Day Twenty-Five – Saint Cyprian

| November 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Saint Cyprian was a sorcerer who when confronted by the power of Jesus, burned his books and managed to become one of God’s BFFs which earned him a place in the Good Books. Male saints always amaze me that they can be total pricks for most of their lives until they meet the Lamb and then they can keep on being pricks but with .. sanction. Female saints die virgins or beheaded. Or both. Mother Theresa being the exception that proves the rule, of course. Theresa aside, I think there’s some sexism here. Sexism aside, Cyprian gave up a shitton of power for a doomed love affair, and that doesn’t even pass the sniff test. I could see Cyprian -like any male saint- taking advantage of a good thing and not letting his old life go.

So, today’s character is Saint Cyprian – Beloved of God, and Follower of Satan.

Also, he looks like my brother. This may -or may not- be on purpose.

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Category: 2012, Fantasy, Horror

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