Archive for November 30th, 2011
# 29 Eggbert
Eggbert traveled to Hollywood to be a famous cartoon duck, but after every studio in town said that cartoon ducks have been done to death, he decided to get a job at a local office and writes scripts on the weekends.
Crystal Rollins – 30 Characters in 30 Days
Well, I did it. About all I did this month was cook, draw characters, and watch Deep Space 9. I’m hoping that I’ll have a chance in the next few months to dive back into research on the Hanseatic League and the 1500’s in the low-countries of Europe. But for now, here’s the breakdown!
And you can find the rest of the written entries here:
The only part I feel bad about is that I wasn’t able to finish all the entries as drawings. But in the end, I’m not certain how much time that saved me, because I ended up spending 30-40 minutes a piece even writing up new characters! I know one thing, though: I’m really excited about this book. I feel like I’ve brought together fictional people that are full of flaws but could come together for the right reasons, and fight it out hilariously. I already see possbilities for comedy, drama, fights and romance. And with each character I could imagine new chunks of territory in the world I’m trying to build. This month was a great experience, and ten-fold more sucessful than last year! (where I only finished 3 characters…)
# 28 Dr. Deborah Schwanson
While trying to discover a cure to athletes foot, the worst has happened to Deborah Schwanson.
#20 Confederate General
The general doesn’t have a awesome story, he was inspired by my civil war class this year in which I drew some of my characters. He is missing a arm due to amputation.
#23 – General Grand
General Grand heads one of the smallest divisions of the Robot race’s armies, but the most powerful – the robots who have finally been able to dip into the arcane through the breakthrough of technomagic. Grand holds the position of the most powerful technomage in existance, and he’s known to have never been defeated in combat. Not known to be sentimental, and always wanting to keep ahead of the game, Grand is constantly upgrading himself; he’s also been known to change the color of his plating every few weeks. Grand is ruthless in battle and has a stern, stoic personality – but he’s always a robot of his word.
#30 Mia
Had she drowned? She did not think so. She had been told that if she was good enough, and pure enough and kind enough of spirit that she would not drown, that she would instead be taken by the little gods who watched over the pond, and she would become their princess.
Mia did not feel dead. And she was sitting, muddy, on the edge of the water. One would not be muddy in the afterlife, not even if one was to pay for their misdeeds. So she must not have drowned. But she was so very cold, and it was not a sort of cold that she had ever felt before. It went deep, curled up inside her like a knot, and it felt like hunger.
She was so very hungry. But she was not hungry for any food she could think of. She somehow knew that she was hungry for something else entirely, only what that thing was she could not say. She could not say until a foolish boy came wandering to the water’s edge, close to the reeds, not far from where she had hidden when she had heard someone approach.
Mia knew the boy was foolish. Only a very foolish child would approach these waters alone, without a priest, without some sort of sacrifice. Some sort of living sacrifice. The gods of these waters were powerful, but they were greedy, and they took what came near. And as the boy came close and Mia could feel his heat, she suddenly knew a few more things. And once the boy was cold dead by the edge of the bank, she knew all that she needed to know.
She was no princess. There were no gods. There was only the water, and the cold, and the heat that living things could bring to her, wether they had been meant as a sacrifice or not. The cold knot uncoiled from within her. She wore it as a cloak, and waited for the men to come and take away the body of the foolish boy who died instead of her.
# 27 Vallery Smith
Just got into 80s rock and has since alienated all her friends.
She is currently a hooker who shoots heroin into her toes.
#22 – Angelie
I fell a bit behind, so forgive me for the incoming mass of posts!
Angelie is one of the first humans to be taught the art of technomagic – a marriage of technology and the arcane, developed by the robots. Trained as a young girl, Angie’s equipment is primitive and clunky, but she refuses to use anything else, and will insist that her old equipment be repaired each time it breaks. It holds something dear in her heart, something she refuses to let go of. Though nowhere near the level of some of the robot technomages, Angelie is quite skilled in teaching beginners. After several years of being torn between two sides of a conflict, she’s vowed to keep herself out of the affairs of war.
Day 22 Agent Adios
Agent Adios is the code name for Lupe Ayon, a girl discovered to have an unusual apptitude for killing. Saved from a life on the streets she is molded over a period of years into an elite assasin.
As of this post, this years 30 character in 30 days event is over. I made 22! I’m not sure if the site will close to submissions, but I only have 8 to go so I’m going to attempt to finish the challenge.
#4 Lilith
Character Back Story:
Lilith is Adams first wife before Eve. She refuses to be Adams subordinate and states that she is his equal. When Lilith leaves the Garden of Eden and Adam the angels Sansenoy, Senoy and Semangelof are sent to bring her back. She refuses to go back to Adam so a bargain is made for her freedom. The price is the deaths of one hundred of her children every day. Lilith complies, but gives birth to more then 100 a day. Through the many centuries Lilith has slowly birthed an army of daughters and sons to take back the world she believes rightfully belongs to her. Their numbers rival the angels themselves. She has raised her children to hate and pity the “Children of Eveâ€. There is a war for Earth coming and Lilith plans to win it.
