Archive for November 15th, 2012

Day Fourteen – The Tacit Approval

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: The Tacit Approval

I am a day behind with 30 Characters because I went to Pittsburgh yesterday to see Neil Gaiman give a lecture on 15 years of Stardust (it was an excellent time as you can see). I will have my fifteenth character up in a few hours once I figure out something in Photoshop (or, more likely, have my brother show me how to do it).

The Tacit Approval originally was going to be a superhero crouched on a wall watching someone get mugged. He wouldn’t move to intervene. He’d just watch. Then I thought, “What kind of hero is that? Or villain? Of whom is he approving, the victim or the criminal? And what the hell would one wear to a gig like that?”

So I changed him into your douchebag boyfriend who leaps across your dog (not shown) to get to the TV to catch the Game. He comes complete with douchebag hat, Pabst Blue Ribbon, cut-off shorts and pirate boots. Just because. He doesn’t want to talk about your feeling because he knows you know he loves you. Besides, the Game.

x-posted at

#15 Fezz

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Fezz-o-Tron 3000 is delighted to serve you. He is also planning to kill you in your sleep, but for now just sit back and enjoy your drink.

#03 Robug

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

He’s a little confused, I think. ;o

#02 Featherfan

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

#15- Daphne

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments


#15 Blue Lunar Monkey

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Blue Lunar Monkey is a scientist who became homeless. Using her knowledge of highly advanced sciences she is able to bring the worlds of magic and imagination to the present physical reality. She’s demonstrated this in the laboratory. Everybody laughed and said it couldn’t be. She lost her job and became sad. Little did she know that her experiment caught the attention of a very curious few. The experiment has been done before and nobody else could create the magic except for her.  Someone else has bigger plans for her….ability.

Blue Lunar Mirror says, ” I polarize in order to play, stabilizing illusion. I seal the process of magic with the lunar tone of challenge. I am guided by the power of abundance.”


| November 15, 2012 | 3 Comments

#1 Arachnid Queen

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is a character that plays a central role in a comic book concept i came up with many years ago. I had never done a finished illustration of her all i had was some quick rough sketches. So thought this was a great place to flesh her out some.


DAY 15: 21st Century Sandshark Studios Presents NIL

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

21st Century Sandshark Studios
in conjunction with
A Dan Nokes Happening
DAY 15
Character Biography-Little is known about the being known simply as Nil. He is ruler, master, and to most of the inhabitants of the Shadow Realm, its god! The Shadow Realm is a dimension somewhat paralell, but different in nature from ours. In some ways it is best described as a hell based in darkness. It can be accessed by the shadows cast by everyday objects, but only a few gifted, some say cursed individuals can access this dimension. Its ruler is a cold, cruel, and sadistic, creature known as Nil. Nil only became known to this world recently through the actions of the US based super hero team known as THE DIVISION, and more specifically, through its shadow power based member known as The Shadeling. Nil has been a foe of The Division and many other of the adventurers of the 1960’s and 70’s. After the battle against Ghor in 1975, spottings of Nil have been almost non-existant. But whispers of him attempting to invade and conquer our realm have begun to cerculate. For now they are just whispers. But whispers and shadows are how Nil has always begun…

days 1-12

| November 15, 2012 | 2 Comments

As usual i’m getting behind in uploading the drawings and actually doing them. well thats life. Lets play catchup.

Day 01

A quick little school teacher, done in markers.

Day 02:

A mother and her baby.

Day 03:

A little unicorn

Day 04:

The pirate king Fealthroop, a dreaded man of the seaven seas

Day 05:

A man of magic… his name Mike

Day 06:

Just another little hippie dude.

Day 07:

a boy and his kid sister

Day 08:

Death and the baby

Day 09

A villain in seach of at Hero

Day 10:


Day 11:

Not the best sorceress i’ve ever done…

day 12:

Another scourge of the seaven seas.


That concludes catchup no. 1 lets see when its time for no. 02.

Cat Samba

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 14.

# 15 Emo Elf

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Ghost Hunter

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Mister Bone Bag

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

#15 General Prion

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

General Prion is the real leader of the Imperial army and he is good at his job. The empire has grown large under his command and it irks him that some upstart little princeling keeps trying to tell him what to do. The prince will get information on a need to know basis and Prion thinks that there’s not much that Prince Valorius needs to know. Prion is power hungry and brutal, with very little room in his world view for mercy. The mere idea of a peaceful treaty negotiation is an anathema to him.

(Usually, letting my brain just free associate for names results in the most ridiculous name possible, but sometimes it works out. I find it pretty amusing that this guy is named after infectious misfolded proteins. Hmmm…maybe that’s why his proportions are so out of whack.)


| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sputnik The Space Monkey

#15 Luca Bell

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Corruption ran through the streets of the once great city of Highacre. It was now a place of crime, murder and things even fouler still. Luca Bell, head of the local crime family was the cause of this. He had control of the police department, the local papers, all the business and bars in the city paid him a share of their profits for ‘protection’. No one could get to him; any who tried didn’t last long. He was untouchable, or so he thought.

Luca couldn’t control the cruel twist of fate that was dealt to him. Luca was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He had six months to live. Word got out quickly; every local two-bit crook thought now was their time to make a play at the big time. Luca wasn’t guna be around much longer someone had to step into take his place. Luca was damned if he was going to let anyone replace him.

