Archive for October, 2012
2012 Challenger: Stuntmantan
Hello everyone, super excited to be participating once again in the 30 Character Challenge. I made an attempt last year, but never did any of the community stuff and ultimately burned out. I’m feeling good about it this year, and will be trying to participate more on the site to better motivate myself to stay around.
I don’t really have a universe that I’m trying to fill with characters, and I don’t have any plans to create a universe from any of my characters. This will strictly be an exercise in character design and draftsmanship. I’m planning on simply selecting a Wikipedia page at random for each day and using that for inspiration.
I wish you all the best of luck, together we can do this thing!
2012 Challenger: David R. Vallejo
Hello! I’m David, AKA graphiteman. I enjoy illustration, fine arts and all things creative. I participated in the 30 Characters Challenge last year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Last year I created a bunch of characters for my graphic novel which is still in the works. This year I will create more characters for yet another story. My medium will simply be pencil.
On with the challenge!
2012 Challenger: Jack Ellenberg
This will be my first year participating in this event, but I have always wanted to do something to push my boundries to help me reach my next level. I am a current student in the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and enjoying every minute of it, it is truly my first professional training as an artist. Everything I know up to this point has been self taught and I’m hoping along with school and this event it can help me find my style and develop my talent. I’m excited to bring it for this year’s challenge I won’t go out in a whimper. Expect the odd and the unique.
2012 Challenger: Silvercat
I’m Silvercat, aka Lydean Kenzall. I’m a writer, artist, and graphic designer who has unfortunately gotten out of the habit of drawing. So this is a chance for me to start that up again. I’m going to be doing mostly characters for a comic series I’m working on called The White Knight (which if things keep going as they are, may never see the light of day.)
So, you’ll be seeing a lot of people in suits and kilts.
I’m not sure how well I’m going to do, since I’m doing the major writing event at the same time.
2012 Challenger: George Ward
This is my third year participating in this event. I have 60 characters so far and will be adding another 30 this year. I’m not sure what I’ll come up with this time. I always have a few story ideas rolling around in my head that I can create stories for.
I’m currently working on a horror sci-fi story, so the first bunch of characters will be from this. After that we’ll see what I come up with.
I also create the web comic, Dungeon Legacy, which updates every Thursday. It’s a fun fantasy adventure with a weird cast of characters and demented monsters. Check it out
2012 Challenger Luvly Lolita
My name is Jessi. My mom did this challenge last year and it looked like something I was interested in and it  looked fun. Love to draw and  hate being bored so this sounded perfect.  I am also in an Independent art credit class for my Junior year. I thought this might challenge my creativity.  I draw both realistic and anime. Lots of variety.Â
2012 Challenger Felistorm
My name is Jana Johnson AKA Felistorm. I participated last year and really loved the challenge. I am looking forward to this years challenge. I tend to do nature and fantasy art though am always interested in trying new things. Dragons are my specialty. I’ve been trying to do more pencil/pen art. Wanting to start doing water color as well. I also now work with Art rage though in the past I’ve used Lascaux. Looking forward to this and to seeing the other entries :)Â
2012 Challenger:Vince Bayless
My name is Vince Bayless and I am attempting the challenge for the second year. It was a fun time last year and really helped work my creative brain. I am an Illustrator, Cartoonist and Animator in Salt Lake City, Utah. So far most of my work has been for my own growth and enjoyment on my blog, but I still hope to make a living doing art someday. Looking forward to seeing all the cool things everyone comes up with and hope I can give the other participants some fun times also.
2012 Challenger: Adam Dix
What’s up!! Kind of excited for this. I’ve done a similar challenge before and had a great time.
I’m Adam Dix. I live in San Francisco and am an artist for Disney Interactive/Playdom working in both production and concepts. I take it were all curious about everyone else’s work so I’ll make it easy for you interweb surfers.
Hope to see some cool work!
2012 Challenger: Patrick Robinson :)
My name is Patrick Robinson and I am super excited about this years challenge.
Currently I am out of work and draw half of my days; the other half is spent on looking for a job and social networking. Most of my art that I post are on my facebook account:
This challenge is going to motivate me a lot more to just do more. Also, I am in serious need of competition ( in the nicest possible way).
