#6 Phantoma

| November 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

Real name: Peggeriana “Peggy” Jones


Weight:212 lbs.

Location: Outer space

Phantoma is an intergalactic vigilante operating in all sectors of the galaxy. When she was Peggy, she was once a Galactic Police officer betrayed by her superiors after being accused of a crime she did not commit.  Forced to go into exile and faked her own death, Peggy use her police training and a sense of design to create a one woman force against intergalactic criminal activity as Phantoma.

Powers: Has wristbands that can shoot anything from lazer beams, gravity fields, etc.

Personality:Determined, alert at all coats.

Category: 2012, Participants, Scifi

About the Author ()

Just an artist creating a large amount of artistic things in a world of possible destruction.

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