There are all types of magical creatures in the world, sometimes all it takes to see them is to believe they exist.
Tags: art, art painting, cartoon character, Character, Children's Art, Children's book, creature, Magical, quirky, things that fly, whimsical
Category: 2012, Fantasy, Humor
K. Michael Crawford has been creating magical art and whimsical writing for Children’s Books since 1991. Michael’s latest drawing books, The Mystery of Journey Crowne, The Island of Zadu, Batty Malgoony’s Mystic Carnivale and Professor Horton Hogwash’s Museum of Ridiculous are part of a drawing series that get children to use their imagination, to teach them how to figure things out and lets them make choices. For more about the magical art and books by K. Michael Crawford, visit: www.happilyeverart.com