11/13/2012: Zenn Zaran, Last of the Celestial Artificers
NAME: Zenn Zaran  SPECIES: Celestial Artificer  ORIGIN: Unknown
Brilliant scientist, war hero, trans-universally acclaimed opera singer. Zenn Zaran is all of these things and far, far more. Were his life a book, the stories of a thousand lesser beings would barely fill the prologue. The last of an otherwise extinct species, Zenn Zaran is considered by many to be the most intelligent corporeal being in the known Multiverse. A celebrity without peer, he has grown reclusive, holing up in his mansion in Nexus City. No one has met with Zenn Zaran and spoken about it for over one hundred years, though he is occasionally sighted in Nexus City, flying on the back of his Scintillating Star Dragon, Magnifithrax.
Model designed in Sculptris and TinkerCAD (3d print pending)