Archive for October, 2013
2013 Challenger: William Windham
This will be my first year attempting this challenge, and I can’t wait to get to it!
I’m currently just a struggling student, but I’m hoping that one day I can get out there and actually make something with my art. I’ve pretty much dedicated myself to improving my art for 8 years now, and I’m hoping this challenge will be another chance to really grow. I’m a huge fan of comics and animation, and my main goal is to either be running my own comic, or work on my own animations. Who knows, maybe at the end of this, I’ll have a fully fleshed out cast!
I mostly post my art over at my art blog
I’m really looking forward to this starting, and hope to go all out!
2013 Returning Challenger: Alex Holt
Hello! I am Alex, an artist who currently works as an illustrator and graphic designer in the UK. Â I previously completed the 2011 30 Characters Challenge, the results of which can be seen here. Â My more general portfolio can be seen on my website at
I originally got into art skills through traditional mediums like pencil, pen and watercolour, but these days most of my work is produced in digital illustration programs – generally swapping between Photoshop and Corel Painter.
This year I’m intending to complete a complimentary set of designs for the more nefarious and unpleasant characters in the same world as my last (broadly heroic/good) 30, but due to having to use my time for paid work far more than was the case last time, I’m limiting myself to one hour art time per character this time around.
2013 Returning Challenger: Tim M Celis
Hey everyone,
The name’s Tim! I’m 23 years old, currently occupying myself with everything art. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to fully engulf myself in art in hopes of one day making a comfortable living off of it.
Last years pieces were all done using the iPad. In fact, nearly 50% of all the work I’ve done throughout the year was created with the iPad because of ease of use, lugging my work with me wherever I go. I’m not sure what will come of this years challenge, but I’m definitely looking forward to it. Can’t wait to see everyone’s entries, best of luck to all!
Peak any interest? Come find me! Luckily (or unluckily), I’m sprinkled all over the first few pages of Google. See, I did it for you so just click! Collab? Talk? Play? I’m down!
Or just check the Author Profile… lol
Returning Artist: Kenn
Kenn Minter has been producing illustrations and comics professionally for 20 plus years. His illustrations and comics have appeared in numerous weekly and monthly publications across the states. His weekly comic, “Tales of the Emerald Yeti†appears on every Friday. Currently, Kenn publishes his comics under the imprint, Near Mint Press Books. So far, he has published
his books, “I’m Not From Here,†“The Experts, “ and “Super World.†Kenn lives and works in Kentucky.
2013: Returning Challenger Approaches
Hey Y’all! I’m back for another month long round of character designs!!!
I’m Chrystle Roth aka theJabberwokk. I am currently 26 years old and going to school now for business administration. I still like drawing sexy women and designing costume. BUT! This past year I join a goofy DeviantArt group that does nothing but draw Sailor Moon characters traditionally. They offer art challenge s and I have found my new fav thing to do: Design and color the most un-traditional Sailor Scouts ever. I drew fricken Daft Punk inspired Scouts that had pasties. PASTIES! Albeit they were technically bad guys but whatever.
This year, like last year, I am going to use one of those theme challenges for my entries. This years is the secondary/modified monster list. I am, however, going to do strictly females of various body shapes, sizes and ages. As much as i know i need to improve on my male forms, with working retail (still), I know i need to be able to get off work and draw a form that I KNOW I can modify to be unique, without worrying about whether or not the downstairs anatomy even makes sense.
Here’s wishing everyone luck!!!
Link to last years characters:
Link to the dorkiness that is those Sailor Scout (Animmamates):
The 30 day monster girl list->
2013 Challenger: Wu
Hello there, people call me Wu. I’m a finnish game developer, who draws things that resemble artsy stuff on his free time. I mainly dedicate my time drawing comics and sequential art.
This is my first year taking up on this challenge, and I’m pretty enthustiastic about this. I hope I manage something cool and interesting so all of us can enjoy creating more – inspiring each other. I hope I grow more as an artist and learn new tricks during this event~
I’m really bad at self portraits. I’m not that good looking in real life.
Find me at places:
Art tumblr:
2013 Challenger: Jared Lewis
Hi again.
My name is Jared, & this is my fourth time competing in the 30 Character Challenge. I work on comics that rarely ever see the light of day when I’m not at my dayjob editing & making graphics for commercials. I completed this challenge the first two times I tried. Last year I’d say was a little iffier, as I had been behind all month & while I finished up drawing my 30th character just before the stroke of Midnight Dec 1st, my scanner decided to not cooperate with me. So yeah, this happened.
