2013 Challenger: Tyler James
I’m Tyler James, and I struck the first match on this whole 30 Characters Challenge fire five years ago. It’s hard to believe how much has changed in my life since that first challenge.

The ComixTribe Crew at New York Comic Con (Tyler James, Joe Mulvey, John Lees, Sam LeBas, Alex Cormack)
In the past five years, I’ve managed to launch ComixTribe.com, which is both an online resource for comics creators and self-publishers AND a imprint publishing comics and graphic novels with world-wide distribution. Since the first challenge, I’ve gone from a young single dude living on his own to a happily married, slightly older dude, with a step-daughter and a dog named Chuck.
I just wrapped up a successful Kickstarter campaign for EPIC, a superteen action comedy (featuring many characters created in past 30 Characters Challenges.) And the project I’m working on that has the most buzz is THE RED TEN, a book I’ve co-created with Cesar Feliciano, that is a superhero murder mystery in ten parts. We hit the half-way point of that series this December. And again, the most popular character from that series, the OXYMORON, was also created during a past #30Characters event.
While I’ve successfully completed the challenge twice over the past five years, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to complete it. Working as a full-time game designer and producer and running ComixTribe has made the Challenge exactly that…a challenge. That said, this year, I hope to flesh out more characters for a new book I’m working on with Joe Mulvey during this month.
Best of luck to all challengers!
Category: 2013, Participants
Thanks for holding it again this year, dude!