Archive for November 8th, 2012


| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

MonsterBoo lives in my shoe and tickles my toes to say hello.

Day 8: Knightmare

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

So…what do you get if you throw Pat Raponick, an x-best-pal of Indiana Lega in a pool with toxic plasteline?

KNIGHTMARE, the being made of evil dreams… And yes, he is a psycho symbiote morpher who wants Indy’s head seperated from his shoulders…

But who did such a thing? Who is responsible for this monstrosity that haunts Indy and Lego City?? Who???

Day 8: Stud

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

the centaur

“I see you have been interacting with him a lot lately and I just want to say…as a friend…you should probably not mate with him. He kinda has t-rex arms. You know? Like, they’re too thin at the ends… I mean…raising babes in the woods is hard enough with them fumbling around without freakish t-rex arms. Just sayin’.” – Fig and his thoughts on Stud

Stud is a male centaur. Male centaurs tend to control large circle-like territories which they protect with great passion and vigor. Female centaurs tend to travel from territory to territory. If they are impressed by the territory, they’ll stay during the mating season.

Stud is the centaur whom territory lays within Twigs and Fig’s forest. Twig, who has been much distracted by Fig’s antics and human interactions, completely forgot about mating season (at least mentally) and was surprised to be suddenly courted by a complete stranger.

Despite being a forest creature and spiritually in tune with the woods, Stud is head strong and the definition of gladiator. He pretty much solves everything with brute strength and intimidation. He doesn’t know what “No” means, which has made Twig quite uncomfortable in many occasions. He is also a polled centaur. It is unsure if he is naturally polled or by some other means, but he is very sensitive about it.

Due to a clash of personalities (and maybe some other unsaid causes), Fig and Stud do not get along AT ALL. Stud bull-headed mentality tells him that he is king of this land and Fig, who is the rightful guardian, begs to differ. Farther more, Fig is more then a bit annoyed by how Stud treats Twig…and the amount of time they spend together. It is a wonder that the two have not come to blows…yet.

Stud’s design is based on the Shire horse which is the largest horse breed.

((I haven’t been that proud of my last few drawings. Let’s hope I do better as I go…))

Day 8: Psycho Sam Attic

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

#7 Sorry

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

I’m sorry, I real understand you, we are all in this together, and our goverment are out of money.

Day 8: Sandy Torres

| November 8, 2012 | 2 Comments

Sandy is a private investigator and Otis Wonder’s partner(day 6). She is originally from Brooklyn, NY where she worked as a bodyguard for celebrities when they came to town. She is a highly skilled martial artist as well as en expert marksman. Sandy’s sarcastic sense of humor is a perfect contrast to Otis’s serious demeanor.

# 8 Migraine Fairy

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY-Jimmy Aioki was born in a Japanese internment camp in 1943.  His mother died in childbirth, and his father died in the pacific during the war.  Jimmy was raised with his grandparents in Southern California.  Jimmy excelled in school and graduated early from high school at the age of 16.  Jim then went on to cal tech where he was recruited by a military project there to try and re-create the Project Olympus project that created the super-heroes Miracle, Mister Amazing and Kat Carson.  Jimmy was contacted because he possessed the rare genetic sequence that scientists postulated was responsible for the Olympus formula taking effect on a life form.  Jimmy along with 5 other members were given what was actually an estimated approximation of The Olympus Formula.  This resulted in strange manifestation of latent powers in the participants.  Jimmy found that he could control and manipulate water and was code named Mister Tsunami by the army.

The group was introduced as THE DIVISION to the public in 1963 and were used in various military operations across the globe.

In 1975 the group was among other costumed adventurers that joined in the battle against the cosmic dictator known as GHOR THE AHNILALATOR.  They were successful in turning him back, but at the cost of the loss of lives among the heroes, a small town in Kansas, and more specifically all but one member of the Division, including Jimmy Aioki.

Day 8-Mayor

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


Mayor has the power to balance a budget and to bring two differing factions together for the benefit of all. He can also lay down a veto when provoked. If a ribbon has to be cut or a bill signed there is no one better to call on. Mayor will always use his powers to keep his city the best there is.

#3 – Vermilion / Ronnie Boyd

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments


Real name: Donald Boyd Jr. Goes by Ronnie.

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Skin tone: African American

Ronnie heals twice as fast as normal with no scarring. Aside from that, his supersuit makes him nearly invulnerable. He was given an old, worthless but pretty blanket by his archeologist uncle. When he wrapped himself in it, it transformed to a rubber-like suit that acts as a second skin. He added boots, a belt with pouch that holds essentials, and goggles with night-vision capabilities.



