Archive for October 22nd, 2012

2012 Challenger: Power Chick

| October 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

I am a VERY amateur artist and I am going under the aliases “Power Chick” and “A. Stray.” I graduated from college a year ago with a B.A. in Japanese and right now I’m pursuing interests in art as I’d like to be a storyboard artist, a graphic novelist, and perhaps even a hip-hop album cover illustrator.

An artistic FB friend posted the link for this challenge and I definitely gotta challenge myself in order to explore my creativity and to continue onto the road of progress with my skills! I have a graphic novel idea that I’ve been toying with for years and I want to push myself to draw more male characters with this challenge–I’ve been in a very female happy world with my current creations! In November, you can expect a lot of male characters from my comic: they will mostly take the form of yakuza and the marginalized of Japanese society, as well as the occasional mystic creature here and there. There will be some female characters being sprinkled throughout, but for right now, I’m aiming to create at least 75% male characters.

Anyway… Here’s some of my work, old and most recent:

Returning Challenger 2012: Trey Jackson

| October 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hey all, I’m Trey Jackson. I successfully completed the challenge last year, surprising myself.   this year I’m just looking to push it to the next level, see if I can get better drawings and some new ideas going and complete the challenge again.


2012 Challenger: Nikoli29

| October 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hello.  I found out about this challenge not long ago and it seemed like a really cool idea.

I don’t have nearly as much time in my life for drawing and creating as I’d like.  I’m doing this challenge as a way to try and force myself to make time to draw.

I used to create stories based on my time working in a comic book shop, but I haven’t done that in a while.

I hope to make it to the end with 30 characters to try and flesh out.

2012 Chalenger: Jay Faulkner

| October 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

Hi all, my name is Jay and I’m a 30Charactersaholic 🙂

This will be my third year of attempting the challenge with year one (2010) managing to get 10 characters sketched (and 30 characters ‘created’ in text form only), and year two only 3 characters created at all … both years I got ill (2011 requiring a week in hospital and ventilation as I kinda stopped breathing on my own) so I am hoping that Tyler and 30 Characters are not my own personal Typhoid Mary (or Typhoid Tyler I suppose); if I do get ill this year I am going to hunt him down!!! 😉

I’m really a writer nowadays, rather than an ‘artist’, and would say that I’m only an enthusiastic sketcher, so nowhere near as good as the majority of the people here (who I am a little in awe of) but I’m really here to have fun and see how close to 30 I can actually get … will aim for the total, of course, and see how things go 🙂

I’ve decided to also try something a little different, this year, and make a personal goal of including the characters that I create in short stories after the challenge has finished. So, in a nutshell I’m here to have fun, beat the curse of the 30 Characters Challenge, and incorporate some/all of these into publishable stories.