Archive for October, 2012
2012 Challenge: M_Dissolvo
Hi everyone,
I tried this challenge last year and did NOT complete it, however I am determined to make it work this year. Â This is an important goal to me so I’m excited to get going, and I can’t wait to see what everyone else is going to be creating. Â I don’t really have much to add for now, but in a few days it’ll be time to start uploading and I’ll let my work speak for itself.
2012 Challenger: captkevman
I’m Kevin Copeland, known online mostly as captkevman, but also occasionally as The Wayward Cartoonist. I did the challenge in 2010 and 2011, although I only completed 5 entries and 1 entry (respectively). I promised myself I’d try again this year and try to complete all 30.
My online handle (captkevman) is a combination of my name and my favorite childhood cartoon character. I picked it as an AOL handle back in the 90s, and it just sorta stuck. My other alias (The Wayward Cartoonist) is a bit more appropriate: I used to cartoon a bit back in high school and early college, but I haven’t done anything to speak of for the past couple of decades. I’ve spent the last few years trying to reconnect with my creative side. During my journey, I have started (and serve as organizer for) a local cartoonists/comickers group, I’ve been to a few conventions (SPX 2009 & Intervention 2011, plus some other local cons) that have been very inspiring, and I’ve had a few false starts on a webcomic project (which, despite several personal setbacks, I’m not ready to give up on yet). This year, I also organized the first annual DRAWtoberfest (, which was designed to be a celebration of drawing for people of all ages and abilities.
As for my “real job”, I’m an independent technician and consultant focusing on products with a certain fruit logo on them. While I haven’t been creating as much as I’d like, I do take comfort in the fact that several members of our local group have gone on to do some pretty cool things: a self-published comic book, a self-published drawing book, and admission to RISD are a few of the achievements by our members. While I’m not personally producing much at the moment, it’s nice to be a part of a community that encourages and inspires creators.
This year, I did start drawing more frequently, even if it was just because of the game Draw Something on the iPad/iPhone. (Hey, I’m still marking that in the “win” column.) 😉
As for what to expect from me: keep your expectations low, and you won’t be disappointed. Last year, I actually did about 8 characters, but I only got a chance to post one of them. I’m hoping to do better this year. Look for a variety of character types, styles, and genres. I’m not filtering anything this year (except for decency).
I look forward to seeing everyone’s amazing characters this year!
2012 Challenger: Jared Lewis
I should probably get my info up before the East Coast loses power, what with this giant, unprecedented storm & all.
I’m Jared.
I’m 29, I live on the East Coast, & this is my third year doing this challenge. I went all 30 for both 2010 & 2011. And yeah, I’m looking to do that again this time. It might be more of a challenge this time around as my dayjob situation has changed, giving me longer hours & a longer commute to create motion graphics for a local cable station. But I’m still looking to give it a shot. Below are a couple of my favorites thus far & a link to my infrequently updated sketchblog. I also have a tumblr without all the BS too if that works better for you. Good luck to all the other participants!
2012 Brand New and Shiny
Hiya everyone, I’m Helen and this is my first time trying this challenge. I am also doing NaNoWriMo and have been creating artwork this year as Project 365 so having this challenge should help with keeping my blog art up to date whilst doing NaNo. Hope everyone has loads of fun : )
2012 Challenger: Michael Beckett
Hey there, everybody! Michael Beckett, returning challenger here. My project last year was History Classes, a series of historical figures designed to fit RPG character classes; George Washington as an Onion Knight, Carrie Nation as a Berserker, that sort of thing. It spawned a whole other blog, Thematic Conversion, which combines different ideas every month to create something new. This year, however, I’m doing something a little different. I’m calling this year’s project Blobby Little Monsters, and it’s my first real experiment in world building. So first let’s talk about the setting, and then I’ll get on to the nuts and bolts of character creation. ^^ Continue Reading
2012 Challenger: Aubrie Johnson
Hey! I’m a graphic designer, comic nerd and MMO gamer in the San Francisco area. (My League of Legends summoner name is Daughter Phoenix, look me up!)
I’m still getting used to the craziness of working salary, but when I get some free time, I try to get my comic stories and characters out on paper/pixels. I love sci-fi like Skydoll and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and game concepts like Mass Effect, Bioshock, and, of course, LoL, so expect some aspects of those in my submissions.
