So its finally done, there were so many characters that didn’t make it, which in the end left me catching up always a day behind and not able to post, and this last one didn’t quite turn out the way I planned, but none of them do. Hopefully next time I can do this challenge in color ;P
Category: 2012, 30Characters Follow-UP
A 23 year old free lance artist who still doesn't know how to set a profile pic over there ----->
Anyways, I'm pretty in love with everything art; be it musically, artistically, architecturally or otherwise. To keep it real short, I'm currently juggling artsy fartsy here & there, from harmless art features to line art for game devs and I'm loving it. I'd love to met others too, if you're interested in talking or even collabing, hit me up, you'll find every way to contact me by checking out my (Author Profile).