#29 Big Billy
Real name: Billy Gomez
Height: 6’3 Weight:289 lbs. Age:27
Race: HIspanic(Dominican)-Caucasian
Location: New York, NY
Billy at birth was a big boy. When he was born he was about 50 lbs. Now he is using his size and weight for the greater good as he becomes a force against crime.
Powers: None but possess super-strength. Personality: At times sarcastic, always able to help when needed.
Day 29 | Storm Ranger
2012 – DAY 29
All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.
One day while playing with his Nerf foam dart blasters, the Junior Partner started calling himself “Arhtur West, The Storm Ranger”. Â A Storm Ranger is a space faring adventurer who travels across vast distances to solve crimes and bring down intergalactic crime lords.
It is interesting to note that Arthur West evolved as a character.  The “Storm Ranger” aspect is forgotten and now Mr. West is the owner of a Burrito Restaurant who has a super powered truck that allows him to instantaneously travel back and forth to his farm to harvest fresh vegetables and meat as well as take care of his multitude of dogs.
#29 Shaard, the fallen
Once a member of the Orbhost, Shaard has become an agent of destruction, misery and pain through evil and malicious acts against all life. His path to this state is largely unknown, but it is clear that the wars of attrition between the Upper and Lower kingdoms of Ovin in ages past were mirrors of the conflict taking place on an adjacent plane of existence, with Shaard battling his former brethren for dominance of their own plane. Although defeated in these clashes, the fallen one managed to not only reduce the Host’s number and therefore their effectiveness at protecting and inspiring humanity, but he also managed to escape from the celestial plane to our own.
21 – Aetherius
It is hard to be an atheist in the lands of Oberon, but they exist- they are either untouched by the divine, or believe that the divine are themselves simply powerful yet attainable positions in some sort of cosmic hierarchy- taking the mystery out of it all, in a fashion.
An example of such a being is the stone animus that calls itself Aetherius, a guardian slate golem that was created as the Blue Fire began to fall- and somehow achieved a state of being that not only included self- awareness, but the ability to shift his structure between different minerals. A being made only to serve … and now, he commands the mindless forces his master (who has been… disposed) once did.
#23 E’so
Though having the body of a ghost, Akio Sogomo is the spirit of death by birth. She owns a small portion of Otherworld devoted to the dead, and she rarely leaves her designated area except to escort those who die in childbirth to her realm. She has a king-subject relationship with Huang Mu. Quiet and often with a bedside manner, she is strangely said to be cold to child spirits. In northern Nippon, Ao Lai, it is tradition to gift a family whose lost a woman to childbirth with a small image of Sogomo.
#29 Emmie Mae
Each time Emmie Mae has been married her husband has been found dead the morning after the wedding night. Suspicion would fall on Emmie Mae herself if not for the fact that the men have been ripped to shreds as if a wild animal had done it. And the authorities have checked, Emmie Mae has no claws. You would think this would stop men from trying to marry her, but it hasn’t. Probably due to her vast fortune. I guess some guys think the reward is worth the risk.
Day 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
Hunting the Stars
Russle is an explorer, one of the best. He’s been involved in eighteen succssful contact missions. This time trying to save a subspace species from a dying solar system. He’s taking this mission extremly seriously.
Miss Ragg is one of the best pilots outside the military and is part of the rescue mission for the money. Or at least thats what she keeps complaing loudly, “But at least you damn scientists pay well.” She seems convinced this will be boring, unless she waits for the star to implode.
Marius is the medical officer for this fateful rescue mission, although it is a minimal staff. He’s the eternal student almost too excited about learning somthing new and foreign. His crewmates don’t share his exuburance but that doesn’t bother him one bit.
Eran Rec is one of the last Balion left, with the increasing star mass preceding the implosion many of the race died due to the extreme heat. Since royalty reside deeper in the planets core the more elite have survived. Although born royal Rec is not infact of the bloodline. She instead is a warrior tasked with protecting her younger brother who exhibits the more desirealbe qualities of the elite.