Good luck, everyone!
Hello Everyone! My name is Jane, and this is my 3rd year participating in the 30 Characters Challenge. This challenge got me to start drawing after a LONG dry spell a few years ago, and I’ll be eternally grateful. I’m looking forward to the challenge again this year (time is pretty limited these days, so I’m going to do my best) and I’m excited about seeing everyone’s characters!
BACK AGAIN!!! – Amb0rg
Hey y’all!
I took the challenge back in 2010 and got cold feet about half-way through. This time, I’m coming in with a better work ethic and more experience and will finish even if it kills me! As always, I’m hella excited to see everyone else’s work, too!
Here’s some stuff to look at:
2012 Challenger: Gregory Gibbons
Gregory Gibbons here.
I’ve been missing drawing… it’s time to get re-aquainted.
A big shout out to Tyler, for sounding the challenge once again.
Let the games begin!
2012 Challenger: Lorenzo Ross
Hi Everyone,
A friend of mine did the challenge last year and it sounded like a lot of fun so I thought I’d give it a shot this year. I recently started my own imprint so most of the characters I plan on creating will be inhabitants of the Alternative City Comics universe. This challenge is just what I need to get my ideas and story arcs going for current titles as well as other possible projects.
If anyone would like to see samples of my work  you can visit  which is my comics website or  which is my etsy store.
I look forward to seeing what we all come up with. Good luck to everyone!
2012 Challenger: Andrew Glazar
Hello, my name is Andrew Glazar. This is my second time in the 30 characters challenge. Last challenge, though, I only got to day 3, but this time, I’m sure to get them all.
I am a caricature artist at Busch Gardens. However, I like to digitally draw more often. I hope this challenge will help me to get out of my lazy funk and get some interesting art going again.
Check out samples of my work here:
2012 Challenger: Sand Izri
Sand Izri, a student animator on the East Coast of the States. Spunky with a crazy sense of humor. I wanted to do the Character Challenge ever since I learned about it earlier in the year. My weakness in 2D animation is Character Design so I hope that this will help me out Stylistically and Conceptually.
For the future, most likely there’s going to be lots of Stylistic Retro looking creations. Maybe a few creature drawings, some kids, something classy, something funky, maybe a theme for every 3 days or maybe a theme per week.
Looking forward for the 15th of November, it’s my birthday and I think it’d be cute to have a birthday themed character!
Looking forward to this challenge!
A lil of what I like to do, here’s a character sheet of Namie, a character used in my student film.
2012 Challenger: Marcus Rocco
Comic Artist who loves top ropes and robots with laser beam eye balls from San Antonio Tx everyday is drink and draw in my walkin closet studio
this will be my 1st go round in the 30 Character Challenge hoping to just let the brain and hand go nuts
also really excited to see everyone work as art is my jam
when im not flipping off top ropes you can find me at my site or on instagram and or twitter  @marcusrocco
2012 Challenger: Christopher Gazeley
Hi all, I’m Christopher Gazeley, AKA anOriginalClone, or clone for short.
I heard about the 30 Characters Challenge last year too late to join in, but this year I’m looking forward to taking it on. I post most of my artwork on DeviantArt, if you’d like to know what I’m about take a look 🙂
Best of luck to everyone!
2012 Challenger: Mike Gallagher
Hey, I’m Mike!
I am a freelance artist. I’ve been matriculating in the small press for a few years now. Currently I am working on an issue of Argo 5 and a comics album with Rosencrantz. I design T-Shirts and book covers.
I completed all 30 days in year one and two. Sadly I didn’t get to participate last year.
I enjoyed the first year’s concept of getting a character out a day. So I took that literally and try to do a good, quick, different character each day. I hope you will enjoy them!

A gift for a friend
2012 Challenger: Nathan Seabolt
Hi Everyone,
I’m a freelance Illustrator/Designer currently living in Sydney Australia, although the American South will always be home. I draw, paint and make comic books-and try to post a lot of it on the internet at:
This is my favorite November challenge (and there are many!). I love the fact that so many people have signed up for this already, and can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.
This will be my second year at the challenge, and I’m hoping to make it all the way through again this time. Last year was a struggle at times, but always rewarding and fun. Just being in the environment of so many great creators helped inspire and encourage me to make more and better characters as well as providing a huge amount of inspiration. Thanks to everybody for that, and I hope it works out even better this year-best of luck to everybody!
