Archive for November, 2012

#20 E’ke

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

E’ke holding a cup and bottle of rice wine


Waru Kegoku was said to be an amiable enough man while sober, but as a drunk, they said he was a silly and sloppy person. He owned an inn that served a fragrant brand of rice wine called I’sake’i, simply “sweet, sweet wine” when translated from Harayin, that is still popular and sold in southern Nippon today. Kegoku would often drink with the customers deep into the night and was said to have gotten in trouble for many different reason relating to this habit. His last time ended in a drunken brawl that somehow killed both involved. Waru Kegoku’s ghost is said to still be in his old inn, drinking, enjoying himself, and savoring the taste of his wine as he did in life.

#28 – Frankie the Spectator Mermaid.

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

Frankie is a young mermaid who is said to occasionally visit places where swimming competitions are held.  It appears that she really admires the human swimmers.

#19 E’na

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

E’na holding a long cloth


During the last years of her short lifetime, Xiu Janyang resident Chun-Yu Naminbak was a writer of short poems. But far from being a full-time poet, Naminbak also wrote secret reports on the often unethical doings of the emperor’s men (his soldiers). She was a great believer in justice and fair treatment of the Ou’s subjects.  She began writing when she was around 17 and disguised some of her less inflammatory works as poems condemning her own ideas. She passed out her other works to villagers in Papuromura, and according to history, her writings reached at least a town or two away from hers. Strangely, she married a court official, but all evidence suggests she did that for cover and to be closer to the subject she wrote about. More than once, she was accused of peddling anti-government material, but she hid scraps of her work in a long pink cloth which she claimed held her underclothes, which was partially true because it wasn’t uncommon for her to write snippets of her work on her underclothes.  Her oblivious husband was a proud man and refused to allow his subordinates to search through his wife’s underclothes. As Ao Lai is not a nation of free speech, almost as soon as she was discovered passing her works out in another town, she was jailed and soon put to death. She was said to handle her incarceration bravely, never relinquishing her beliefs, and die with her dignity intact. Naminbak was said to be a very prolific writer; her works are said to not be entirely accounted for, and they’ve found over 200 individual works. She’s said to be haunting the Papuromura main police office, decrying the practices still common today.

#22 Frosty The Necro-Snowmancer

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

There must have been some dark magic in that old silk hat they found… Building a better winter season one undead snowman at a time.

#21 Sly The I.T. Guy

| November 29, 2012 | 0 Comments


A hard working guy for a guy that stares at a multi monitor array mostly waiting for things to go wrong.  He’s mostly hoping that if something goes wrong it’s worth his time… not that so and so on the third floor still doesn’t “get” how to work his e-mail.

#28 – Skinny Girl

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

She’s a skinny Girl in a skinny world.

Day 28-Underachieve

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Underachieve has no problem coming to the rescue, just let him finish watching this YouTube link a friend just sent him. Then he just has to send a couple tweets and check his Facebook news feed. After that he needs to order his latte and check e-mails, but then he will get right on helping with your problem.


| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

trap…herp derp penis fly trap…

#28 The Mapper

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

 A rider on a quest to create a working map of the Transit system, for his own edification and the betterment of other travelers.

You have seen the Mapper, if you have ever taken public transit or even hung out near a bus stop.  A little bit sketchy-looking, lost in his own world, constantly scribbling in his notebook, pausing occasionally to work something out, bobbing his head minutely to the silent output of his oversized studio quality headphones.  He’s never even looked in your direction once. Music and mapping are the fundamental building blocks of his world.  Everything else is ephemera.

[co-created with Ken Barnes]

24. Corvia

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments


23. Vai Diamond

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Vai Diamond

Day 28: Cairwan, Void Caller

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Cairwan is an enigmatic character. He acts heroically, most of the time, using his supernatural abilities of teleportation, “shadow-stretching” and casting illusions to meddle with criminals. Some say he fights villains just to have victims to toy with. He is playful, with a dark humor and a wicked smile. His favorite trick is to open portals and call strange tentacled and many toothed creatures from the place he laughingly calls the Void.