After that, I decided to do a character a week for all of 2013. But then just about a week in, I started a new job that was about an hour away & had a pretty gnarly commute that cut into a good chunk of my free time. I eventually moved closer & once I finally got settled realized I had fallen very far behind. While I was toying with the idea of not participating this year, I’m only on about #13 of what’s supposed to be 52 for the whole year. So I’m signing up as a means to catch up on that, as I’m going to at least need another 30. While I am always trying to work on comics, with these characters at some point, I’m thinking I might do a book in the old Marvel Handbook style or DC’s Who’s Who, spotlighting some of them.
Goals I have going in this year: 1) Try to keep the character a day pace. I’m bad with that & don’t think I’m going to do that, but I’d like to try. 2) Create a character for each of the category tags. Done it each time so far, & looking to keep it up. 3) More Variation, especially in silhouettes. When I start falling behind, I tend to start cranking out characters with similar proportions & builds & fashion sense. So try to switch it up a little more. Below are a few samples of what I’ve done already this year. If you’re interested in seeing more, check out my tumblr.
Good luck to everyone else participating. Looking forward to seeing some awesome work.
2013 Challenger: Alex Nimmo
Hi, my brother convinced me to try this out (
I’m a PhD student in Chemical Engineering, but always loved drawing.
I have a blog here
And will be trying out and to the work. No idea how I’m going to come up with 30!
2013 Challenger: Joyce Ann Martin
Hello! I’m Joyce, an illustrator from the San Francisco bay area, California, USA. This is my first year tackling the 30 Characters in 30 Days challenge!
After dedicating the past few years to my day job as a 2D mobile app artist, I’ve decided to stop neglecting the personal projects and exercises that keep me happy and creative. With this challenge I am hoping to encourage creative momentum and find inspiration while working on my character building skills.
I am looking forward to checking out all of your creations! Good luck, everyone!
First Shot
Missed the registration in 2012 but got in on time this year. I’ll be shooting to make 30 just like everyone else, let’s see how many challenges life tosses at me this year. Good luck to everyone.
Derail Howery in the 30 day challenge from chicago
hello everybody in the cyber world. I had to drop out last year because I had computer issues but I’m going to be OK this year.  I can’t wait to get going and create some new crazy stuff. I usually have a theme for the contest  but I’m not going to have one this year. I’m going to have fun and go crazy with it.
2013 Challenger: Ariel W.
I’m a 23-year-old Communications major. An odd thing to put up front here, I know, but my beloved hobbies include many kinds of creative endeavors. I write (though I have yet to participate in NaNoWrimo, and I’m not going to do both that and this in my first go-around,) draw, paint, make sculptures/figurines and attempt to make clothes and stuffed animals.
I heard about this challenge from another artist that I have been watching for a while on DeviantArt and decided that I should do it. It’ll be challenging, as I’ve never done anything like it before, but we’ll just have to see how far I can go with it. If nothing else, it will help me practice my drawing skills and I certainly need practice in that.
Good luck everybody and I hope this month will provide a lot of constructive critique and growth for us all!
2013 Challenger: Ralph Contreras

Ralph Contreras – 2013 Challenger
SHAZAM! Hey everyone!
My name’s Ralph Contreras, I’m a fourth year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge. This will be my 5th time around. I always have a blast with it. The first year was the only challenge I was able to complete, so I’m very excited and determined to finish all 30 characters this year. I’ve been focusing on my writing lately, so I’m excited to get back some drawing, inking and coloring.
I’m a huge comic nerd with my own aspiration of working in the comic field professionally. My real first dive into to character design was when I was a kid in the 80’s, playing the Marvel Comics Universe role playing game. I’d write up a description and draw the character, like the ones I saw in the Marvel Comic Handbook. There was “Mister Glovesâ€, “Anarchy†and so many others. This is when I discovered I wanted to someday create my own comics. Comics have always been a part of my life. I work as a graphic designer by day and on my comics at night. I setup a personal blog Comic Book Graphic Design, where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. There are post of my sketches, character designs and comic book resources I’ve created to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too.
