Archive for October 20th, 2012
2012 Challenger: aciakatura
Hello there!
I heard about this challenge last year, from people who were doing it on a website which I can’t remember. Unfortunately, that was only after it had started so I couldn’t exactly sign up or anything…
This is my first time attempting this. I suppose it would be harder for me since I have exams for the whole of November which I should be studying for, but I’ll survive. (yes I’m crazy to even think of doing this)
I don’t actually do art at school and most of my style of drawing was sort of picked up as I went (does that make sense?) I draw mostly traditional. Hopefully, I won’t fail horribly. 🙂
Um, I’ll be seeing everyone’s artwork come November!
2012 Challenger: Jive Chameleon
Allo one and all! I am Jive Chameleon aka Camille McIntyre  and this is my second time doing the 30 day challenge. The first time I did not get to sign up and hang with the community ( I did it through posts on facebook and tumblr), so I really looking forward to it this year. I took animation as my minor in college and I am a big comic book fan, so I love making new characters and giving them a back story.
I was pretty random about what I drew during my first challenge, but I have a theme I think I want to follow this time around and (as usual) they may follow a single story that may turn into a comic if all goes well.
I wish everyone  luck and let’s have an awesome challenge.
2012 Challenger: chaives
Hey there I’m chaives, a semi-normal person hiding behind an internet persona. I draw things on occasion between school projects and I’m hoping that this 30Characters challenge will help me get back into the motions of things.
2012 Challenger: Sergio Bravo Jr.
Hi everyone,
I’m doing this as a challenge to myself. Wanted to last year, but for whatever reason, couldn’t get myself to. I’m an aspiring writer with an interest mainly in film, though not limited to. I’m a creative writing major with a minor in film. Into all things geek, a hopeless romantic, and into chick-flicks. Looking forward to the challenge and seeing everyone’s entries 🙂
#30Characters Chatter…