I’m on these social networks, let’s be friends!
2012 Challenger: Ralph Contreras
SHAZAM! Hey everyone!
My name’s Ralph Contreras, I’m a three year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge. This will be my 4th time around. The first year was the only challenge I was able to complete. I’m very excited and determined to finish all 30 this year. It’s a great challenge and I’m really looking forward to it. In past years I’ve made some great online friendships with fellow creators. I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing characters everyone will create this year.
I’m a huge comic nerd with aspiration of working in the comic field professionally. Comics have always been a part of my life. I even owned and ran my own comic book shop. For the past few years I’ve really been trying to make the dream a reality. My day job is graphic design, but at night I work on sharpening my storytelling, drawing and inking skills. I setup a personal blog Comic Book Graphic Design where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. I post all my pencils, inks and character designs on the blog. I also post great comic book resources to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too.
Plans for the future, I’ll be focusing on my personal comic projects in 2013. A quarterly print comic Hero Guard, and a weekly webcomic Amazing Hero Adventures (website under construction). Several characters in these projects were created during the past 30 Character Challenges.
Check out my characters from the last challenges: 2009 Challenge, 2010 Challenge, 2011 Challenge
Samples of some Character Designs.
Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my Blog and other Social Media sites!
All rights reserved. All contents â„¢ and © 2012 to Rafael “Ralph” Contreras, unless otherwise noted herein to respective content owners.
2012 Challenger: Matthew Goodmanson
I’m back and this year I’m going to do it. In 2010 I jammed most of my characters into one picture at the end, and last year I failed. Hard. This year I’m in it to win it. Can’t wait to see what everybody has up their sleeves this year. Good luck!
2012 Challenger: Jacob Flanagan
So, i’m a first-timer to this, but the entire thing sounds a hell of a lot more feasible and fun than NaNoWriMo. I’m an aspiring amatuer writer, voice actor and a absolute beginner artist who wasted far too much of his 20’s not doing what he was passionate about, and now is throwing himself back on the horse.
I’m really looking forward to using this as a good exercise in stretching myself, and trying to create characters. I’m interested in creating all kinds and shapes of characters, from Superheroes and people living in fantastic worlds to ordinary, everyday people just trying to get by. I love reality just as much as I love fiction, so I will always try and split the difference between the two.
Given that i’m a bare-minimum beginner artist, there won’t be drawings to go with these to start with, but hopefully i’ll be able to bring a few to life later on down the road, at least a little bit.
Storytelling has always been something I’ve been passionate about, but you gotta work at whatever you love to be good at it. I’ve got a while to go, but I think this is a great first step.
2012 Challenger: Alberto (ZERO) Rodriguez
hello, My name is Alberto (ZERO) Rodriguez. I’m 23 and at the end of this
challenge Ill be 24. I’m hopping that this year’s character challenge pushes
my limits and helps my mind create, improve, and imagine more than last
Last time around I mixed hand drawn sketches and digital art. I’m hopping
to deliver better characters with improved execution and story to captivate
audiences as well as entertain.
I mainly use Adobe Photoshop but I will be mixing it up with Sketchbook Pro
and possibly some sketches.
Glad to be here another year and I hope it to be a great one.
Good Hunting and much drawing!
2012 Challenge: Joe T
This is my second year in the challenge. I recently made move from east to west, Washington (DC) to Washington (northwest). I look forward to keeping up with the challenge, forcing myself to create and share new ideas, and see what everyone else come up out there.
2012 Challenger: Amy “Of Many Faces” Heisei
I missed last year but finished the challenge two years ago when 30 Characters in 30 Days played a significant part in changing my life. We’ll see what it does to me this year. Last time it got me connected with the person I’ve been with for almost 2 years now, helped paved my way towards being one of the creators of a new comic book, and gave me confidence in my self-motivation and determination. Recently I’ve become a more serious musician, having newly acquired a drummer, violinist, and flautist to my band that started out with just my sister and I. Thus I will likely have some musical influence sneaking into my characters this year.
Here’s when the band was just my sister and me. I’m dressed as one of my comic book characters, Dr. Rainbow.
And here’s the current full band.
