Another player piece for my WIP, 3D print-and-play board game, Demonstar. 
Tags: 3D, boardgame, demon, demonstar, future, game, gaming, Hero, makerbot, miniature, monster, pc, player, pocket, print, RPG, space, strategy, tabletop, tactics, worker
Category: 2013, Horror, Scifi
Hey, everyone. My name is Arian and I'm a writer/game designer/3D printing maniac from Bellingham, Washington. I'm also the co-founder and lead developer for a little, open source game company called Ill Gotten Games.
You can find and download my designs here:
Good luck, everybody, and keep designing!
All of your prints and designs thus far have been awesome! This one in particular reminds me of those little pink M.U.S.C.L.E. figures, makes me like it even more! Keep it up!
Haha, man… I crap you not, one of my goals is to collect as many M.U.S.C.L.E.S. as I can and scan them so they can be 3D printed. Gotta get my hands on some, then its on. Battlebeasts as well.