Dark and other worldly things where always rumored to be going on in the dead of night somewhere in Highacre. Luca hoped one rumor was true. He had his most loyal men out searching the streets for this myth. Three months had passed and nothing, Luca was growing weaker and more enraged as the days passed.

In the end the myth came to him. Through the doors from Luca’s balcony came the man he needed. He had no name he’d long since forgot it, he simply went by Mr B. now. Sinking his teeth into the neck of Luca, he damned him and saved him in one moment.

Looking into the eyes of Mr B. Luca asked what would happen now? Mr. B grinned, his sharp fangs showing. He explained that Luca was now immortal, free to control the city, as he had been, that now he was a vampire he would be stronger then ever before. All Mr B. asked for in return was control of the east side of Highacre, where the hospital and blood bank where. Luca agreed and thus the two vampires formed a fragile alliance.

Luca sort out all those who had wished him dead so they could take his place, finding them in the night, devouring those who didn’t beg enough and only maiming those who said the right things. Ruling the city now with an even tighter grip Luca longs to discover what other myths of Highacre are true his new bodyguard, the ex boxer Mike Grell, has proven werewolves to be true.

The world of the supernatural seems to go hand in hand with the crime world.

No #13

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

#15 Ice Cream Czar

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Day 15 | Shooting Star

| November 15, 2012 | 3 Comments

2012 – DAY 15

All characters are created by my 5 year-old son, The Junior Partner.  He has either drawn these characters on his own and I have recreated them here, or he has sat at my elbow dictating design and conceptual ideas like a creative, but frenetic, taskmaster.


Shooting Star is actually a villain.  A creature made from an exploding star, Shooting Star is like a cosmic Venom.  The energy possesses a human or alien or other creature and then the “firey star powers” take control.  Shooting Star has the ability to fly through space and convert whatever being it currently possess into various forms of cosmic and electromagnetic energy.  Shooting Star likes to create fireballs of “star energy” to hurl at his opponents.


#15 – Krum

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

This is Krum, a dragonborn paladin played by my buddy Jared in a one-shot adventure we ran a while back.

Krum’s been retired as a PC and demoted to an NPC in our current campaign. Outside of experimenting with the paladin class, I don’t think Jared had any plans for Krum. So I took a few liberties with him.

Krum lost faith in his old god, traded in his church for a tavern, and exclusively only tithed to beer and wine. Despite losing faith and the inherent powers granted to a paladin therein, he’s still a capable and ferocious warrior.

Krum, along with two other friends, had fought alongside the main party early in the campaign as hired swords working for Fiddenmar. As their quests became completed, Krum had refused the party’s offer to join their crew; to stay and “defend” his city, particularly his city’s pubs.

Concerning the fumes around his face, I don’t recall which element of Dragon Breath Jared chose. Can just say it’s beer breath for now.

Day 15: Sarah Lega

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Now things get complicated. Sarah is the wife of Indy. From another universe. From another time. Actually Lega’s have been the guardians of good since forever and Sarah was the Lega of the Wild Wild West but while fighting Death Peterson the vicious gunslinger they ended up in the present, where she met Indy and they fell in love and married but…well Death is still alive and haunting her.



#15 Amy

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Val G. (nittoai)

#12 – The Melee Combatant Warrior Guy

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

A mysterious combantant with a ridiculously long title, “The Melee Combatant Warrior Guy”.

He may claim to be a pro combatant, but in reality, he’s nothing but an absolute loser.

#15 Effrom McGuirk, amateur pugilist

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Effrom fancies himself a gentleman of honor, a protector of the weak and a master of the art of fisticuffs.

Unfortunately, he’s a buffoon.

Crook Croc

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Second one! Oh boy am I behind on this…

#14 Benny the Ring Bearer

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Benny’s carrying that Ring Bearer “swag” onto the the floor! Haha… I have no idea. Better than the Ice Cream Hipster Poop Monster someone suggested I draw.. which I did but decided not to post… lol

#14 Autumn Frost

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

Autumn paints the leaves in fall colors, brings the first frost, and flies on the wings of a raven as night falls a bit earlier. (a different take on Jack Frost)

11/14/2012: Dragos, Vampire Prowler

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

NAME: Dragos  SPECIES: Human (Vampiric)  ORIGIN: Nexus City

Once a doctor for the criminal underground of Nexus City, Orban Victore fell victim to a creature of the night. Now, as Dragos, he stalks where the light of the Star-Core cannot reach, falling upon lonely travelers who tread too deeply into the shadowy depths of the Undercity.

Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending…)

#13 Kyrie

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

#14 – Edam pu Eman

| November 15, 2012 | 0 Comments

A fallen (she prefers ‘escaped’ or ‘liberated’) angelic being who has escaped from the Eternal Watchtowers. This being appears as a cosmic party girl and calls herself Edam pu Eman (‘made up name’) in order to hide her True Name from the Enochian enforcers trawling space-time for her. She dips in and out of space-time while freeloading off the Transit System to take cheap vacations in other universes’ misery and generally cause mischief. While in these material planes her primary power comes from her mastery of ‘Celestial Speech’; her lies can sometimes become truths, making her a target for Hype Eaters. She’s always looking for someplace new and cool to land, and often appears to seekers or ascetics in the desert — Messiahs, dervishes, initiates, burners, researchers, militiamen, whatever. She just can’t resist messing with them at that point.

known to occasionally travel with a “PETRIKIN“.