Plans for the future; focusing on my personal comic projects for 2014 which showcase several characters created from past 30 Character Challenges. I’ve made some great online friendships with awesome creative people through this challenge. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing characters from everyone. It’s great to see so many creative people getting involved again this year.
Check out my characters from the last challenges:
2009 Characters, 2010 Characters, 2011 Characters, 2012 Characters
Samples of some Character Designs: Rachel, daughter of Lilith & General Grimm
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2013 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
2013 Returning Challenger: Corrie Ferrell Jr.
Hello, this will be my third time taking this challenge. Â I’ve completed this challenge twice in the previous two years, and I am very honored to take on this challenge again. Â As with the previous two attempts I will utilize both traditional and digital media. Â I will also try to mix things up a little bit more this year. Â Currently, I’m just your average college student who just loves drawing and playing video games.
I look forward to seeing what everyone does for this challenge. Â Have fun and good luck everyone!
Where you can find my art
And my accomplishments from the previous challenges
2011 -Â
2012 -Â
2013 Challenger: Kate Santee
And we’re off!
I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn’t drawing, and I figured I might as well get paid for it. In the past year I’ve been getting my footing in a career as a freelance graphic designer and illustrator and have taken on many exciting new projects, including my first published illustrations for the children’s book Silly Nomads from Palmerston Close. I’ve also cut my teeth into comics and illustrated several short comics and strips for Arcana’s serial anthology, Steampunk Originals.
This will be my second serious attempt at the 30 Characters Challenge. I only did a handful of characters in 2011, and in 2012 I was preoccupied with a job search and a post-hurricane power outage, but this time I really want to be deliberate about creating art on a consistent schedule.
Here are some sketches from my first official participation in the challenge:
And a sketch of the protagonist from a comic that might be appearing in Volume 5 of Steampunk Originals:
You can see all this and more on my personal art blog.
I have a few  ideas for a personal comic I’d like to flesh out, so I’m aiming to articulate some character concepts I’ve got in my head and eventually come up with a narrative that could tie any of them together, even just a small handful. On the technical side of things, I want to push my artistic style to see if I can portray a diverse range of body types and facial structures, and I’d like to play a bit more with color (as much as I like rough sketches, I’d like to get better at producing a finished product).
Good luck to everyone who’s taking the plunge this year! I’m looking forward to seeing tons of cool characters!
2013 Challenger: Pat Danger
I am Pat Danger (oh thrills!) and this will be my second time participating, though I didn’t do the challenge last year. I cant remember how I found out about 30 characters 30 days, though it definitely has something to do with NaNoWriMo (which I participate in every year). On the internet I go by a wide variety of names, depending on the circumstances. I’m most easily found as RandumProductions (something I came up with many moons ago, when I believed I was going to be a one-man comic studio).
I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, and writer, working part-time at a game studio. I like the 30 days challenge because its really easy to do. Not saying NaNoWriMo is super hard or anything, but for me art has always come more naturally and more quickly than writing. Hopefully I don’t flake out like two years ago, but judging by my work calendar things are going to be interesting.
Oh, yeah, and I write for an e-serialization called Billie Vs The Unseen, published by BigWorldNetwork. Cause I really should be plugging this link every chance I get.
2013 Challenger: Maria Photinakis
Hi everyone,
I’m Maria Photinakis, and this is my first year participating in the 30 Characters Challenge! (I found out about it the month after it happened last year — blast my bad timing!)Â Glad I finally get to get in at the starting line on 2013.
I’ve been drawing comics most of my life but only started getting really serious about it recently. Character and costume design is something I love doing for fun, I have reams of paper with speculative designs, so this challenge is totally up my alley.
My techniques are usually old-school, as I prefer traditional ink-slinging over working digitally. (For example, my ongoing Between Sleeps comic is purely ink and paper.) Likely I’ll be working mainly in ink, but it’ll be fun to try out different things within the challenge. Who knows where I’ll end up? I’d love to bring more color into my work especially.
November’s always a challenging month for me — my birthday falls smack dab in the middle of it, and this year’s kind of a big milestone year. But I’m excited to give this a shot and can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!

Maria Photinakis says hello!
2013 Challenger Kirk Manley – Batmankm
3rd year for me. Looking forward to it. Always a blast to challenge myself and to see what this very creative community comes up with. Im a commercial illustrator and designer and the co creator and artist of the indi comic Z-Girl and the 4 Tigers. You can find out more about Z-Girl at I am also the co-host of the New Walking Dead Podcast Biters. You can check out new episodes of Biters over on iTunes.
