G.A.B.E. Is a Galactic, Armored, Battle, Entity. Developed by the galactic core. G.A.B.E. units accompany Galactic Core warrior into battle to assist and support the warriors. They are heavily armored and weapons equipped. They have advanced A.I and can act as hosts to the life force of fallen core warriors, so that they may continue to fight.

Category: 2012, Manga, Scifi, Superhero
Father, husband, illustrator, designer and comic book artist. A die-hard Halo videogame addict and zombie apocalypse novel reader. Has way too many comic books and action figures for a man his age. He has had work published by DC, Techno comics, a number of independents and is self published. Currently Kirk is the artist and Co-Creator of the hit indy comic book Z-Girl and the 4 TIGERS. www.zgirl.org See more of kirk’s work at www.studiokm.com