#4 Piola Gato

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

#4 Piola Gato

#2 – Stuart Ashbow

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Stuart Ashbow is one of the founders of Future-Tech. He’s runs the personnel side and is very friendly and a good judge of character. He gets impatient with Mick Adler sometimes, especially when he’s done yet another PR gaffe. But they will always be good friends.
He’s married, with no children.
He’s got a full sleeve tattoo on his right arm with an ocean theme and  a wheel with dolphins, koi, and anchors on the other shoulder. You can’t see either one of them ordinarily. The only tat you can see is a ring around the ring finger of his left hand. This is his wedding ring, and his wife has a matching one. It’s garland of rose branches with a small rose where the diamond would be. He has a small gold ring in his right eyebrow, and three piercings in each ear, all gold rings or studs. The ear piercings are not symmetrical. He wears a very plain, functional digital watch and glasses for reading that he otherwise carries in his breast pocket.

Stuart Ashbow is a secondary character for my comic series The White Knight. Mick Adler is already up. 

#4 Firesharter

| November 8, 2012 | 3 Comments

Armin Petrolli had the ability to shoot fire from any orifice of his choosing. Now that he’s getting up in age though, every expulsion is a gamble.

#8 – Aisha

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Aisha is Raji’s little sister. She can be a little shy, but nothing can get her talking more than the Inspector Kuneho cartoon series because it’s the best show ever. EVER. No matter what Pipay thinks. Aisha loves solving cases and writing news reports about them. She has a weird fascination for tabloid headlines.

#8 Yellow Galactic Seed

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Yellow Galactic Seed. It’s the beginning of time. We all had to come from somewhere. Vomatha, our home planet, was seeded 200 million years ago by the Rulers of the Dragon in the sky. All Vomathans, that is, every animal, every living creature that inhabits this planet, no matter how exotic or unique from one another, has one common ancestor, Yellow Galactic Seed. How the seed changed from a capsulized hemoglobin like pod into a multitude of beings remains a mystery that only the Goddess can unveil to us. This is the first time I’ve seen my own…our own pre-birth existence. Welcome to Vomathan History 101.


#8 Bindy the Burglar Slayer

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Our little girl is all growed up!

Elf Challenge #2 – Tiff Taff by Jon Morris

| November 8, 2012 | 1 Comment

Second in my Elf Challenge characters for the 30Character Challenge. I actually finished the drawing this weekend but I misplaced it, only found it to scan a couple nights ago.

We’re on day eight of the challenge and I’m currently coloring the third character, with characters #4 and #5 pencilled but not fleshed out. This drawing style is super time-consuming, I’m going to need to come up with a short-cut or a workaround (or maybe some characters don’t get the full color treatment).

Tiff-Taff is Frosby’s assistant, squiring the champion of the Big Green Forest in the long-running Elf Challenge Games…

#8 Lurve Machine

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Half man, half robot – All lover!

#8 Dinkolas Broone

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

No far out space adventure would be complete without the outright silly, but heroic alien character.  Lovable Dinkolas Broone is the first space traveler from his native planet Jutgo 12.  Little does this carefree adventurer know that one day he will help save the universe!  Perhaps more than once.

#7 & #8: Barry and Gentleshrimp

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

A rather free-range young lady, Barry is a track star that revels in the absurd. Her name is actually short for Beryl, a name she hates, from parents she’d just as soon ignore. Barry’s pretty popular at school, and no slouch in academics, though she’d do a great deal better if she slowed down instead of trying to rush through everything.

As with its mistress, the Gentleshrimp is built for speed. By keeping its mass low and size small, Barry can search for slime in areas larger monsters can’t, giving her a solid advantage in a city full of small places to hide. The top hat actually serves no purpose whatsoever; Barry just likes it.

The Gentleshrimp’s keywords were Animal, Thin, Six Legs, Gears, Tail, and Hat. The Gears actually turned into the lobster plates on shrimpy’s back, so I don’t feel too terrible about leaving them out. And overall, I’m rather fond of Barry and her crustacean, which is actually annoying me a bit. See, thanks to the election, I spent less time on them than any of the previous designs, but I like them more. Which makes no sense to me.

You should take a look at my art blog!

#8 Anya Volkov

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Doctor Ivan Volkov, the renowned Russian scientist, was one of the few people left studying the theory of parallel universes. He was hoping to be the first to prove their existence. Pushing his experiments past any legally safe protocols he was forced to work in secret, in his basement laboratory at his home.

The lab was a mess, half fished experiments and inventions lying across his worktables and floor never to be completed, as he feverishly worked away on a device to produce a portal capable of opening an inter-dimensional wormhole.

Ivan was putting the final touches to the experimental device when it misfired. A bright crimson doorway was being projected mere feet from the Doctor. He was over come with joy. After all of his hard work, it had actually worked.

A shadow appeared in the doorway. A parallel version of Ivan Volkov stepped through; he was flanked either side by humanoid robots.

“Do not mind my guards Doctor, they are simply here to ensure you come with me.” Exclaimed the doppelganger of Ivan. This version of him had a cruel face, twisted by some kind of burn and half covered in metal to replace the parts lost by fire.

The robotic guards grabbed Ivan, knocking him. They dragged him towards the crimson doorway. As the doppelganger turned to follow them he noticed the small fragile frame of Ivan’s daughter, Anya at the base of the stairs leading out of the lab.