Epic thanks to Tyler James for continuing to put this together every year, in addition to all the other projects he has going on and the time he dedicates to the creator community through his work with ComixTribe. Dont know how you do it all Tyler, but we are all glad that you do. 😀
2013 Challenger: Michael Nimmo
Ok, after having a go for the last couple of years, I am really am determined to do it this year!
Me? I’m a Safety Consultant by day and a digital comics blogger by night – I especially write about digital comics and you can find me here
I’m trying to write a book at the moment, but that’s going slow – but c’est la vie.
Although I enjoy drawing on paper, I have especially got into drawing on the iPad – using the Sketch Club app – you can see my artwork here.
Good luck to all involved and I look forward to seeing everyone’s results!
2013 Challenger: The Horchata Crew
The Crew’s back to enter the challenge once again!  This will be our second year (third year for Crew artist, Pitang) in  It’s always been a fun event to participate with so many other fellow artists and the sets of characters generated during this time are never wasted.  Let’s see what the Muses shall grant us this time!
The Horchata Crew consist of Joseph Noblit, a grad student who mostly takes care of the writing, and Faith Orcino aka Pitang/Pepita, an artist and Art and Entertainment editor for her university newspaper. Â Though we’re currently occupied with school, we take time to cultivate the number of stories and projects. Â While we may get many assignments and work, the 30 Characters Challenge is something wonderful to devote time and effort towards. Â It is a very unique opportunity to expand your repertoire of characters as well and your skills and range.
Other locations where you can possibly find the Horchata Crew:
Tumblr Blog // Deviantart Account // Twitter Account // Facebook Page
—Â 30 Characters Challenges: Â 2011 Masterpost // 2012 Masterpost
2013 Challenger: Amy Heisei
I am Amy of the Heisei. I was a follow-through challenger in 2010 when I did my first total of 30 characters. I thought I’d try again last year: though I did work on some characters I never posted anything, so didn’t quite follow-through that time. This year, I plan to make my new thirty characters before I reach my dirty thirtieth birthday. I’ve already got some ideas for characters I’ve been meaning to manifest and I’m not gonna miss out this time. Looking forward to new beautiful creatures’ faces this year.
Last time I’d mentioned that I’d been doing music with my band “Light of the Loon.” Since then we’ve gotten a definite violinist and have been excited how well we’ve been taking off. Looking forward to music festivals and hopefully our first mini-tour this spring. Wherever there is the enlightenment of loons, we’re not far away. May creativity rule the world! I have past work here on my profile and more at
2013 Challenger: George Ward
Hi, I’m a cartoonist and webcomic artist (Dungeon Legacy). This is my forth time doing the challenge and I enjoy the process of creating characters of various types. Currently I’m working on a new comic called Dangerous Princesses (see sample below)
2013 Challenger: Nathan Seabolt
Hi everybody! I’m back to participate in 30 Characters this year for the third time! I hope I can finish this year like the previous two and earn the trifecta. (which is a honor I just made up for myself) Â This year I plan on focusing my creations into cohesive units more than my usual shotgun approach. Maybe there’ll be teams? We’ll have to see.
I love seeing the participation in the challenge in the community, and the imagination that this site generates is staggering. I have a feeling this year will be the best yet, and I can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
My site:
My daily sketchblog: Â
2013 Challenger: Kristin Bowles
Here we go! This will be my third time attempting the 30CC! The first time around, I was far too busy and didn’t make a single post. Last year, I got about 30% complete. This year I’m hoping to pump up the achievement level and do the challenge in full!
Previous years’ intro posts: 2011 | 2012
So, what have I don’t since my last attempt? Here are the highlights:
 I guess I can summarize them by saying I’m getting slowly more comfortable with digital art while still enjoying pencil and pen – good old-fashioned drawing and sketching.
I’m trying to break away from my comfort zones this time around – I’ve been trying to experiment with more fantasy characters, especially anthropomorphic ones. So, hopefully this time around I’ll be producing a good variety of traditional and digital works that aren’t all pretty humans!
In closing, here’s a goofy comic I slapped together earlier this year, featuring none other than myself.