Cant wait to see all the cool art work 🙂
As a writer, I am somewhat disadvantaged when looking at cool contests such as these. But I just can’t ignore a challenge. So I am going to take a stab at it this year. I’ll be creating 30 characters by way of a posting from the character’s POV. An email, a letter, a series of tweets, a diary entry, etc. Something that is them speaking out to someone in their world. To make it interesting, they will each be a character that works or visits a local Farmer’s Market. There has been a crime committed and (hopefully) through the character’s observations of the day they have had the mystery will unfold. Mind you, if I can’t think of characters that saw anything the idea will crash and burn leaving me with 30 unconnected character tidbits, lol. We will see if I can pull it off.
Hello one and all!  This is Dan Nokes of 21st Century Sandshark Studios fame and notoriety!  I was a participant in last year’s 30 CHARACTERS IN 30 DAYS CHALLENGE!  I am writing to inform my fans and fans of this endeavor, that I will once again, be stepping into the ring to belt out another 30 characters!  Here are a few choice pics from last years efforts for you guys to gander and get an idea at what I do and what I plan for this year!
For more info please feel free to visit my homepage at!
2012 30Characters reintroduction
Hello again. This is Pablo Martinez from NYC back doing this again. I had a great time last year and hope to make it a good time this time around as well. If you wanna know more about me, just take a look at my archives and take a look at what I’ve done last year just to see what I’ve done and said. That said, I hope to see what everyone here is up to this year.
See you all on the 1st,
Returning Challenger 2012: Rachel Ross
I played along last year, and managed to get 30 characters done – but a lot of them were “pretty terrible”.
So this year, I want to churn out 30 characters that are “less terrible”.
I’ve been practicing, but not as much as I should!
Here’s my website, where I will cross-post these characters: Glimmerville
2012 Challenger: Krishna Sadasivam
My name is Krishna Sadasivam, and I teach within the Media Arts and Animation Department at the Art Institute of Tampa. I’ve been working as a professional illustrator / cartoonist since 1999. My webcomic, PC Weenies, will celebrate its 15th anniversary online this October.
The 30 Characters Challenge represents a great opportunity to kick out new designs – but more importantly, it’s a great opportunity to meet other creators. I’m looking forward to the competition and hope to make a few new friends.
2012 Challenger: Canni
Hola! I am going to try this one more time! I am Canni, a graphic designer who is trying her hand at drawing. I need to draw more in order to get better, so what better way to do that then by  a challenge. I’m competitive by nature an I know this wil be fun. I just get so caught up that I forget. But this yeah I’m going to make sure I draw something! i draw mostly males right now, males and cows. Now I know what your thinking and no, I’m just obsessed with cows and males are attractive xD.
I have a T blog where I post my art but it’s not really art dedicate right now >3< so hopefully after this month it will be and i can share it with you guys.
<there’s me and there’s a drawing….yep xD>
2012 Challenger: Joseph Charneskie
I read sci-fi, fantasy, and comics books. I particularly enjoy tales of King Arthur, the Argonauts, super-teams, spaceship crews, etc. Bands of heroes doing mighty deeds (usually while bickering endlessly). I also run an online Marvel RPG so my aim is to use this exercise to flesh out my alternate Marvel U with some more home brew heroes and villains
2012 Returning Challenger-Melanie Dawn McGreevey
I am back! and so ready.  I hit all 30 last year, after only getting to 16 the year before.  Sadly only a few of my entries will be in color (after testing out my markers) Many are dried up, and i can’t afford a new set.  Anyway, goodluck to everyone! 😀
This is Crackshot
Returning for 2012
Hopefully to not fail completely like last year.
So here I am and they’ll be here too!
Returning to the Game
I missed thirty characters last year, but I’m coming back and brought some friends! Looking forward to seeing what is born this time around.
2012 – Beausephus!
Last year I used my obsession with my then recently acquired  iPad to draw more I had in years.  The ability to color, edit, and publish in a single sitting allowed me to actually productively create in the limited time I have to just sit down and draw.  My dormant deviantART page suddenly had life and the support of the community really convinced me to keep putting my doodles into the ether.
In the 2011 Challenge I combined original creations, versions of old childhood charters, and characters inspired by my 4 year old son’s imagination.  Well, that 4 year old is now a very creative and prolific 5.  He’s on the verge of writing and his artwork is pretty impressive especially even if judged solely on volume.  For the 2012 Challenge my son and I will be collaborating, creating a whole universe of heroes, villains, aliens, and monsters from the mind of a 5-year-old and then drawn by me.  I will try to include my son’s original versions of the characters, if they exist.  Sometimes he creates on his own, other times I act like a Police sketch artist, adding and changing concepts and details as he sits perched at my elbow.
