The End( is Nigh)- 30 Charas in 30 Days

| December 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m not sure if I learned anything, but I do think I’ve improved upon my time management as well as trying to draw things I’m not comfortable with.

(lookie!! Hardly any girls!! lol)

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Category: 2012, 30Characters Follow-UP, Fantasy, Horror, Resources, Scifi, WTF

About the Author ()

I am a 26 year old business student. I work at a Target as a cart attendant and I'm worth 50 points if a car hits me. Also, I'm a lvl 90 Paladin.... and a lvl 90 rogue (who still hasn't been banned due to her 'elvish' name.) I love to read and doodle. But mostly I love costumes. I have a wall of hair, a GIANT tote of costumes, and suitcases full of fabric. I've dressed up as comic characters to campy sci-fi chicks, to my own creations that cause double takes. I really enjoy drawing fantasy woman. And most of them end up with horns. I guess they're all rather horny... XD It also seems that there is no Tumblr link yet so here's that --> I re-blog a lot of NSFW stuff, so you've been warned.

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