Archive for November 30th, 2011
Character #25
She is Zendra who is actually a shadow demon. Her true form is a shadow but she can manifest into a human-like form. She likes to kill the innocent for pleasure.
Character #24
So this is Nasha. Her outfit design was inspired by a pen I had, haha. She’s a vigilante who fights crime with throwing knifes and stars
Character #23
This is Jen. She is anb awkward and shy loner at her high school. She was friendless until she met Gretta (Character 22) who gave her a hard time and was selfish at first, but they grew to connect with and understand each other.
Character #22
This is Gretta. She has bright blue hair and is a tough friend of Jen (Character 23) and the new girl. She defends Jen who is socially awkward and mocked in her school. At first she and Jen are at odds, but they learn to understand each other’s pain, which is something they have in common.
#30 Swamp Mole
Swamp Mole is one of those crazy mammals that like to live the life of an amphibian. Tiny is physical size, huge in spirit! Not sure I wanna mess with someone with hands that are that much out of proportion!
This concludes my 30 characters challenge for this year. It was a blast! I really learned a lot about my drawing style and scheduling my art endeavors. I am hoping to continue this pace with my regular comic and into the graphic novel that these characters will be included in. Thanks for checking my stuff out over the last month!
Warren Frantz
Character #21
This is Tessa. She’s a cliched rock star who really just wants to go to college to earn a masters degree in Psychology.
#20 Ella
While she was still a child, someone literally carved out Ella Atheane’s eyes after brutally assaulting her. Blinded and left for dead, the child was found by members of the Wistgate residence, where Dr. Myarn Younis saved her life, and managed to use an experimental device he called a “hood” to help restore her sight, even with the loss of her eyes.
It worked–and it had an additional effect. Ella sometimes has psychic “flashes”–visions of the past, scenes of future events, and possible outcomes of events happening in the present. At first, it scared Ella, but with the help of the Doctor and Daniel, his assistant, Ella has learned to handle them. She also gained the ability to “see” through disguises both magical and science-based.
Because of her unique abilities, Ella has been nicknamed the “Cyber Psychic” by Daniel.
# 30 The Chimaera
While the phenomenon known as Chimaerism is rare, the incidence of un-diagnosed cases is in fact much greater then those that are discovered. The fraternal twin, absorbed during gestation, maintains a presence inside the body and mind, a living link to other dimensions in which he or she was the dominant, consuming fetus. The individual with the Chimaera may then be endowed with unusual powers of perception. They may posses the ability to step outside oneself, figuratively, being more self aware- or even literally, through astral projection. Some might even posses the ability to see through time, or into alien worlds, or into others minds. Automatic or spirit writing is a common practice, as is doodling; Also morbidity, an obsession with death and the afterlife, as well as spiritualism and channeling  They may be found commonly among artists, composers, and writers.
The Chimaera is © and TM Mike Dubisch 2011
Visit me on the web @ DUBISCH.COM and on FaceBook!
#30-Skate Rat
Skate Rat is out of the cage and onto the streets. This rodent just wants to ride his board and do tricks while avoiding the authority figures who would try to bring him down.
Day 30: Ragnarok
When the Universe was born, certain conditions of the Universe: time, space, and reality eventually came into being. They were given form through the collective conciousness of sentient life in the Universe. The oldest of these abstract beings was the embodiment of Chaos, entropy, death and destruction. Countless civilizations have given it countless names. One of the earthen names it has taken comes from the Vikings of old…That of Ragnarok. The first sentient life that existed over 10 billion years ago had to contend with Ragnarok directly. They did this with the help of the first Hyperial. The Hyperial and other most powerful beings of the Universe trapped Ragnarok in Limbo. There he has remained until present day. It has however used cosmic eddy’s and flows in interdimensional barriers to cause influence in ours. He has come close to invading our reality again. But has been stopped on all occasions by a series of Hyperials, and their aides. But it is only a matter of time before cosmological tumblers allow it to try again!
#2 Isaac, Son of Lilith
Character Back Story:
Isaac is one Liliths warrior children. Raised from birth to despise the “Children of Eve”, Isaac sees no redeeming qualities in humanity. He is one of the most savage of her sons, there is no one he fears. He’s fight against both angels and demons, very rarely finding any equals.
Behavior Traits:
Patience, Brutal, Calculating, Loyal
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Heighten Senses, Night Vision, Super-Strength, Weapons Master, Hand to Hand Combat
Isaac is a character from the comic is “First Legacyâ€, this is a working title. I wanted to make him a huge frighting warrior. Not to bulky, but still menacing looking.
#30 The Unemployed Cartoonist
#30 The Unemployed Cartoonist (humor) Bragging Rights!! Bragging Rights!!!!!! I made it! Yep, That’s me in the picture. Though if anyone wants to challenge me in this all the drawing included in the challenge are supposed to be fictional, then I might point out that five of the smaller characters running and climbing all over me haven’t been included in the challenge yet. Only Monaka the Monkey (on my right shoulder) has had a post up till now.
