Elderly Alan Griffin just wanted to buy a hat because the neighbourhood kids told him he should get one to cover his large bald head.
Through a complicated mix-up at Neozon they delivered the TS36 BattleMech instead. Â Skeptical that his new “hat” was going to his liking (why young people had to over complicate things so much he would never know) he followed the instructions and built the augmented exoskeleton.
He complained bitterly to the automated Neozon help line and found them to be very little help indeed.
Resigned to owning a TS36 BattleMech Alan put the suit on and collected his mail. Â To his great delight it halved the time required to perform the task and he found the local children threw a lot less rocks at his roof after he obliterated their treehouse.
Also that damned dog from the Henderson’s has stopped pooping on his lawn.
#26 – Thea
Thea works as a waitress at greasy-spoon diner down the Interstate that caters primarily to truckers. Try the meat scramble!
Day 28 – Astra
Astra is a Spirit Fae who comes and goes at her whim. When she shows up, you know something of great importance is going to happen. She rarely speaks and usually just watches events happen and then moves on. It is very rare that she will interfere with events and when she does you better get out of her way. There is only one known case of someone trying to stop her; the site of their battle has never recovered.
Day 22: General Kirirk
what’s worse than an evil monkey? An Evil SPACE Monkey with his own army…. and a gun.
Day 20: Bingo! the Apoca-Mouse
Best friend to SPEEKS…Â Â Bingo! Tries to get Speeks to stay calm in the face of the Apocalypse.
Day 19: Gary The Angry Mitten
Gary is Angry…. mostly he’s angry that people keep naming cats “Mittens” (AHEM! ) Man he hates when people do that…
#25 – Ninja Camel
Have you ever seen a ninja camel before? No? Well, you’re not supposed to. In fact, now that you’ve seen this one… you’re likely gonna die. Careful, they spit.
Day 28: Trollwife
In the peat bogs deep within the Ironwood, the trollwives birth monstrous wolves. One day, the greatest of these wolves, Fenrir, will take to the sky and swallow the moon. This is one of the playing pieces for my 3D print-and-play game, Pocket-Tactics, which may be downloaded for free here.
28: Joy-en Aquino
She was always up for mischief, even when dressed in her Sunday best.
(I had this dress as a child. It was a wine-colored velvet and the least comfortable thing I remember.)
Day 27 – Katha
Katha is a sweet little kitten who wouldn’t hurt a flea. Humans on the other hard are quite delicious.
#30Characters Chatter…