#18 The K-400 support bot

| November 18, 2013 | 2 Comments



When the K-500 support bot was released it rendered the earlier models completely obsolete and humanity certainly let them know as they were scrapped and thrown out.  Several units were even dumped still operating, their owners not even bothering to get their components salvaged.

Category: 2013, Scifi

About the Author ()

Zombie etiquette expert, social media guy, illustrator, podcaster, pop culturalist & sadly not a Ghostbuster. http://shortstormtrooper.com http://oddmonsters.com

Comments (2)

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  1. Donald says:

    His pose is awesome. I think the novelty of expressive form by automatons produces more impact to me because it isn’t the “norm.” I think once there are robots walking around like people with “feelings” it wouldn’t be as interesting far into the future but definitely more of a nuisance. Who wants a Cry-Bot, right?

    • Lee says:

      LOL no one!

      I am intrigued by the way we all push our own feelings onto inanimate objects so robots are the perfect extension of this. Thanks for taking the time to comment!!!

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