Takk is one of three heirs left in the royal line, since six rule at once this and the sun’s implosion have become problematic for balion. Takk was responsible for the security of his people and since the demise of his fellow would be rulers their agriculture as well. He seems to be more adept at the latter and often consults his sister on the former, despite the break from convention that is. They run into the rescue team running from a new threat. Another foriegn species is after the Balion leaders.
Btal is from an intersteallar species who’s goal is to rule the universe. She’s been tasked with obtaining and preserving the Balion leaders for study and ways to influence their decisions. Also for preservation, inferior species have been proven useful in the past and to loose such an asset could be detremental to the rule of her race.
#26 – Anthony Gates
Every high-powered businessman needs a good personal assistant, someone who helps them sort the chaos going on around them into neat, easy-to-manage packages. Anthony Gates has spent the last two years working as a personal assistant, although his job is a bit different than most.
Anthony’s boss is Death.
Anthony Gates died two years ago at the age of 24, the victim of a car crash that claimed his life and the life of his girlfriend, Jennifer. However, upon his death, Anthony found himself stunned to wake up, sitting at a cafe with a gaunt, impeccably dressed man sipping an espresso.
Introducing himself as Thanatos, the man calmly explained, as Anthony sat dumbfounded, that he was the incarnation of death, and had been since the beginning of existence. However, he had grown increasingly fond of walking with humans in the years since, watching them live their lives and go about their business, and had begun to delegate the business of collecting souls and sending them to their various eternal rewards, damnations, or whatever other outcome to various surrogates, but that the work sucks away at his free time. Thus he needs a personal assistant to help him catalog the dead, organize and direct his surrogates, and generally keep the organization running smoothly. He also intimated to Anthony that his afterlife might not be everything he hoped for, while he could offer eternal life on earth, albeit a unseen one.
Anthony accepted, and now lives the life of Death’s harried assistant. The job, to his dismay, is quite literally, 24/7, with no respite. Combined with Death’s own high-rolling lifestyle, and Anthony can’t remember the last time he had a entire day to himself.
Anthony was a pretty good-humored, straitlaced kid growing up, and did pretty well in college, but nothing has prepared him for this life. Now, he exists with Death in a place “between†worlds, seen but not noticed, capable of interacting with reality but unable to leave any lasting impact. He is harried, stressed, and continually sounds like he’s on the verge of quitting, but in truth, loves the job. Anthony was a sucker for the supernatural as a child, and here he is, working for Death itself, even if that means flying to Macau at the drop of a hat because “there’s a fat businessman here who’s going to kick it this weekend but not before you help me beat his ass at Texas Hold’em.â€
Anthony finds Death a unpredictable, but loyal employer. In the last hundred years, Death has given himself over to enjoying all the wild spectacle humanity has to offer. He is a enormous fan of casinos, soccer and haute cuisine. Death can be petty when it comes to little things, and has absolutely no qualms about violating some basic human values, which he sees as largely irrelevant to him. For all of that however, Death is deeply serious about his role, and takes its proper purpose seriously, even if it doesn’t seem like it at times. He brings a depth of compassion to his work that frequently goes unseen under his more sarcastic veneer.
Day 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
Next up characters involved with the legend of the first siren.
Gatekeeper is a creature that usually the tour boats occasionaly spot. An old scarred Veshan that appears once and awhile around the rock formation called the grey gates. The nickname is more accurate than the tour leaders know. Gatekeeper watches over the prison of the first siren.
Brine is the Siren’s first thrall and the creature most responsible for the Gatekeeper’s scars. He’s yet to be successful freeing his mistress but despite his numerous attemps and fellow thralls he more often than not ends up just as battered and bruised.
Karleigh is the first siren, she used to be human until some unfortunate events involving slavery and murder. She started by seeking passage upon any ship that would take her, seducing then disembowling most of the crew. Those she liked she kept as toys thralls. Eventually more women joined her to become sirens and she began building an army. No one knew her intent but the clear threat caused the Umati (a people of the sea) to imprison her between the Grey Gates at the very bottom of the sea. Magic keeps her imprisoned though not completley helpless. The call of the siren can be strong for certain individuals. Especially when she wishes to be free.