Drawing what can only be described as a ray gun from a holster the doppelganger took aim at Anya. She was brave and did not flinch or look away. Time seemed to slow as he pulled the trigger; green energy erupted from the gun. A backpack sat on the table began to unpack itself. Before the energy blast could strike Anya the backpack and twisted and shifted into a robot very similar to that of the Doppelgangers guards.

The blast bounced off of the robots chest, ricocheting into the portal device.

“Damn.” Screamed the doppelganger as the portal began to close, he leapt back through it.

Anya looked up to the robot that had protected her with wonder in her eyes.

“We need to rescue my father.” Anya said with a great deal of confidence for one so one.

“I am to protect you, young miss Anya. That is all.”

Anya smiled.

“Well protected me then.” She exclaimed as she dove through the nearly closed portal.

Her new guardian followed her loyally as the doorway closed behind them.


| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

He’s the bad guy

Character #7: Shabby Sheik

| November 8, 2012 | 2 Comments

Shabby Sheik

Running behind – but trying to catch up.


Butcher of the Nile

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

7th concept! So far so good. Im learning so much of the digital medium everytime i load up a new concept on my laptop. This journey is looking good. FINGERS CROSSED* GOOOOO


.An executioner for the military with an immense lust for bloodshed in life, the butcher made a pact with Sobek, the god of the Nile River upon his untimely death.

“Protect these sacred waters, and you shall have the indulgence of painting them red with the blood of those who dare invade my domain.” were the terms Sobek gave, which echoed like music to the Butcher’s ears.

With the deal sealed, the butcher was reborn in the dreadful form of a cross between a crocodile and man, and once again clenched his colossal cleaver, to stand guard at the River of Nile.

The mighty titan stood ever vigilant in the cold waters of the Nile river, and disposed of intruders in the most brutal ways possible, often tainting the waters with the pigment of death- a gruesome shade of crimson.

The river of Nile thus protected its treasures from invaders under the watchful gaze of the butcher.

Do not be fooled by the butcher’s vigilance, as his drive is not one of a honorable defender’s- but  that of an insane murderer with a perverse and insatiable bloodlust.

Boatmen who seek passage in the River of the Nile often whisper hushed warnings of the butcher’s wrath. No matter where one hails from, the grim message  will always be the same.

“Be wary when treading the dark waters of the Nile River where the butcher lurks. He is always watching, and ever thirsty for blood.”




#7 – Dennis the Mystery Brawler

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Dennis is a man who frequently wanders the streets looking for fights.  With a large number of detectives on his tail, he may have to reconsider his profession…


Rumor has it that he has a little sister who wants to be a wrestler…

#8-The Dodging Armadillo

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments
Dillion - The Dodging Armadillo

Meet Dillon, skittish but agile & deceivingly quick despite his bulky size. He has an aversion to bring lights.

#8 Mortimer MouseRat

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Mortimer has a rat for a father, a mouse for a mother…and a sweet hooded sweatshirt. He also enjoys spelunking and the works of Raymond Chandler.

#7 – Pseudo (Aleksandar Milanov)

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

A con-man and liar of virtuoso ability, and a veritable computer genius, there isn’t a system Milanov can’t hack, or a secret he can’t find out. Selling his services to the highest bidder around the globe, he’s worked for people all around the planet. What truly makes him dangerous is that his ability as a hacker is something he worked for, a natural gift, but human. However, Milanov was also born with the ability to control the emotions of others through the use of pheromones. Over the course of time, he has become incredibly skilled at this ability.

With his skills, and a network of like-minded hackers essentially at his beck and call, Imperial lives a life of luxury, and carries himself with a refined sense of arrogance. He sees himself above average people, and sees the world as a series of secrets to unlock or exploit. To Milanov, every day people lie, and behind each of those lies is a secret. Whether that lie is lifts in your shoes or a password to your bank account, every secret is a lie waiting to be discovered.

Milanov prides himself on being one-step ahead of everyone else. Even in conflict, he will glide from point to point, seemingly acting as if he is “above” the fray until opting to strike, usually in a devastating fashion.

Milanov is largely amoral. He has a service to provide, and it is not his job to worry or consider the morals of his employer. If what they are asking him to do is wrong, it will get back to them eventually, and if not they’ll be fine. As long as he gets paid.

Milanov’s ultimate goal is to no longer need to take jobs, but to carve out a niche for himself as his own entity, independent from all nations, his own fiefdom. He is very nearly there.

Tall, always his looks are very genteel, his face is defined by a slim, slightly bent nose, grey eyes and a widow’s peak at the front of his closely-cropped hair. He never appears to completely shave, always showing up with a 5 o’clock shadow.

#8 Sushi-kun

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

Val G. (nittoai)

#3 “reborn”

| November 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

#7 Creature of the night

| November 8, 2012 | 1 Comment

Not really feeling into it tonight but wanted to do something. Kind of reminds me of one I did before but that was an owl-woman like cat woman. This one is more birdlike than human. Hope to do better tomorrow and I am off to bed I think.Â