Archive for November 3rd, 2012
#3 The Cosmic Horror
“I keep hearing noises down here. I’m just going to go a little deeper.â€
Last words of Cosmonaut Yuri Ivanov
Day 3 – Lizzy
No one is really sure what Lizzy is least of all Lizzy. The top theories are Alien, Cheshire cat, or the spiritual incartation of all the little lost kittens that never found homes. She likes to visit Crystale because the little girl is one of the few that can see her and plays with her. Whatever she is Lizzy is fairly benign, unless someone threatens her friend.
Character Biography: Martin
Batiste, Â the 14th Baron of Bonne
Terre was born in the French
Province Nord-Pas-de-Calais in July
of 1750. He grew up in comfortable
surroundings and wanted for
nothing, yet even at an early age,
saw the inequities and injustice
surrounding him. Martin as he
grew into adulthood became
engrossed in the Enlightenment.
He immersed himself in science,
engineering, politics, social
philosophy among other disciplines.
In 1768 his Father died under
mysterious circumstances, and an
altered (later learned falsified) will
that named his Uncle Rene as the
heir to his father’s lands and titles.
When Martin attempted to
challenge the ruling, his Uncle
concocted a scheme to frame Martin
for his Father’s murder. Martin
went into exile in order to gather
strength to clear his name and
regain his title.
Over time Martin met men and
studied under men like Ben
Franklin, Voltaire, along with some
of the finest swordsmen, military
strategists, criminals, and whoever
could aid him with his main goal.
While in Prussia, Martin observed a
meteor land nearby. He went to
explore the crash site to find the
meteor was not only still intact, but
was made of an unidentified metal
ore that he later dubbed
INVINCIUM. Martin took the ore
and had it smelted and forged into a
shield in the shape of the Fleur-de-
lis. He decided to take on the role
of a masked adventurer known as
THE LIBERATOR and used the
shield as his symbol.
Martin returned to France in 1773 to
find Bonne Terre was in a state of
ruin. Batiste had become a cruel
tyrant who bled the countryside dry
for his own selfish gain. Martin
began a 5 year campaign against his
Uncle, and eventually regained his
land and title, and in process
became a national legend and came
to the attention of King Louis XVI.
In 1777 he was summoned to Paris
where he was asked to go to
America to aid in revolutionary
cause. He was requested by Ben
Franklin personally. Martin landed
in Baltimore in January of 1778. He
met up with George Washington
and a Spaniard adventurer known
as Phantasma. Washington had the
two costumed crusaders gather a
band of fellow adventurers that
went on  a series of missions
varying from sabotage to guerilla
warfare. Over time these super-
heroes did their part to help win
America its Independence, in the
process Martin gained the respect
and almost universal admiration by
both the common citizenry and its
top governmental and social
Jean returned to France in 1783.
He went into a semi-retirement at
that point, mostly a few adventures,
ruling Bonne Terre, and
philanthropic work. He even
managed to find a wife and have two
children. Then the French
Revolution struck and Martin’s life
was near ruined. The republic
seized his lands and fortune,
imprisoned his family, as well as
tortured and imprisoned him.
Things looked bleak. Even the
people of Bonne Terre turned on
him either out of fear of the
committee, or in some misplaced
sense of allegiance to the new
republic. Things only became
worse as cholera took his wife and
daughter’s lives while imprisoned.
Martin languished in jail for over a
year until a series of impassioned
plea from over 2 dozen political
figures, including George
Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and
James and Dolly Madison, had
swayed the government to release
Martin and his surviving son
Michael on the provision that they
leave the country immediately.
Martin was given a stipend and a
government position by President
Washington. Eventually Martin and
Michael relocated to New Orleans in
1804 after it became a possession of
the US. Both spent the next decade
or so in a quiet manner. Then in
1815, events led to the Battle of New
Orleans. General Andrew Jackson
was in need of men of all quarters to
aid him in his effort to hold the city.
Jackson approached a then a 64
year old Martin to don the Liberator
garb one last time. Martin
reluctantly agreed, and once again
aided United States in maintaining
its fragile newfound freedom.
