Scribe is a clairvoyant who controls fate, life and death, with the stroke of a quill. She can pull as many quills as she needs from the back of her cloak or her headpiece, and in lieu of parchment, she spins her words on an unending, magical scroll. Â Her own fate is marked on her hands and body, but she’s too afraid to read it – hence she covers her hands and body in a loose, flowing cloak to conceal it. But sometimes even she can’t resist taking a peek at what’s in store for her future.
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Tags: fate, life and death, life cycle, maria photinakis, quill, scribe
Category: 2013, Fantasy, Superhero
Maria Photinakis is a Boston-based comic book artist and illustrator. Very geeky and proudly Greeky, in between her long-term autobiographical, fantasy or historical fiction comic projects, she's working on a few webcomics, including Furtive Nerd and Between Sleeps. She also co-hosts a podcast and studies ikebana (Japanese flower arranging). You can find out more about her work on her website: http://www.photinakis.com