He’s very excited to see his ideas put “on the computer” and I’m excited to have another impetus to create work for an actual audience.
2012 Challenger: Brie Durrant
I actually signed up for this last year, but never got around to actually doing it. I will definitely do better this year. I have a huge number of characters from the stories I make up and just never get around to doing, so number-wise it won’t be too hard, it’s just the actual work that might kill me.
2012 returning challenger – Grant Pasies
Hello everyone! It’s your favorite contestant-
Wait, what?
You don’t remember me?
Well, that’s to be expected. Last year, while I technically mostly completed the challenge (I got up to twenty-eight characters), I also uploaded none of it here. While I got some great creations out of it, such as secret agent Harley Kawasaki (Race car driver by day, guy who turns into a motorcycle by night), ruffian inventor Ashton Maple (Musclebound ungentlemanly steampunk inventor), and a woman who uses a ghost made out of cigarette smoke to punch people, the only thing I got close to uploading was a rough text description of The Jailer in my drafts. It’s a little embarrassing.
But, hopefully, that’s a thing of the past!
This year, I’m planning on coming back with a vengance. Or at least with a moderately large chip on my shoulder. I’ve recently been working on a superhero universe of my own, filled with notable groups like the Heroes Council, the Allstars, the dynamic duo of Bishop and Rook, etc. But the problem is, aside from these people and a few loosely related to their group, I’ve got jack diddly. So, my plan for this year is to make a superperson a day, or at least someone related to the superheroes. Natrually, I reserve the right to not do this and to post something or someone that isn’t a superhero, but I’m going to try and keep with the theme. I may or may not draw everything, depends on whether I bring out my tablet or not.
(We are still supposed to post these, right?)
2012 Returning Challener – Corrie Ferrell Jr.
Hello again everyone. Â I am a participant of last year’s 30 Characters Challenge, and I actually managed to create 30 characters that year.
I’m looking forward to paricipating in this year’s challege as well. Â As with last year, I will be trying utilize both traditional and digital media.
You can find me at my deviantART page and my tumblr blog
(I hope I’m doing this right…) Â Good luck everyone.
Looking forward to the challenge!
I just found out about this through the NaNoWriMo group on FaceBook, and thought, “why not?” Just because I work full time and am committed to writing 50,000 words in 30 days while starting a brand new region… Besides, I have this story idea in mind for a future NaNo (or Camp) and it needs characters… Sadly, I can’t draw at all, so my “sketches” will all be words… So, what’s another few thousand words? The hardest part will be names…
2012 Returning Challenger: Shannel Gaddy
Last year I no where near completed the challenge, so that has got to change for this year!
I’m really looking forward to it and am determined to finish all 30, so we’ll see how this goes – one day at a time!
Wishing everyone the best of luck~
If you’d like to see a bit of my work, check out my blog
Hello Cyber world
Hey, wassup everybody. I was in the challenge last year and I finish (claps). This year, I will join in the fun. I’m not sure about my them this year for the character challenge, but I’m sooooo excited to be apart of this event. :O
Returning Challenger For 2012 – Michael Nimmo
Last year – even with the help of my daughter I only managed 25 of the 30! This year I’m determined to do them all!
I’m getting into this digital art thing that seems to be big, with more of my drawings on the iPad!
Most of my art is on Sketchclub and is cartoony in style.
Me? I’m a safety consultant by day and a digital comics blogger by night.
Good luck to all this year!
2012 Challenger: Miss Kristin Bowles
Hello, hello, hello again!
You’re actually going to see some uploads from me this year – I swear! I’ve got oodles more time and quite a bit more motivation to lock down and take care of business this time around!
My name is Kristin Bowles
I graduated from the Art Institute of Tampa with my BFA in Game Art & Design in 2011; I have a fancy website and an official wordpress blog, as well as a deviantart account.
I haven’t been as active as I should have been with making art this past year…
For reference, here’s my intro post from 2011.
What I HAVE done this past year…
(“Sleepy Time” Pokémon, done during Megacon 2012)
(Pottermore portrait; Mmm! Candy! Project; “Self-Satisfaction)
(Jinora: Legend of Korra Fanart; Anyu: Legend of Korra O.C.; EVE: Megamind Tumblrverse O.C.)
And, uh, here’s a picture of me?
#30Characters Chatter…