George Biggs is an avid surfer and the only surfer to dare the Grey Gates. Contrary to many peoples beliefs he did not loose his arm to a shark but to a car accident. He likes to float around the gates because he can hear the most beutiful song.
Bo is a warrior Umati who is charged with caring for Gatekeeper as well as his charge. It is a position of great honour but also isolation. The Umati would not keep an enemy imprisoned even close to their home. The grey gates are deeper and cooler waters than what they tend to keep to so due to her endurance and resolve Bo was chosen. Although they avoid human contact Bo has one to confide in. The Umati use camoflauge but Bo being poorly skilled at it only does so sparringly.
Jaques is Bo’s one confidant and friend, he is also completly unaware that she is Umati. This is largley because he’s blind. (how else could you mis the fact you’re talking to an eight foot bright pink octipus lady) He lives in a little shack on the edge of the water and likes to sit out on the dock and listen to the water. He always calls Bo a little mermaid since she always comes from the water, yet he has know idea how close that aproximation is. Although the Umati don’t take to kindly to being related to their less discrete and more obnoxious counterparts.
Aillis works for Jaques as a housekeeper. He wasn’t exaclty hiring but she sorta hired herself. She’s a mother of three soon to be four and happy with her work. She’s caught glimpses of Bo but doesn’t worry too much about it, her grandmother was a dryad so the umati don’t unnerve her like they do most people. Although she keeps trying to tell Jaques he’s “Talking to a giant flouresant octopus” although the man simply dismisses her saying she’s trying to mess with the poor blind man, which she has been known to do on occasion.
#28 Defiant Spirit
anyway so this is supposed to be a character drawing but this really more fits my mood but hmmmm. This is a spirit that is stronger than the body that holds it so it has freed itself. 😉
#22 E’tu
Wongno Tuyong is not a deceased human. He is the spirit of year-old death and death after that. Tuyong, like the spirit Huang Mu, is one of the few spirits who prefer to be in the presence of women as opposed to men. Taking the form of a ghost himself, Tuyong is assumed to have a casually friendly relationship with Huang Mu. The container is believed to be a bottomless pit of the remains of all dead Ao Liese people. Tuyong never leaves the container out of his sight, and he is almost always holding it.
#25 – Acre
Acre was not born into a life of fighting and warfare like some. He gravitated towards it, discovering that he was exceptionally skilled at it, and managed to make it his livelihood. By the time he turned 16, he joined the Vanguard, a small, roaming company of mercenaries who sold themselves to the highest bidder as some of the finest shock troops in the land. Acre was born to an impoverished family of peasants, and came to fighting as a way to burnish his family’s name, to bring some actual coin into his pocket, and because he genuinely enjoyed it.
Acre’s travels took him far from home, and soon, his family became the unit. He spent 20 years in the field, fighting in nearly a hundred different pitched battles and sieges, witnessing each injustice and cruelty war could inflict on a populace, but never losing his taste for battle. However, as he aged, he felt his skills diminishing, and as technology changed, the Vanguard’s form of brutal, plodding, ground-based combat began to become outdated, as imitators popped up across the land and generals began to plan specifically to defeat the trained shock troops.
Finally, after a failed siege and storming of a castle, Acre was captured and imprisoned by forces of the King of Gamarth, Ageim II. Ageim ad always been a dedicated admirer of the Vanguard, and offered Acre a choice. Death, or a lifetime of status and strength as the King’s bodyguard. Having nothing against Ageim or his kingdom (Acre never cared much for politics), and with his unit defeated, he agreed.
Acre has spent the last five years in Ageim’s employ, simultaneously loving and loathing his job. As much as he hated to admit it, he was aging, and pitched battles had begun to take their toll on him. Acre had no death wish, and while dying on the battle field was valiant, it wasn’t something he aimed to do. Moreover, Ageim was as good as his word, treating him a respected member of the royal court, even coming to him for advice, as Acre’s travels with the Vanguard took him all across the realm and allowed him to see many different cultures. Still, Acre hated the infighting and politicking of the royal court, intrigue never suited him. But being a member of the court, he couldn’t escape it.
