#24 Bloorp

| November 24, 2012 | 0 Comments

Bloorp (in his people’s language) was an envoy of a race of subterranean mud people, sent to the surface to gather information for an invasion. Upon arriving, he experienced human culture for the first time and became entranced by our ways and in particular music.

Forgetting his plans to subjugate humanity, he took up the electric keyboard and started busking on the streets of the big city. Unfortunately, his stubby fingers make it difficult to do changes, and he has no ear for music. Or ears of any sort, for that matter.

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Category: 2012, Humor, Scifi

About the Author ()

Illustrator/Designer, American expatriate living in Sydney AU, about yea tall and I like most cheeses. You can find my daily sketchblog at: http://www.nathandrawsdaily.tumblr.com

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