In 1817 Martin returned to France
and Bonne Terre. Louis XVIII
returned his title and properties to
him, and he spent his final days
trying to rebuild the humble land to
its former stature. He died
peacefully in 1831. A statue of him
in his Liberator costume was
erected 5 years later. In 1916 his
great grandson Jean took on the
mantle and shield of the Liberator,
carrying on the legacy as he fought
in both World Wars.
Day 2 – Crystal Griddle
Daughter of Donald Griddle, Crystal is a well behaved 5 year old. She loves her daddy and her best frend Lizzy, whom she draws all the time. No one is quite sure what Lizzy is only that it appears to be green and purple. Donald usually plays along with her imaginary friend although some people, such as her grandparents don’t think she should be encouraged. Crystal knows they don’t believe her but as long as it doesn’t stop Lizzy from coming to visit she doesn’t care.
#3 Adam McMahon
Adam is a body builder who thinks he’s god’s gift to women. He’s actually a nice guy but he can be a bit insensitive when talking to women. He may become the main love interest or a recurring annoyance. He thinks he’s the hero of the story but he doesn’t understand what’s really going on.
#3 Heavy Weapon Team
As the amount of ordinance flying through the air at once increases, the situation becomes progressively more hilarious.
Sadly short on time today, so no coloring or the usual post-processing I do to cover up my hideously bad scanner.
11/3/2012: Mother Myshe, Human Priestess of Arac
NAME: Mysh Ki Tarako  ORIGIN: Noctis Secunia  OCCUPATION: Priestess
Followers of Arac, the god of night-flying hunters, are some of the most feared assassins in the known Multiverse. Among their shadowy ranks, Mother Myshe is a legend. A ruthless killer blindly faithful to Arac’s dogma, Myshe’s services go to the highest bidder, provided they’re willing to pay her patron’s dark price. From Nexus City, Myshe curates her master’s hidden temple, sending initiates into the trans-universal webway to fulfill the macabre wishes of her clientele.
Model designed in TinkerCAD and Sculptris (3D print pending…)
Day 3: Rico
Rico is an old bitter man that spends most of his time telling you about the good old days. He’ll spend hours telling you about the times of heros, riches, adventure and how pretty much everyone in your generation sucks.
This seems odd because Rico is a Ramidreju and carries many scars from hungry travelers hunting him down for his precious pelt and treasure. One such injury, a broken hook of some kind, is so deeply wedged into his mouth that no (including himself) has dared to try and pull it out. These attacks have not only makes Rico the bitter old rag he is, but also gives him the paranoia of a Vietnam Vet housed in a firecracker factory.
Despite this, like many of his odd ball neighbors, he has  grow a shine to the local seller. In the old days, Rico use to collect gold. Since gold is no longer a popular form of currency (don’t get him started on that), Rico has agreed to trade the fragrant and healing musk oil from his fur for any jewelry and non-copper coins the seller can find.
Rico is not fond of Bog (talks too much) or Mikhail (talks too little) and demands that they get off his porch.
30 character challenge 2012 nr 3:Detective Frank Keely
Have been experimenting today, haha! Got this idea while I was talking with a friend today, after seeing a pic of her Halloween costume we got an idea of a 19th’s century where a undead detective and another one investigates supernatural cases, with monsters and stuff. We based the detectives on ourselves a little, this was my character: Detective Frank Keely
He wields an ancient knife, fused with magic which he use to protect himself against the monsters he encounter, the magic gives the knife the ability to fire magic projectiles.
#3 The Retiree
The Retiree. Tired, self-serving, upstanding, law-abiding, senile, crime-fighting, citizen.
