Archive for November 30th, 2013
#13 – Sofia Ortega
In the same way that some people spend their lives mastering oration or singing, Sofia Ortega has mastered another verbal art form: lying. Â This isn’t to say that she has some magic ability so she can tell anyone anything and get away with it, more that she has mastered it to the point that she can know the perfect thing to say to get away with the most in any encounter. Â A simple bit of inflection can make the difference between success and failure, and at her criminal height was walking out of galleries with famous paintings under her arm and talking her way out of it. Â These days however, most of her income comes from giving teaching super-expensive symposiums for politicians.
#12 – New Stalingrad
Near to the peak of the Cold War, some truly bizarre creations were being unleashed on the World, hugest and most lingering of which was New Stalingrad – a huge walking armored City. The logic of its designers being that a robotic city could move out of the way of nuclear attacks and be very difficult to pin down with long range bombardment. Â Hundreds of Soviet Citizens were moved in to operate the city and support it with farms in the upper tiers, a small squadron of fighter jets, Â all the power provided by a large nuclear reactor and three medium range atomic warheads. Â It then proceeded to wander around the most deserted parts of Siberia keeping out the way of cities which it has continued to do ever since – the robotics technology at the time wasn’t necessarily planned far enough ahead with a way of deactivating it, and much as there is a general consensus that the people inside should be freed, no one wants to provoke a fairly dim robot armed with atomic bombs…
#11 – Oceanic Leviathan
Normally when people consider the horrible terror of Giant Monsters reaching earth through portals in the sea bed, they have something very specific in mind – a big dragon-esque beast that charges to the nearest city and tries to kill everyone. Â In actual fact, while there is certainly a precedent for that, by far the mot destructive creature to come through portals is the Oceanic Leviathan, a shy herbivore. Â There are several reasons for this – firstly herbivores tend to be more densely packed into a habitat than carnivores, so more come through. Â Secondly, a giant almost unkillable grazer quickly devastates an ecosystem where a giant carnivore just starves. Â Oceanic Leviathans particularly dive deep into sea trenches when startled, so killing them as soon as they are detected is of vital global importance given they can eat entire kelp beds a day.
#30 – Death
This is the grave of Mrs. Pardee’s mother. She never came back, she has no message to pass on to her daughter. While stories of the risen dead give us hope for another chance at life, the simple fact remains that whether you believe it to be the final end or just another change of scenery, death awaits us all.
Day 30: Lora
Her name is really spelled Laura, but in order to be part of the group she has to spell it Lora. She joined the group because she thought it was a fashion club, not a group of hoodlum girls who wear short skirts. She’s in now, and there’s no getting out.
Day 29: Zora
Zora is one of the coolest members of the Mini-Skirt Mob. She prides herself on the fact that her mom named her after a character from a video game. So hip!
Day 28: Flora
Flora is Cora’s little sister. She’s not really sure she wants to be part of the Mini-Skirt Mob, but she has no choice.
Corrie Ferrell Jr. – 30 Characters in 30 Days 2013 Edition
And those are my characters for this year’s challenge. Â I had fun this year.
Me @ dA -Â
My art on Tumblr - (family friendly art blog) and (not safe for work art blog)
#30 – Gold Coin
Gold Coin is the twin sister of Revlis, and another god exiled from the realm of the gods. Â After hearing of her sister being banished to earth, she couldn’t really stand for such a severe punishment towards one another, so she chose to exile herself to earth and seal herself in a distant cavern.
Then in the 21st Century, she woke up and wandered the cavern to see if anything has changed. Â Searching for her sister, Revlis, Gold decides to head to the land closest to the caves she trapped herself in.
In her time, she had the task of observing people as they grew older. Â She could change her “age” at any given time to blend in within various groups to avoid detection should anyone be chasing after her. Â She prefers to take the form of a young teenage girl, as it is smaller, and she can move faster in that form.
Unlike her sister, Gold prefers diplomacy to solve her problems.
Day 30 Snowstorm!
Snowstorm is an incarnate form of the hostile nature of winter itself. Living in the northlands, Snowstorm can blow a raging blanket of ice and snow across an area powered by an unrelenting wind that on its own can chill the strongest of constitutions. The beast prefers to remain isolated and quiet.
Day 29 Major Adventure
Major Adventure is a masked explorer, a friend to the myths, legends and secrets of dark jungles and forgotten about cities. (updated 12/2 with a colored image!)
Fred 29: Ruya Roshan
A strange glow coming from the gatekeeper’s fingertips was pointed at us, we did not know what it was, but we did not trust it; She had a reputation as gatekeeper to uphold and we were not to be the ones to sully it.
Day 28 Tractor Daniels
Mac “Tractor” Daniels is the strongest man in the county. Â And one of the nicest. If your truck is broke down, call Tractor to pull it for you. If you have a stump that needs to be pulled out of the ground, call Tractor. So far, tractor hasn’t found a job his muscles couldn’t handle, and it is great not having a desk job!
Day 27 ThunderFist
ThunderFist is a newcomer on the superhero scene. Word has it, he developed his “thunderfist” move from a combination of electrical experiments conducted by Tesla himself, and an internal bio-charged battery he put into himself. ThunderFist has tried to join or ally himself to several groups, but his newness has everyone keeping him at a distance for now.
Fred 28: Suhayl Hubert
“Yeah, I been living in this part of the forest for… I dunno, twenty years or so? Yeah, about that. What I think about the new factory? I think it’ll bring jobs, like they say it, but that don’t mean I trust them. I done good for myself without working for the humans until now, and I don’t see why it’d be needed now. I dunno. I guess we’ll see, eh? One thing for sure, it’ll get busy ’round these parts. “
Day 26 Scramjet
Scramjet spent years involved in aeronautics research looking to build the smallest, fastest true-flight experience. The result was the Scramjet suit which utilized a combination of things like hang-glider tech and solar panels to lift the suit to the necessary altitude, and a compression jet using frozen fuel. (Updated 12/2 with a colored image!)
Day 25 Cotton Mularkey, Legal Warrior
Cotton Mularkey originally stood on the side of Justice as Six-Fingered Man. But having six fingers on one hand proved to be a pretty lame super-power and Cotton chose to re-evaluate his  war on crime. Finishing legal school, Cotton decided he would make his mark by fighting super criminals in the courtroom. By taking Doctor Destruction or Monster Smash to civil court, Cotton learned he could keep these super villians tied up for weeks, maybe months, thus keeping them from turning resources and time to their diabolical schemes.
Day 24 Newsbot Crew
The newsbot crew is responsible for being able to get anywhere in the city to offer the fastest coverage of events as they unfold. In the crew is Sky-eye, the flying news cam, Spot, the rolling news cam, and Rover, the transforming newsbot who can wheel about or go bipedal to get the story.
Day 23 The Dealer
The Dealer is an other-worldly being traveling the starpaths and trading with everyone he encounters. The Dealer is a firm believer that a deal should be equitable to both sides, and he has built up a long list of loyal customers and traders. Because of that, woe to anyone who tries to rob or con the Dealer. He won’t get you, but his customers certainly will! (Updated 12/2 with an colored image!)
Day 22 Brass Brawler
Part of the illegal fight clubs scattered between London and Paris, Brass Brawler is the premier no-rules fighter in the arenas. Along with his incredible mass and strength, he also has his brass knuckles, and a brass helmet and a brass micro-mesh chain mail to help protect him.
J. James McFarland 30 Characters
J. James 2013 – 30 Characters:
J. James 2012 – 30 Characters:
#30Characters Chatter…