All has not been good times for Acre however. A few short months ago, just after his birthday, Ageim announced that he wished for Acre to impart his wisdom and skills to another young man, sworn to defend the throne from birth. The boy, Valion, is barely 17, but has been training as an elite warrior all his life. The implications, if not stated, were clear to Acre. He was being asked to train his replacement. To Valion’s credit, he has never been arrogant or cruel to Acre, always respectful of his elder. But Acre still finds himself annoyed by the boy’s mere presence, he finds the task an insult to his abilities. But, a soldier to the end, he dutifully follows his orders, teaching the boy how to turn his raw talent into the varied skills a good soldier needs.
The world is changing around Acre, his skills and ways of fighting are slowly being phased out. Few, however, would still underestimate the kind of skills a man of his pedigree can bring.
Day 8, 9 , 10, 11
So I’ve been drawing these but not posing them, so be prepared to be spammed.
Gonna start with the Kopus family. Firstly we have Tommy. His parents tend to be working more often than not so he tends to be neglected. His sister tells him stories that his parents are secretly superheroes to keep him happy. At 8 years old she thinks he’s too young to become jaded. Overall he’s cheerful and hopes one day to be his dad’s sidekick.
Patricia is the oldest of the Kopus kids. At age 16 shes become resentful of her parents and all the time they spend at work. Often leaving her to take care of Tommy. She understand that they are not bad parents, when they are home but she feels neglected. She tells Tommy superhero stories to keep him happy and help her cope with their absense.
Diane Murray-Kopus is a strong capable woman who runs her own security firm. She loves her family but since her aquiring the company she’s keeps them separate, specifically since her husband’s organization is one of her biggest clients, and his organization is a little less than legal.
Daniel Kopus is a great family man when he can find the time, but that time is scarce considering his position as number two in the city’s biggest organized crime ring. He’s thinking about retirement but you can never really retire so he sticks to it to keep his kids safe. He doesn’t worry too much about Diane she’s pretty capable of protecting herself.
#27 Doll
I didn’t do one last night so I am due for 2 but not sure if I’ll get the other done tonight. This is Doll. She is a  spirit trapped inside a porcelain doll by a jealous individual. Cursed to watch life from a shelf. Maybe someday she’ll be free.Â
Day 29 – Growling Stones
Growling Stones will rock the music world! They are tough as rocks and their hearts are pure stone.
20 – Skaaven TombRat
A creature born in filth, no creature is more craven nor cunning than the Skaaven, the rat folk. Perpetually locked in a war with an almost as cruel but definitely more vicious race, the Kobold, most Skaaven know only this war, and their hold on the northern lands, including Oberon’s Land, was long ago loat to their rivals.
All, save a small tribe of rat- folk in the Thunder Rift- the TombRats. They long ago forgot their race’s feud, their goal as all- encompassing as it is surprising- the TombRats dwell in the cursed catacombs and haunted barrows of the Thayatin settlers, a dangerous place to call home for the living. And that’s what the TombRats do best.
They hunt Vampires.
#28 Badaesstus the Demon Smith
Badaesstus the Demon Smith loves heavy metal (the music AND the forging varieties), his ectomorph Pooter, and Care Bears in that order.
#21 E’bi
Yamamoto Bikomi loved trees, and most of all, she loved the cherry tree. Her and her family went to see the first blossoming of the cherry trees every spring. There’s a saying in southern Nippon, Ao Lai: “Girls who collect cherry blossoms are more beautiful.” The cherry blossom is a symbol of traditional Nippon, and the thought behind the saying is that girls who subscribe to traditional Nippon values are more beautiful than those that don’t. Most girls understand that, but Bikomi, who always lacking a sense of subtlety, took the saying literally. She was last seen wandering off into a midst of the spring’s radiant cherry trees. No one is really sure how she died; perhaps she got lost. Some have said that they’ve seen her ghost still wandering amongst the trees, sadly holding a delicate cherry blossom petal.
#30Characters Chatter…