Archive for November 1st, 2013
Fred 01: Joe-Joel Johnson
Joe-Joel’s sweater is possessed by the souls of laughing demons. It sucks.
Returning Challenger- John Tompkins, and first post- Crater Johnson
Crater Johnson is a space explorer/ detective/ tough guy. There is amazing stuff to find in space, and people will do amazing things to get it. Enter Crater Johnson, the guy looking for his own opportunity or to make a little cash by helping someone with their opportunity. But under the suit and tough guy persona is a heart of gold. Crater’s look was inspired by the old Fiction House sci-fi comics.
El Ojo (Mr. Eiye)
El Ojo was a mild mannered Optometrist, Mr. Eiye, trying to find a cure for nearsightedness. The experiment went awry now he has a huge problem he is is little nuts and more than a little Myopic.
#1 – Toshoni
Toshoni lived a pretty good life for a demon. These days he tends to a great library somewhere on the edge of the Underworld. His candle keeps the more malevolent spirits at bay as he wanders the stacks and assists any visitors seeking  the wealth of knowledge contained within his books.
#1 Chip
Introducing Chip! He is one of the main characters to my own creator owned story, CLANDESTINE, that I am working on. Looks are based loosely on a young Barry Pepper/David Bowie. Chip was raised on base not too far from Area 51 due to his father working their prior to his birth. He was raised the base with little interaction from the nearby cities.
He is part of a two man team that orchestrates planned UFO sightings to perpetuate stories of aliens and flying saucers. Everything on the base is on a need to know basis and little interaction is had between Chip and other staff on the base. However Chip is fairly close to his partner Ed as part of this 2 man team that handles this very odd responsibility. The reasons why they have this job remain CLANDESTINE…
I had trouble drawing the hands and I can see his arms are too long and the hands are too big. This wouldn’t be as much of an issue if there was some perspective on the drawing from the top down with his head nearest to the viewer. Conversely his legs could be lengthened to sort this out.
Challenge Day #1: Headhuntress: Fiora
A succubus from the depths of Abaddon. On the hunt for blood, and a fascination with skulls, she uses a compulsion spell to seduce and lure her prey to their deaths. Thus, stripping them of everything that gives them life, draining every last drop of blood and removing the head from the body.
#1 Eclipse
Eclipse is a luxamancer and has the ability to absorb light. Â Depending on the extent to which he does this he can either simply shroud himself in shadows, becoming almost invisible, or can blanket a wide area in darkness, smothering all lights within it; the extent of this range has not been established but he has been known to cover an entire football pitch (about 8000 square meters).
He has three other abilities, both linked to his luxamancy, which are: the ability to see in complete darkness, as if it were daylight; to cope with extreme changes in light (from blinding to dark) with no issues; and to project the built up, absorbed ambiance …this can be as subtle as the level of a candle, blinding strobes, or as a burst of of all contained light at an intensity of in excess of 42.3 billion candela …bright enough to be seen from space and raising the immediate temperature to 300 °F/149 °C.  Doing so, however, weakens him.
Eclipse is also an excellent hand to hand combatant.
01: Shifter
The curious Shifter collects and dons many different personas. He’s just trying to find a skin in which he can be comfortable.
#1 – Fzzzzt!
A super villain with electrical powers. Pretty much standard fare – named after the noises he makes, he lacks originality!
Returning Challenger 2013: Daniel Govar
Hello_Guys – it’s been a little while since I’ve done this, but I think I might be able to kill two birds with one stone by doing it again this year.
I’m currently doing covers and interiors for Dynamite on GRIMM: It’s Portland, Wu, working on storyboards for Marvel, and a few other projects in the works including a creator-owned comic RELAUNCH with Ron Perazza, and Supernatural Geographic with Brandon Siefert. On top of this I do commissions out the wazoo.
I’m attempting to finish a ton of character pieces for a few projects I have coming up in the next year – some I want to kickstart, others that are just ideas I need to get out on paper before they’re lost to my imagination. I’ll probably be a day or two behind at first as this was kind of a last minute decision for me, and I’ll do my best to comment on pieces. I doubt mine will offer much more information than the images at this point – I want to keep the info about them private for now, but I hope they tell a story despite the lack of textual info.
Good luck everyone on finishing this year!
Personal Site:
Deviant Art:Â
#01 – Daddy’s Girl
Daddy had to go away for a while.
Daddy use to have fun on weekends.
Daddy wasn’t understood.
Daddy’s Girl will take care of things, while daddy is away…
DAY 1: The Eternal
Before humanity there was the Eternal, a vagabon-esque alien with the power to create worlds. Where is he now? Nobody knows…
Returning Challenger 2013: Jesse Kiefer
Jesse Kiefer’s back again doin’ a lil’ East Coast Swing!… wait… East Coast? Whoops that’s the lyrics to MotownPhilly… Hey everybody! I’m back for a third year of 30characters! I’ve been surprisingly successful with this challenge having completed it two years in a row! 2011 year I cut my teeth on this project thinking that I’d create characters for my webcomic Tank-Monkey), and while last year I stated that I hadn’t used many of them?… two years later SEVERAL have slowly trickled into the strip from that first year (even ones like the Wixits which I honestly never thought I would use…) Despite starting with an intent or a theme my characters in past years?… they usually devolve into randomness… either decided by a dice roll or inspired by the Elementary children I am lucky enough to teach.
