Archive for December, 2012
Ruben Kaae 30 Character Challenge 2012
This is all the character I did for this years challenge, its was a lot of fun to participate, for nunorms reasons. I got more lose in my illustration approach, and I experimented a lot with light and shadow. Hopefully I made some progress along the way too.
The Horchata Crew’s 2012 30
This year was fun especially since my HC writer, Joseph Noblit, joined me in the challenge. Â We created a new set, very different from my superheroes from last year. Â A lot of technical problems occured, but I was able to have it done all by the end of the month. Â A ton of learning happened while creating these pretty people and I really hope I can move forward with their corresponding stories. Â I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s work and hope that we’ll have a more exciting challenge next year~!
Beausephus + Son | 30 Characters in 30 Days 2012
This is my second year in the 30 Characters in 30 Days Challenge and my second successful completion.  30 original characters created by my son’s effusive and fervent imagination and my trustworthy iPad Gen 01 and three nibs for my Bamboo stylus.  I feel I was able to tweak my normal style a bit for different characters and different designs. Some of the presentations above are more successful than others but the overall creative process more than make up for my own criticism of my own talents.
Kristen Keck 30 Characters 2012
Doing the challenge was a great experience. I wasn’t sure if I was taking on too much by trying to do this and NaNoWriMo, but an interesting thing happened. Because I was drawing characters from the scripts I planned on writing, the two projects sort of fueled each other. Also, seeing everyone else’s characters as the month went on was super motivating. I must admit I was checking the site multiple times during the day at work to see if there was anything new…it was a little bit of an obsession
Wow, what a challenge!
This challenge was amazing. I’ve learned a lot about my artistic self as a result of this, as I have never before completed a challenge like this one. I drew more art in a month than I have ever done in a semester at college.
Waking up every morning in November to draw a character was exactly what I needed.
I saw some of the most amazing stuff by artists who gave their all and best, everyday! Thanks for doing so. I’ve definitely got some new favorite artists as a result of this.
In closing, I’d like to say congratulations to us all for completing the 2012 30 characters challenge.
Now that it is done, I’ve got some great inspiration, momentum, and 30 new characters to animate now.
Well, I better get started.
One more thing to say.
I just wanna say hello and thank you all for my being here again this year. It was fun and challenging this year for obvious reasons. Hope to do this again next year. One love to you all.
Erwin A – 30 Characters in 30 Days 2012
I’d like to thank everyone who participated in the challenge. Seeing several of your entries pushed me to put more effort into each piece. Thanks to everyone who helped in the creative process for a bunch of these characters.
I’m looking forward to next year’s challenge. I’m hoping to get cleaner scans, and some digital ink/painting done on each piece next time. This was real fun to be apart of.
Happy Holidays everyone.
Joseph Trahan – 30 Characters 2012
Another November done.
Here’s my stats for this year: 10 ladies, 20 guys, 10 anthropomorphic animal-types (if you include a Cthulhu-faced kid). 16 fantasy, 5 superhero, 4 steampunk, 3 scifi, 2 horror. 4 characters with some sort of copper robotic features, apparently I liked that theme this year.
I started out the year trying to be clever with characters based on idioms. That well started running dry for me around character 11, and my friend Michael came in the nick of time by exposing me to some great Chibi-style artists. I finished out by going back to some typical fantasy/superhero characters, with help from my dear Dana, my family, the Bakers and the Johnsons, and lots of inspiration from other artists in this challenge. Thanks!
Day 30
Less than 40 minuites to go (my time)
Red tigress is an interesting hero since most would assume she has some sort of super strength or invulnerbility. In fact she has neither. Although she does have training in different forms of martial arts, as well as an impressive bench of 258, she is not above regular human capabilities in these areas. But she can fly which she shows off at any opportunity. The woman does love her job.
#29 and 30: White Flight and The Black Menace
Flight can fly and Menace has the strength of about ten men and is bulletproof.
#30Characters Chatter…