#28 Foxy Fanny

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

#28 – Rag

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is Rag, a human barbarian.

The idea for his design was inspired from a friend of mine’s previous creation. His character, Ragnarok, was some super-powered norse god type of dude. Heavily armored and sporting a greatsword that looked like Cloud’s Ragnarok.

So my interpretation came out as Rag, middle-aged, greatsword-wielding barbarian, complete with He-Man-esque battle harness and a combat skirt instead of a fuzzy loincloth.

22. G-Shock

| November 28, 2012 | 1 Comment



I’m loving this guy! It only took me an hour to draw him!

21. Moon

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Moon “The Champion of Justice”


Kind of a redesign of sailor moon!

I really like this one!!

#23 Drag Mol Warrior

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

#23 Drag Mol Warrior

Day 30: Monster Burger

| November 28, 2012 | 2 Comments

Part of a new book project. It’s looks like a children’s book, however it’s a story for adults mostly because of the profanity and drug use. For shame.

Day 29: Belligerent Bunny

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Part of a new book project. It’s looks like a children’s book, however it’s a story for adults mostly because of the profanity and drug use. For shame.

Day 28: Free Base Frog

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Part of a new book project. It’s looks like a children’s book, however it’s a story for adults mostly because of the profanity and drug use. For shame.

Day 27: Chicks

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Part of a new book project. It’s looks like a children’s book, however it’s a story for adults mostly because of the profanity and drug use. For shame.

Day 26: F’d Up Fox

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Part of a new book project. It’s looks like a children’s book, however it’s a story for adults mostly because of the profanity and drug use. For shame.

Day 25: Trippin Tiger

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Part of a new book project. It’s looks like a children’s book, however it’s a story for adults mostly because of the profanity and drug use. For shame.

#27 – Fat Chick

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Don’t call her the Fat Chick!


| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

 From the planet zorokx. Quick, elusive, and host of a very bad temper.  Nobobulaxa.

#26 Jane Strummer

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

My take on the whole insect controlling superhero concept.


#5 Lightblast

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

For most of his life, Donovan Jastrow lived on the dark side–being born into a broken family, running with gangs, committing petty theft and being a punk in school.  There were moments of kindness; he took care of his younger sister Laurie and watched out for his best friend Ronnie, but Donovan secretly wished for a life of peace and stability, a life that Ronnie had.

One night, Donovan’s world nearly claimed Ronnie’s life.  A rival gang opened fire on the two while they were leaving a movie, and in saving Ronnie’s life, Donovan was wounded.  But the fates dealt Donovan a favor–Ronnie’s uncle, an eccentric but brilliant scientist, was so moved by Donovan’s deed that he not only paid the medical bills, but offered Donovan a chance to turn his life around.  He moved Ronnie and Laurie into a new apartment, and gave Donovan a means to make a difference and fight for the right side–an experimental suit that gives the user the ability to use light itself as a weapon, by creating powerful photon blasts that can temporarily blind an opponent or even punch a ten foot wide hole through a wall.  The suit grants the user increased speed and agility and can even protect from small arms fire.

Donovan took up the challenge of wearing the suit, and now, as the hero known as “Lightblast”, he takes on the criminal elements of his city.  The police view him as a vigilante, but allow him to operate and even seek his help at times.  Now there is no turning back, and Donovan is determined to continue on his path away from the dark, and to make sure that Laurie has a chance at a better life.


| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

#25 Stitch

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Stitch likes to go everywhere, provided there’s a sewing kit along for the trip.

#4 Jayde

| November 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Having trouble with a rampaging dragon?  Or how about a pack of werewolves?  Need to get rid of that troll that’s making short work of your livestock?

You can wait for the Royal Guard to show up (yeah, right–it’s usually too late!), or you can contact Jayde Marsellani.  She’s tough, has been trained by the best, and can handle the special brayker blade that can give any dragon pause.  Thanks to the special charms she wears in her red hair and around her neck, Jayde’s strength can be enhanced to that of nearly sixty men, giving her all the power she needs to take down the creatures she has to face.  Even so, the tasks she takes on are not easy, which has caused a bit of friction between her an her beloved, Kyle Narren….