It’s been fun this passed month. In doing it I found out what some of my strenghts and weaknesses were in doing my artwork. And as such, I have a clear ideas as to how to progress into the future. I think this is one of the benefits of going through this challenge. That and giving us a platform to show our stuff off.
Thanks Tyler. See you all next November.
#29 Doctor Lemuria
#29 Doctor Lemuria (Sci Fi) Dr. Lemuria is a mystic who found a gateway to a magical world of light. In that world, Lemuria appears as a white silhouette affecting the lines of force around him. These lines of force can take any shape and even appear as people for the associate with. The Doctor can also use those lines of force to defend that world from the forces of darkness.
In one of the Good Doctor’s adventures, the world of light is invaded by another dimension. This dimension was a pocket universe that was expanding its boundaries. It was also a realm of darkness and shadows. In defending the world of light, Doctor Lemuria used all his energy powers against the shadowy defender of that shadow realm. The battle was feirce; but in the end the Doctor discovered that the shadowy defender was a scientist called Griffen (post #8) who thought he was defending his realm ( the Shadowlands) against an invader. After a brief reconciling, both heroes worked together to restore balance to both realms. Neither of the heroes saw each other again, but pledged to help the other if they should ever need it.
Doctor Lemuria is my antithesis to “Griffin in the Shadowlands”. Both characters have their strenghts and weaknesses, their “yin to their yang” as it were. And since I created both these characters many years ago, I honestly can’t say which came first. Not that is matter — right?
#16 – FR-045A
To see FR-045A’s origin story please make with the clicks over to
#30 Wisp
When an alien ship crashed into the international space station, it was assumed that those on board had perished. Professor Stuart Norland somehow survived the explosion and found himself with bizarre abilities to phase himself through solid objects and project beams of light energy. Pulled into an unpredictable adventure to track down the alien threat, he unites a small band of strange alien heroes including Syv (the bug hunter), Kulu Tactil and Anansa Se.
Jeff Harris: 30 Characters in 30 Days – Final Thoughts of 2011
You see all these characters in one place, you feel a sense of pride.
You created 30 characters in 30 days. That’s an accomplishment. I’m actually shocked that I managed to finish the challenge this year and on time too largely because of one obstacle that I didn’t count on:
I didn’t have a scanner. At all.
I didn’t have a tablet either.
The point of a comic character challenge is that it’s a visual medium that I have to work with, and considering I didn’t have either a scanner or a tablet, I was doomed. So, what did I do? I drew with this software called My Paint using a mouse. All of these drawings were scrawled with a click and a push. It was strange, but I got the hang of it. And I did it. Thirty characters drawn with a mouse. I also had a few job assignments I wasn’t counting on at the end of the month that kind of made me do drawing-only posts, which is unfortunate.
But I know one thing. Next year when I do this (if the fates allow, I’ll be back doing this in 2012), I’ll be better prepared with a scanner. But I had fun creating characters and fleshing out a few I’ve had on my mind. To all of you who also did 30 characters in 30 days, I salute you. To those who didn’t, don’t give up and continue to have fun with the medium. To all my fellow storytellers, image-makers, and creators of worlds, create! The world needs many voices beyond the Big Two publishers. There are many stories to tell, so tell them. Write them. Draw them. Create them.
And keep creating.
#30: Old Apple
This is Old Apple. He’s the older member of the Super Apples who is really smart, too.
Thanks, Xavier
G. Brett Williams #28 – Gunshy
Gunshy is the superhero name young Callie Johnson adopts for herself after the tragic death of her brother. Â Callie is a high school student in an area of Capetown with a lot of low income families and a lot of problems with gang violence. Â Her whole life, she has been very close with her older brother, Bryce, who is only two years older than herself. Â Both Bryce and Callie shared an affinity for athletics, with Bryce being a star on both the basketball and football teams and Callie being an excellent runner and boxer, as well as an accomplished skateboarder and parkour runner. Â Growing up where they did, it was hard to avoid the gangs. Â Even though neither of the Johnsons were directly involved with the gangs, some of their oldest friends were. Â Bryce especially had a hard time cutting ties with his friends who had taken to wearing colors, and it was that very fact that got him killed. Â His Senior year, Callie’s sophomore, Bryce was involved with an altercation at a local hangout between his friends and a rival gang. Â When that gang came seeking revenge, Bryce was caught in their retributive strike and killed, a bright future taken from him and his family. Â On that day, Callie Johnson vowed that she would do everything she could to end the gangs and their stranglehold on her community. Â On that day, she became Gunshy, the young female superhero who completely rejected the use of firearms.
#30Characters Chatter…