2012 Challenger: Power Chick
I am a VERY amateur artist and I am going under the aliases “Power Chick” and “A. Stray.” I graduated from college a year ago with a B.A. in Japanese and right now I’m pursuing interests in art as I’d like to be a storyboard artist, a graphic novelist, and perhaps even a hip-hop album cover illustrator.
An artistic FB friend posted the link for this challenge and I definitely gotta challenge myself in order to explore my creativity and to continue onto the road of progress with my skills! I have a graphic novel idea that I’ve been toying with for years and I want to push myself to draw more male characters with this challenge–I’ve been in a very female happy world with my current creations! In November, you can expect a lot of male characters from my comic: they will mostly take the form of yakuza and the marginalized of Japanese society, as well as the occasional mystic creature here and there. There will be some female characters being sprinkled throughout, but for right now, I’m aiming to create at least 75% male characters.
Returning Challenger 2012: Trey Jackson
Hey all, I’m Trey Jackson. I successfully completed the challenge last year, surprising myself. Â this year I’m just looking to push it to the next level, see if I can get better drawings and some new ideas going and complete the challenge again.
2012 Challenger: Nikoli29
Hello. Â I found out about this challenge not long ago and it seemed like a really cool idea.
I don’t have nearly as much time in my life for drawing and creating as I’d like. Â I’m doing this challenge as a way to try and force myself to make time to draw.
I used to create stories based on my time working in a comic book shop, but I haven’t done that in a while.
I hope to make it to the end with 30 characters to try and flesh out.
2012 Chalenger: Jay Faulkner
Hi all, my name is Jay and I’m a 30Charactersaholic 🙂
This will be my third year of attempting the challenge with year one (2010) managing to get 10 characters sketched (and 30 characters ‘created’ in text form only), and year two only 3 characters created at all … both years I got ill (2011 requiring a week in hospital and ventilation as I kinda stopped breathing on my own) so I am hoping that Tyler and 30 Characters are not my own personal Typhoid Mary (or Typhoid Tyler I suppose); if I do get ill this year I am going to hunt him down!!! 😉
I’m really a writer nowadays, rather than an ‘artist’, and would say that I’m only an enthusiastic sketcher, so nowhere near as good as the majority of the people here (who I am a little in awe of) but I’m really here to have fun and see how close to 30 I can actually get … will aim for the total, of course, and see how things go 🙂
I’ve decided to also try something a little different, this year, and make a personal goal of including the characters that I create in short stories after the challenge has finished. So, in a nutshell I’m here to have fun, beat the curse of the 30 Characters Challenge, and incorporate some/all of these into publishable stories.
2012 Challenger: aciakatura
Hello there!
I heard about this challenge last year, from people who were doing it on a website which I can’t remember. Unfortunately, that was only after it had started so I couldn’t exactly sign up or anything…
This is my first time attempting this. I suppose it would be harder for me since I have exams for the whole of November which I should be studying for, but I’ll survive. (yes I’m crazy to even think of doing this)
I don’t actually do art at school and most of my style of drawing was sort of picked up as I went (does that make sense?) I draw mostly traditional. Hopefully, I won’t fail horribly. 🙂
Um, I’ll be seeing everyone’s artwork come November!
2012 Challenger: Jive Chameleon
Allo one and all! I am Jive Chameleon aka Camille McIntyre  and this is my second time doing the 30 day challenge. The first time I did not get to sign up and hang with the community ( I did it through posts on facebook and tumblr), so I really looking forward to it this year. I took animation as my minor in college and I am a big comic book fan, so I love making new characters and giving them a back story.
I was pretty random about what I drew during my first challenge, but I have a theme I think I want to follow this time around and (as usual) they may follow a single story that may turn into a comic if all goes well.
I wish everyone  luck and let’s have an awesome challenge.
2012 Challenger: chaives
Hey there I’m chaives, a semi-normal person hiding behind an internet persona. I draw things on occasion between school projects and I’m hoping that this 30Characters challenge will help me get back into the motions of things.
2012 Challenger: Sergio Bravo Jr.
Hi everyone,
I’m doing this as a challenge to myself. Wanted to last year, but for whatever reason, couldn’t get myself to. I’m an aspiring writer with an interest mainly in film, though not limited to. I’m a creative writing major with a minor in film. Into all things geek, a hopeless romantic, and into chick-flicks. Looking forward to the challenge and seeing everyone’s entries 🙂
#30Characters Chatter…