Archive for December 1st, 2012
One more thing to say.
I just wanna say hello and thank you all for my being here again this year. It was fun and challenging this year for obvious reasons. Hope to do this again next year. One love to you all.
Erwin A – 30 Characters in 30 Days 2012
I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the challenge. Seeing several of your entries pushed me to put more effort into each piece. Thanks to everyone who helped in the creative process for a bunch of these characters.
I’m looking forward to next year’s challenge. I’m hoping to get cleaner scans, and some digital ink/painting done on each piece next time. This was real fun to be apart of.
Happy Holidays everyone.
Joseph Trahan – 30 Characters 2012
Another November done.
Here’s my stats for this year: 10 ladies, 20 guys, 10 anthropomorphic animal-types (if you include a Cthulhu-faced kid). 16 fantasy, 5 superhero, 4 steampunk, 3 scifi, 2 horror. 4 characters with some sort of copper robotic features, apparently I liked that theme this year.
I started out the year trying to be clever with characters based on idioms. That well started running dry for me around character 11, and my friend Michael came in the nick of time by exposing me to some great Chibi-style artists. I finished out by going back to some typical fantasy/superhero characters, with help from my dear Dana, my family, the Bakers and the Johnsons, and lots of inspiration from other artists in this challenge. Thanks!
Day 30
Less than 40 minuites to go (my time)
Red tigress is an interesting hero since most would assume she has some sort of super strength or invulnerbility. In fact she has neither. Although she does have training in different forms of martial arts, as well as an impressive bench of 258, she is not above regular human capabilities in these areas. But she can fly which she shows off at any opportunity. The woman does love her job.
#29 and 30: White Flight and The Black Menace
Flight can fly and Menace has the strength of about ten men and is bulletproof.
30 Characters: Culminating Post
So, I’m writing this a little bit ahead of time because I’ll be at work for most of my day tomorrow (12/1), but on the east coast, it’s already 12/1, so….hah! The challenge is over and I’m really proud to have taken part this year. By no means was I the best participant nor does my work measure up to some of the beautiful pieces I’ve seen on the site, but I did it for myself. Sketching/drawing is something I’ve done since I was a kid and have always taken the time to do it when time allowed. A lot of myself went into my sketches/drawings, and I found 3o Characters challenged me in a way that was beneficial for various reasons. For one, it helped take my mind off other things that were sort of dragging me down and that felt more like a weight on my shoulders than anything. I felt I needed to step away from writing for a good while and allow myself to think differently. My days were filled with heart-break, loneliness, and introversion up until 11/1.
My days had suddenly become about being observant of people’s characteristics and facial features. I began to think about what my characters would look like in appearance, who to base them on, and how to frame the compositions. All but 2 were done digitally via my iPad mini and the ArtStudio app, but it felt like the most practical way to go about this venture. For one, I could take it with me anywhere and it wouldn’t be horribly cumbersome. In fact, I whipped out my iPad many times while on break at work (which had become time consuming) and began sketching and doodling to get a general idea of what the finished piece would look like. Then, I’d head home and really get to work on the drawing of the day.
Now that it’s over, I’m sort of sad to not have this particular deadline anymore. I have a few other new deadlines to meet (that I’ve set for myself) in regards to my writing, but this was something unique and I’m glad to have taken part in it. I’m also going to say that participating in the 30 Characters challenge has given me a renewed sense of vigor and have already begun applying myself in my next venture(s): writing reviews for a local music site I’ve become a part of, short stories, and poetry that I intend to send off to As per Tyler James’ request, here’s the link to my author page which includes all my drawings (just copy & paste or click on my name), and thank you for the experience Mr. James & Comix Tribe!:
#27: P.W.
Also known as Prince Winston, homie of Loach and Moochie. He’s the on always getting them into trouble. Everybody has a friend like P.W.
#25: Chunky Guacamole
That’s her stage name when she’s performing at the Shaved Cookie. By day she studies law enforcement so she can become a detective like her girl Sandy Torres whom she gives tips to help solve cases.
From The Clone Saints Chronicles: Our project has its own guardian angel in the… “person” of Uriel, who, while giving us credibility and motivation that we’re on the right path, seems to care nothing about the results. He stares for hours on end at his paintings -which are mostly total pants- broken only by smoking and buying more paint. I am under the impression his presence is a penance.
x-posted at
Congratulations everyone on 30 days of creation!
The End( is Nigh)- 30 Charas in 30 Days
I’m not sure if I learned anything, but I do think I’ve improved upon my time management as well as trying to draw things I’m not comfortable with.
(lookie!! Hardly any girls!! lol)
#30Characters Chatter…