Archive for November, 2012
29. Maks Landen
Maks is my main character to my novel that im working on!
I drew his sister Aliss on day 13 of the challenge, go check her out!!
Tiph Hunter – 30 Characters in 30 Days – Mayan Glyph SuperHeros
Completed!!! That is All!
(drawing 1 character a day for the month of November 2012 by following the Mayan Calendar for those days)
#30 Black Meatball
So its finally done, there were so many characters that didn’t make it, which in the end left me catching up always a day behind and not able to post, and this last one didn’t quite turn out the way I planned, but none of them do. Hopefully next time I can do this challenge in color ;P
#30 Ms. Tortra
Real name: Unknown
Height: 5’11 Weight: 198 lbs.
Race: Caucasian
Ms. Tortra is a one of the city’s reputed criminals. She rules the city with an iron fist and has refuse to let go.
#11 Sphynx
In the teeming metropolis of New Hudson, one hears about the courier known as Sphynx. She’s a knockout when it comes to looks, athletic, and can get any info to a client on time, no matter what. Plus, she’s skilled in martial arts and if all else fails, she’s got a modified pistol that can fire a “shockburst” that can disable any opponent (she does not kill, and as far as anyone knows, Sphynx has never taken a life).
Detective Gary Del’Arco knows about Sphynx, and he knows her real name, her shoe size, and even what her favorite type of pizza is. That’s because Gary is involved in a passionate relationship with Sphynx, whose real name is Laura Margolis. Because of an incident in her past, Laura took up the role of a free-running courier, and courier and detective met because of a major case that ended with Gary solving it and discovering the identity of the killer of one of Laura’s friends. That last revelation ended up with Gary saving her life and facing the ugly truth about corruption in the New Hudson Police Department.
Gary and Laura are in love and do care about each other, and they also exchange secrets (while keeping their own relationship secret). Both of them worry about how long it will last, but for now, they are certainly the most unusual–and most unlikely–couple living in New Hudson.
22 – 30 … And the rest!
So sorry to have let this build up like this, but contract work is feast or famine someties, and I had to eat!
Elaso was named by a little boy who found the whelp in a small shoal by the sea. Elaso is a special type of Arachnidian, but fortunately is very young, and able to learn a more peaceful life, if taught by the kind hearted.
Verdalisa is the youngest of the Mystaran dragons- barely a hundred years old. She is also the first young dragon to be born in memory of the lesser races. The secret is, the other Dragons don’t know of her existence yet…
This incarnation of the Goddess Athena seeks to guide the Oberian warriors sent to Apollosis. She knows they walk into Hel itself…
The Wake of the Blue Fire was  spelled doom for those that thought the passing of the fires was a blessing. The necrotic surge in power has meant that the strong willed don’t even die of mortal wounds… and that the dormant corpses of the long deceased can be reanimated with ease… though with what souls or spirits to embody them?
The Wine Knight Ivrion has a penchance for debauchery. His protectors and Hall Guard all have a certain… shall we say, charm?
The vanquished angels and devils, or, if you will, the purest good and the vilest evil souls, cannot enter Heaven or fall to the Pits, the Outer Planes are cut off from the world of men. Somewhere, deep in the earth, the combined demonic forces have given way to a terrifying possibility…
The Potter’s Floumph is a house spirit that mischeviously moves about crockery and other items in a bid to garner attention and food from the home owner. Pedoule is a more volatile Floumph, and will take away jugs, pots, glasses and dishes, and drop them off of tables!
The gods and icons of Death walk the world of the living, and Shi is no exception- a Demon Queen from the distant land of Jadin. Her cult practices orderly funerary rites and observations… and aggressively seeks clients.
These advanced batlike creatures hail from the caves and burrows around the forests of the North Cruth. They are quite intelligent and excellent trackers, but operate only at night. They can understand the speech of men, but cannot talk aloud, and must sign, their voices set to a pitch beyond hearing.
And there you have it, all 30 characters! I had to skimp on the coloring near the end, and lock down a specific look to the art, but it was still a great time.
– Greg Gibbons
#10 The Shr’eal
Monsters and other weird things exist in the Flaorian Woods. Woe to the poor soul who gets lost in there, for they are usually never heard from again…or what’s left of them is found. But for the past few years, many have spoken about an angel of mercy within the Woods–an angel that resembles a demon. It seems to come out of nowhere, coming to the aid of travelers who are fleeing the forest monsters. It does not speak, but leads them out, only to return to the forest.
What is this creature? A person who was saved by it has dubbed it the “Shr’eal”, an ancient word that roughly translates to “friendly demon”. Why has this creature decided to help humans and fight other monsters? No one knows…but there are rumors of a kind-hearted knight who was cursed by an evil witch, who sought refuge in the Flaorian Woods. These are only rumors, however, but one thing is clear–the Shr’eal, whatever or whoever it is, has been a source of hope to those who must journey through the Woods.
#30 – The So-Called “Princess” of Some Far Away Plant Land
Another subject in a series of bio-experiments, this young woman was transformed into a humanoid plant-like creature. Â She can easily be mistaken for a princess of some far away plant land.
#30 – Sarah the Zombie Killer
Little Sarah was an ordinary girl before the zombies came, but when the zombies took her parents (along with all the other adults) she became a force of vengeance. While all the other kids cowered in fear, she found a gun and an axe and began killing the Zombies one by one.
And the last one…
This challenge was very fun! I’m so glad to participate and regain some of my old skills. It’s been great to make differents characters as I see others people’s style. Thanks for all your comments and see you next year!… 🙂
And 30 days after, it is done.
Big thanks to Greekcomics and a couple of friends for support. They kept me going. Sorry for not being able to link the thumbnails but the gallery system kept deleting the url’s.
Well, ’till next time. Was quite a wild ride of practice, through sicknesses and stuff, but I made it. For Greece (& GC) goddammit!
#30 White Self-Existing World Bridger
White Self-Existing World Bridger says, ” I define in order to equalize, measuring oppurtunity. I seal the store of death with the self-existing tone of Form. I am guided by the power of spirit.”
Sa Sekhem Sahu
#30 Ou Mai
The highest ranking Ou child to wear a gold robe, 16 year-old Ou Mai has worked hard for her position. Her robe ensures her the power to pass minor tax laws, arrest anyone, go wherever she chooses, stand in for officials, and much more. Needless to say, Mai is a tireless worker who is in love with her duties. But far from being stuck up, she is very relaxed and personable. Â She is, however, strangely interested in wagons and wheelbarrows, and she has drawn quite a few of them.
Day 30: Parallel Boris
Yay!! just got there. I’ve been doing NaNoWriMo at the same time so now I’ve won that and this. I’ve loved seeing everyone’s characters and really enjoyed creating my own. I think that I’ll do Camp NaNoWriMo and focus my attention on just this during November from now on. Well Done everyone you’re fantastic!!
11/30/2012: Malithraxus, Void Dragon
NAME: Malithraxus  SPECIES: Dragon (Observer-Spawn) ORIGIN: ???
Spawned in the cosmic winds and seeded with an intelligence from beyond the Bulk, the cosmic dragon, Malithraxus was born to raze the pillars of reality and birth new life into its smoldering foundation. A being of pure magic, it soars aloft on vast, membranous wings, dripping with the scintillating colors of creation. Its claws and fangs rend through flesh and starship hulls with equal ease, casting those within screaming silently into the void. Its breath is the fire of chaos, giving new form to all that it touches. It is the harbinger of violent change. It has hears the voices of Nexus City, crying for a savior to release them from their prisons of biological and mechanical conformity.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending….)
#30Characters Chatter…