2013 Challenger: Tsui
Hello everyone å·ï¿£_ã‚ï¿£)ノ ♪
I am Tsui, this is my most common name on the internet. Sometimes I go as Tsuikachu or Tsuisama on Youtube as royalhachiko~ haha that’s only because my lovely name is always taken 。°(ToT)°。
So please call me Tsui.
I am from Germany and I am just a normal student. Studies Japanology and German as a foreign language (so I can teach you German in the future).
In my past, I would have liked to study Illustration but in Germany the tuition per month is so incredibly high for those art academies, that I had to give up my dream. So I do draw as a Hobby but not as often as I would like to.
And that is the reason I want to attend this year’s 30 characters chalange. I want to draw more often again because I want finally develope my style and learn more about digital drawing. I want to get used again to the feeling of creating something even if I have so much stress in university. I want to learn to take the time to draw for ne minimum of once a day. And even if I don’t have time, I will make some space in the timetable.
I learned that the moment I stopped drawing daily, my inspiration and imagination were really lost over the time.
So thanks to the 2012 Challenger I got to know about your challenge and because she is a huge inspiration and my reason I want to draw again, I will take this challenge seriously.
So I just want to create 30 random characters. I am not such a great artist as you all are but I want to take the oportunity ^-^
So thank you very much and I am looking forward to the 1st of November!
2013 Challenger: Jeremiah Spoon
My name is Jeremiah Spoon. I am a freelance digital artist and 3d animator. I used to work professionally, but have moved on to a different profession and no only do freelance work or personal projects. I’m not really sure what kind of work I will be putting out this year. I participated in 30 characters 2011. I had several categories of characteristics written on note cards that I would pick from to make characters. I did
mostly people during that event. The majority were inks only, no color. I think it would be fun to stipulate no people at all during this event, and see what kind of stuff I come up with.  I’m glad to have the time to put in this year and I really look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with. There is always some really interesting and creative work that comes out of this event.
Never take yourself to seriously.
2013 Challenger: Tyler James
I’m Tyler James, and I struck the first match on this whole 30 Characters Challenge fire five years ago. It’s hard to believe how much has changed in my life since that first challenge.

The ComixTribe Crew at New York Comic Con (Tyler James, Joe Mulvey, John Lees, Sam LeBas, Alex Cormack)
In the past five years, I’ve managed to launch, which is both an online resource for comics creators and self-publishers AND a imprint publishing comics and graphic novels with world-wide distribution. Since the first challenge, I’ve gone from a young single dude living on his own to a happily married, slightly older dude, with a step-daughter and a dog named Chuck.
I just wrapped up a successful Kickstarter campaign for EPIC, a superteen action comedy (featuring many characters created in past 30 Characters Challenges.) And the project I’m working on that has the most buzz is THE RED TEN, a book I’ve co-created with Cesar Feliciano, that is a superhero murder mystery in ten parts. We hit the half-way point of that series this December. And again, the most popular character from that series, the OXYMORON, was also created during a past #30Characters event.
While I’ve successfully completed the challenge twice over the past five years, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to complete it. Working as a full-time game designer and producer and running ComixTribe has made the Challenge exactly that…a challenge. That said, this year, I hope to flesh out more characters for a new book I’m working on with Joe Mulvey during this month.
Best of luck to all challengers!
Register for the 5th Annual 30 Characters Challenge!
The 30 Characters Challenge is Back!
The Challenge: Create 30 new characters in 30 days- one for every day of the month of November.
Why: Because the world needs new characters…YOUR characters!
When:Â Registration runs until 5 pm October 31, 2013. The challenge begins starting November 1st, 2013.
Where: Right here on atÂ
How to Register: Simply sign up here with your name and email address to be added to the 30 Characters 2013 Challengers Roster.
Returning Challengers: If you participated in the 30 Characters Challenge in either of the past two years, and would like to take part again this year, you’re account is still active! Welcome back!
Stay Connected and Spread the Word:
– Follow the hashtag #30characters on Twitter for the latest information on the 30 Characters Challenge!
– Like the 30 Characters Challenge Facebook page!
– Keep an eye on your inbox for weekly 30 Characters Challenge updates!
– Grab one or more of the approved 30 Characters Challenge Banners, and post on your website.  Or better yet, create your own!
Have questions about the challenge? Be sure to read our FAQ, for everything you could possibly want to know about #30Characters.
The world needs new characters…YOUR characters!
The 30 Characters Challenge is an annual challenge brought to you by:
#30Characters Chatter…