Since last year I continued  vlogging on YouTube where I developed many of the puppet characters from last year and continued my role as a green screened Hologram Head.
I had my first public convention appearance with my partner in crime Axton Kahler of
I co-created a #hastag game sorta inspired by the 30Characters challenge called #5thpanelguest which encourages creators to take any given comic strip to take it one step further in the form of a guest panel. I wrote a lengthy blog about it if you’d like to peruse that you can read it here.
And I finally published the Just For Kicks book I’ve been sitting on for almost 5 years! (Ironically one of the characters from 2011’s #30characters challenge will be indirectly responsible for the end of that webcomic… who knew… newbies? Be careful what you create! it might END your webcomic… just sayin…)
This year I have no plan… Whew… that’s probably not a good way to start… but let’s see what I come up with without constraints… let’s just see shall we?!
Click the link below to see my work from the last two years
Or read my Challenger Entry from previous years
You can find me all over the place!
2013 Participant: Vijay ‘VariadicBottega’ Varadan
I’m Vijay and this is my first time doing a challenge of any kind. I’ve never been much of an artist, mostly sketches and doodles. I hope that by completing this challenge, I can get better and make a habit of sketching daily.
I’m a game designer & programmer by trade and lots of what I think of and sketch are characters that would work in games that I would like to create.
Good luck to my fellow participants and I hope to complete this challenge.
#1 Wheeler
In a world where roller-blades still aren’t all that cool, one man refuses to accept this, and rolls around downtown, dealing out vigilante justice.
That man is known as, “Wheeler”.
#1: Fire Gremlin
A fire gremlin is an elemental demon with a nasty penchant for mischief and mayhem.
Most wild-fires are either started or made worse by one of these nasty buggers.
Day 1 – Plasmama
Plasmama had both a normal childhood and a normal teenage life, until the day she lost both of her arms in an accident she doesn’t talk about. Not wanting to spend the rest of her life without arms, she had a pair of plasma ones built for her instead. She can change the shape of them at will, and can even make them relatively normal if she wants. Of course, when she’s out fighting crime she prefers something a little more intimidating..
(Had fun with her proportions, wanted to make her super curvy and a little psychotic looking. I started colouring her, but wasn’t happy with it so I fixed up the lineart instead)
2013 Participant: David ‘Slade’ Hayes
I have tried to start this one a few times before, but never really got far enough in even the first day really. Well screw that. It’s time for me to man up and get some awesome creation going on.
You can find me on Void, Deviant Art, and I got a Tumblr I update now and then.
For now, work, then I shall post my first tonight.
(sorry for no art or little info, but about to crash for the night. wanted to at least drop a ‘hi’ before this thing got under way… um… hi. XD )
2013 returning challenger: Jay Faulkner
Hi all, my name is Jay and this will be my fourth year of attempting the challenge with year one happening in 2010.  The first year was the only time I managed to get close to finishing this thing, with  10 characters sketched and 30 characters ‘created’ in text form only. Year 2 I managed a handful of sketches and last year nothing past the initial planning stage.  Each year I’ve managed to get ill during the event but, this time, I managed to have my ‘near death experience’ early so am hoping that I can get to the end of November without something bad happening …if the zombie apocalypse does happen though, it will probably be my fault
I’m really a writer nowadays, rather than an ‘artist’, and would say that I’m only an enthusiastic sketcher, so nowhere near as good as the majority of the people here (who I am a little in awe of) but I’m really here to have fun and see how close to 30 I can actually get … will aim for the total, of course, and see how things go
2013 30 character challenge
First time in 30character challenge and heres my first one.
Esa Holopainen, Cartoonist, Northern Finland .Website
2013 Challenger: JAGuerzon
I’m totally unreliable, unpredictable, and misunderstood. Â I guess that means I’m an artist. Check out my work at and follow me on FB, Instagram, or any social media outlet under #JAGuerzon.
#30Monsters #1
Spike here is my take on the whole yeti / abominable snowman / Bigfoot idea… Only I’m not sure those feet qualify him for the title “Bigfoot”.
2013 Returning Challenger: Donald Poquiz
Hello. I’ve been able to participate on and off in the past few years and it is definitely a challenge to get 30 completed in the month. I hope to improve and experiment in my painting. As well as see the great work everyone is working on.
If time permits, I hope to complete this year’s challenge without issue and each character flushed out.
Have fun and good luck to all the participants of the Challenge.
#30Characters Chatter…