Dr. Mitchell K. Lowery is a very Bill Nye type character. He’s very intelligent college professor so when he gets excited he gets to talking fast and most folks don’t actually understand what he’s talking about. Because he looks very much like Colonel Sanders but has Red Hair his unofficial nick name on campus is Dr. Ginger Sanders.
Tags: bow tie, Human, Humor, kiefer, professor, scientist, webcomic
Category: 2012, Drama
Jesse Kiefer at your service. I am a full time elementary art teacher in Nebraska. I teach grades K-5 for 2 schools. In my free time I'm a martial arts instructor, and I try to update a webcomic at http://www.tankmonkeycomic.com.
You can find me on twitter @jessekiefer
and on Faceboook http://www.facebook.com/vorpalarrow