30 CHARACTERS: Day Three
Because every Universe needs a God-repelling metal: Obdurate. In Judges 1:19, the Bible says that “The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots.” This is the metal those chariots were made of that prevented the army of Judah -even with The Lord’s backing- from defeating the men of the plains.
x-posted at
#3 – Maddy
Being the ukay* queen of the neigbourhood, Madelynne Mae has a particular knack for making the most out of 100 pesos-per-pound specials at the local thrift stores. A true DIY-er at heart, Maddy is often seen hanging out in Quiapo and Divisoria looking for materials to develop her handcrafted jewelry and cellphone charms. Sometimes Maddy’s outlandish fashion sense can get too much for the conservative sensibilities of the nuns (and her peers) at Holy Mary Academy. But hey, the opportunity to wear civvies to school only comes thrice a year, there’s no way she’s going to miss out.
(*-ukay, short for ukay-ukay, which literally translates to ‘dig-dig’, is the Filipino term for thrift stores. Connotes the jumble of clothing and items one has to literally dig through to find treasure)
Frank and Mindy

Frank and Mindy
I imagine Frank being this totally lovable, but completely clumsy and destructive alien monster that Mindy created in her secret laboratory! Mindy is probably a very shy girl who only opens up with Frank.
Frank and Mindy probably get into a lot of trouble together, as good friends tend to do.
#3 Homi Kapoor
Names: Homi Kapoor
Place of origin: India
Occupation: Astronaut
Legal status: Citizen of India in good standing
Identity: Publicly known
Marital status: Married
Known relatives: Cousin Superfusion Heart.
Group affiliation: Far Sky Adventurers Collective
Base of operations: India. Space.
History: A promising young physicist from India, Homi was recruited early by a private space program, the Far Sky Adventurers Collective. Continue Reading
#3 The Anomaly
When scientists funded by an anonymous politician (yes the same one who controls Black Bow and Riza) discovered a unique radiation wave approaching our solar system they did not expect their scans to draw the energy towards earth. Nonetheless they were able to collect and harness they energy in a an abandoned nuclear research center. Surprisingly the energy proved to be sentient. They were able to rig up a containment suit to allow the cosmic entity to interact with humans easier. Unfortunately the process of capture and containment had altered the being’s energy field, if he attempted to return to the stars he would quickly dissipate. He is now trapped in Earth’s magnetic field, depended on it and his suit for cohesion, and on energy siphoned from the electrical grid for sustenance. This, unfortunately, makes him easy to control.
#02-Rusty Dusty
Rusty Dusty was a forgotten turtle that got lost one day in the house after his owners forgot to put him back in his pen. Since then, he has become a lonesome wanderer, adapting to the cracks between beds, the back of sofas, and any little nook and cranny in the house. He has even discovered a good way to conceal himself as to not attract attention from the family dog.
#1 Help-Bot ID#108971 “Hep”
Help-bot ID#108971, nicknamed “Hep” after the unfortunate peeling of his lettering. Hep was made, like all the other Help-Bots, to help people. Hep loved his job. He did it to the best of his ability. People’s smiling faces were all the pay he needed, as well as the occasional greasing and oiling to keep him functional.
Then one day the humans decided that Help-Bots were no longer needed. They were too clunky, too awkward, too inefficient. They could build better ones. And so all of the Help-Bots were recalled, to be melted down and made into spare parts. When Hep realized where he and his brothers and sisters were going, he was horrified. His whole life helping humans, only to be put down in a horrible death-by-melting. Hep barely escaped this fate, and has been on the run ever since.
#3 – Targus
This is Targus, an eladrin bard played by my buddy Matt.
Targus hasn’t really had much time for character development, as Matt is an on-and-off player at our table since he works like an hour and a half commute away from our usual gaming spot.
That sort of puts the party in a funny position because, as the bard, Targus is the party healer. And since he’s absent for a good portion of our games, the party lacks in the healing department in most of our fights.
And so, he’s sort of an NPC medic they can call for with the strained battlecry, “Targus! Heeeeelp!” whenever Matt isn’t around.
edit: i should stop doing these right before i go to work, gonna try and get a more detailed doodle in tomorrow.
#3 Lost Kitten
Lost, cold, and hungry; your fingers and toes are hard to bend, knees scraped and scabbed over. When you’ve been through so much, sometimes you just want someone to take care of you.
#30Characters Chatter…