Archive for November, 2013

25: Dancing Flower Isabela

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Joyce Ann Martin 2013 - 25: Dancing Flower Isabela

When she moved it was like watching a garden of paradise in motion.

#23 Trever Beckford

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day 23 – Trever Beckford

Soldier turned supermodel, Trever fought in a number of bloody conflicts and was exposed to some of the worst and ugliest situations that humanity has to offer. When his tour of duty finally ended and he returned home, he discovered that most people do not appreciate the beauty they have. That it cheapens real art and that they have lost respect for the few things in this world that are truly beautiful. A light shines brightest when surrounded with darkness, so to does beauty. It had been a simple decision, rid the world of the people who play at perfection, but are not worthy to be considered beautiful, so that the shining stars among us can be seen. (such as himself)

He is not impatient, however, and carefully plans his killings. Going to far as to introduce a line of fashion shoots called “Fashion is Brutal” where otherwise clean suits and dresses are bloodied up, to look like the model had just committed some violent act. This ploy has already kept people from discovering a number of his many murders, as people do not question a man in a bloody suit who has confidence and style.

#25 Fing Zha

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

#25 Fing Zha


She is meditating after her training everyday. It’s a important phase to improve her skills and mental strength.

#24 Nargar and Ko

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

#24 Nargar and Ko


Nargars country is in war. He is fighting to protect his family and siblings. His parter in this war is Ko. Who is he and why he is helping Nargar? Is there some other meaning behind his kindness?

#23 Jasmin

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

#23 Jasmin


In a year 20xx, a human body can be enhanced with a nano technology and artificial parts. Is the line between life and dead finally crossed? What it means to be human?

Day 23-24 – Thyme & Treason

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments



Thyme is sweet little girl with an overactive imagination and a love of frilly girly clothing. Treason is her imaginary friend who has come to life. Treason can take whatever form Thyme wants, and will not hesitate to attack anyone who tries to threaten her.
I imagine this duo would work well in a guilty-gear-style fighting game!

Day 22 – Rich (ARG Version)

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments


Despite all of the incarnations Kas (Day 21) and Rich receive, they are always woking together in some regard. This version of Rich has entered the ARG illegally with Kas, and he’s definitely the more level-headed of the two. He’s also the only person Kas will listen to, and so he usually get the job of calming her down when she loses her temper (not an easy task).

#23 Surf Accountant

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Day-23-Surf Accountant

Surfer by day, accountant by night….!

2013 Challenge: Day 25:- Dastard Lee, Space Shark

| November 25, 2013 | 1 Comment

Dastard Lee, Space Shark



In space, no one can hear you scheme.

Day 21 – Kas (ARG Version)

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 21- Kas (ARG version)
My personal mascot character tends to pop up in multiple worlds, always with different designs. This version of Kas has illegally entered the ARG along with her partner. It’s unclear what their intentions are, but if someone is standing between her and her objective, she’ll have no problems in disposing of them. In this universe, Kas’ wings are actually a headband.

#22 Ne’Won – desert rebel

| November 25, 2013 | 1 Comment

day22Ne’Won was born in the slums of Zadra before the ruling council agreed to The Cleansing.  Undesirable regions of the sprawling mega city had its inhabitants purged from the city and forced out into the vast deserts that surround Zadra. Labelled a urban rejuvenation program the slums were gobbled up under construction and redevelopment whilst the majority of the people were left to die.  Ne’Won led his family and neighbours to shelter and fought to ensure the survival of those who had been cast out. He was joined by other villages that survived and forged an alliance vowing to one day return to Zadra and take back their rights.


#21 Bruce Cooper wearing a Capellian warrior gauntlet and helmet

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

day21When 14 year old Bruce Cooper discovered a Capellian warrior gauntlet and helmet in an old junk yard he had no idea what they could do.  The Capellians were an ancient race of warriors who dedicated their amazing technology and artistry to warfare.  They conquered whole regions of space and expanded their empire to thousands of worlds.  Fortunately for the universe their empire fell ravaged by disease and stretched to breaking point across the galaxy.  One of their scouts died visiting Earth and his weaponry was rendered inert until a fluke combination of DNA was encountered in young Bruce Cooper.

The full battle suit was lost but Bruce wields the full power of the helmet and gauntlet when he isn’t being told off for not cleaning his room.


#24 – Startling Metal

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments



Startling Metal is among the deadliest in experimental androids.  She was granted the most cutting edge in technology, and she is particularly brutal when it comes to using it.  She has been ordered to find and eliminate a specific target, and she’ll rip through anything in her path if she has to.

Day 25: “Bubble gum Man”

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments


#23 – Sound Test

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments



An audio-loving woman who is wandering the battlefield looking for the next great ideas for audio-themed inventions.

24: Mia, Golden Fields Defense Recruit

| November 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

Joyce Ann Martin - 24: Mia, Golden Fields Defense Recruit

She needed to become stronger, but time was running out.

#24 Fury Dragon

| November 25, 2013 | 1 Comment


#23 Roadside doll

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 24: Power Possum

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments


Day 18 – Panda Warbot

| November 24, 2013 | 2 Comments

day 18 - Panda Warbot FINAL.

On a far-flung planetoid in the distant future, a warrior panda is fused with a robotic entity to go kick some ***.

#24 – Mr. Fletching

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

24 - Mr Fletching

A professional janitor and amateur physics enthusiast, Mr. Fletching spends all of his spare time fiddling with radios and electrical equipment. He’s a massive scatterbrain, with a head full of random bits of math and physics that he only half understands. Most of the equipment that fills his small apartment in the city is junk recovered from dumpster dives, or purchased from thrift stores, but he believes firmly that he’s discovered scientific proof for everything from telekinesis to Atlantean power stone technology. Of course, thanks to his free form take on the scientific method, none of this is really repeatable, let alone verifiable. He’s become rather more eccentric since the flood, since the increased incidence of paranormal phenomena gives Mr. Fletching what he really wants; a reason not to be a janitor anymore.

Day 18 – TARGET

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments




| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments


No #21 Ruben Kaae

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

No #21


No #21 Ruben Kaae

The Bear Couple

| November 24, 2013 | 1 Comment

Day22-The Bear Couple-01

#22, #23 & #24 – Alana Belle, Shadow and Meeko

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

day 22

Day 24 – Prince Rancor

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

Prince Rancor is the son of the King of the Land and a spoiled brat as well.  His father has tried to train him in the laws of the land but Rancor would rather boss the staff and practice sword fighting.  He has no magic ability or aspirations to use magic and so isn’t as dangerous as he could be, but he is still a pain to all who know him.


lezard boy

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments


Djord Tovos

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

Character 24 Djord Tovos

No #17 Frank Raabirck

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

For more stuff go HERE!


Day 24: “Bear man”

| November 24, 2013 | 0 Comments
