Wu 04-05: Amy Diamond & TomBOT
Amy Diamond is a student at a normal highschool of Nth New York (the namers stopped counting after 89th destruction through shenanigans) – a city full of life and lights. She is almost blind and cannot ever recover her vision, but she still keeps being cheerful and likes to be around people, despite the occasional bullying. She studies to become a captain of a starship and dreams of commanding one of her own – just like her father did.
TomBOT is a small A.I. robot who accompanies Amy wherever she goes. It was a gift from Amy’s father before his disappearance. It has a cheerful, yet a little naivë look at things and often fails to realise it is in danger. It tries it’s best to be the best helper and friend for Amy. TomBOT mostly functions as eyes for Amy, but does other tasks as well, like cooking, shopping and cleaning. It manages all chores with it’s small arms usually hidden in the circular compratments.
Those two make a cute duo.