A little bit of samurai, mixed with a whole lot of Appleseed exmachina, with a dash of the new Halo 4 weapon design. My guess is he is just about to light up an alien vehicle and get a killtacular. LOL
( Edit: 11/21 Went in and redrew this guys legs. Updated the image. I hated the original legs. They looked all dwarf like and out of proportion. Feeling much better about them now. Hope you guys agree. 😀 )

Category: 2012, Fantasy, Manga, Scifi, Superhero
Father, husband, illustrator, designer and comic book artist. A die-hard Halo videogame addict and zombie apocalypse novel reader. Has way too many comic books and action figures for a man his age. He has had work published by DC, Techno comics, a number of independents and is self published. Currently Kirk is the artist and Co-Creator of the hit indy comic book Z-Girl and the 4 TIGERS. www.zgirl.org See more of kirk’s work at www.studiokm.com
Great Stuff!
Thanks Ken, much appreciated.