I am back! and so ready.  I hit all 30 last year, after only getting to 16 the year before.  Sadly only a few of my entries will be in color (after testing out my markers) Many are dried up, and i can’t afford a new set.  Anyway, goodluck to everyone! 😀
This is Crackshot

This was one of my entries from two years ago..redrawn… not 100% happy with her, but it’ll do.
Category: 2012, Challenge Info, Participants
I am ....hmmmm... married (13 years now), been an artist for, well, as long as i can remember. I published (self through Lulu.com) a graphic novel called Beautiful Tragedy last year/early this year, currently half way through volume 2. It's based on my life's experiences, and the types of things people like me go through every day.
Welcome back, Melanie!
Thanks Mr James (;P yes we’ve had THAt discussion before). hehe