Behavior Traits:
Independent, Motivated, Headstrong, Manipulative, Driven, Cunning
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Telepathy, Motivation, Limited Teleportation
Lilith is a character from my comic project “First Legacyâ€, this is a working title. She is taken from folklore and was mentioned in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light a few years ago. I used is challenge to revisit the comic idea.
30 Day Wrap-up
This has been fun, for the most part. I’m proud of myself for sticking with it for the whole month, even though it might not have been the smartest choice. Still, I feel like I’ve grown as an artist, and have learned some valuable lessons both on how to use Photoshop and Artrage, and world and character building. I really want to use some of these characters in stories now! Now I can go work on projects for school, and draw lots and lots of fanart.
#27 Faye Wraith
The only villain The Red Roach was unable to capture, the thief dubbed by the media Faye Wraith was so named because of her ability to slip in and out of crime scenes undetected.
If only the media knew how right they were. Unbeknownst to everyone, Faye Wraith was indeed a ghost. A thief in life, Faye remained one even after she died. After The Red Roach’s disappearance, Faye kept stealing until she was captured by Viscount Konstantin Turksbane.
Days 5 through 14.
So here are 10 more of my girls. I’m really sad I didn’t make it, but, really, it all started to go down hill from the moment my step-son thought it funny to break my scanner and I really was just way too busy (I’m in the process of opening up a little school) to accomplish this.
Anyway, their names are:
#05 Dawne
#06 Ellyn
#07 Fawne
#08 Gabrielle
#09 Harmonie
#10 Ivy
#11 Jocelyn
#12 Kady
#13 Leah
#14 Mandy
I love most of them, some of them do need a lot more work. I intend on finishing the last 15 before new years, but ler’s see how that goes.
I’ll be making a post on my blog [] describing the conceptualization process in greater detail, also, remember these girls are intended to be immortalized in pin-up form soon (The ones I like the most at least, and I’m open to opinions on which ones to work on).
See you guys next year!
#16 Art
Art was an American train conductor in the 1920’s. He did some shady things like sleep with people’s wives and smuggle alcohol (a lot of alcohol), but he was still kind, generous and charming. One day his train accidentally crashed and now he’s dead.
The angels running Heaven (while God deals with the rest of the world) deem him not quite good enough for a nice ‘retirement’ in heaven but not really corrupt enough for hell. They decide to put him in a menial labor job, namely transporting souls to and from heaven. There are other people like him with the same job, of course, so he specializes in the souls of anyone under 1 year of age. His train is now giant, invisible and infinitely long to accommodate every soul.
Art is pretty bummed out by the whole trip back to heaven, but he’s mostly just thankful that the away-train is less full than it was when he first started the job.
#26 The Red Bee
In 1936, in the city that would one day be renamed Megalo City, there arose the first superhero, The Red Roach. He was so named because he was tenacious, hard to kill, and dwelt in the darkness where the filth of humanity hid from the light. And he wore red.
With his twin Colt .45s, the powerless Red Roach fought thugs, organized crime, crime and other dregs of society. The Red Roach mysteriously disappeared in 1941. It has been speculated that he joined the Army and died in World War II.
Allie Mehner- 30 Character in 30 Days
Well, that challenge sure was a blast! Can’t wait to do the same thing next year!
Now, to catch up on all the schoolwork….
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#25 – Marisol
Marisol is a very good friend. Humble and true, she will bring light and happiness to all that befriend her. I started this sketch very quickly, without any aim, and just as I finished coloring, I realized, this is a cartoon version of my wife’s very best friend! I am positive that they’ll love it.
Day 30: Stella Droon
Stella is a wind maker in Floom. She works near the water, as her specialty is in steering sail boats and creating the occasional hurricane. Stella enjoys wearing brightly colored dresses and shoes, and dislikes cold weather. She is Liam’s mentor, although he frustrates her daily due to his
#14 Daphne #15 Serena
Daphne is a wonderful dancer who has just ended her scholarship at a dance school and is now looking for work. Her teachers say she is skilled in most dance styles and is a very good potential choreographer as well. She finds a very small ad in the paper that seems promising, but when she shows up at the place, she’s somehow transported onto an alien mothership.
The aliens, sort of giant lumps of flesh and goo, deeply admire human culture and art. They tell her they have stolen her for her dancing talent and that she must dance for them every day. They have serums that prevent her from aging and she cannot escape. If she refuses to dance or if they get bored wth her, they will kill her. She is dismayed that she’ll be stuck forever until they murder her, but tries not to complain. This is partly because she sees no point and partly because she tries to tread carefully around the aliens.
The aliens give her an accompanyist (who they have also recently stolen) named Serena. Serena is as good a musician as Daphne is a dancer. The aliens supply her with pilfered instruments. Serena had a string of fame for a while. She was known as a child prodigy, playing instruments with ease at 7, but now that she’s an adult, people’s interest has petered out. She refused to attempt playing in an orchestra because she wants to be the center of attention. She was also desperate for work and also answered the ad. Serena is irritable and snappish, angry at the aliens for taking her away when she feels she could have become a star again. She passive agressively antagonizes them and complains loudly to Daphne behind their backs. She’s also irritated at being the dancer’s accompanist rather than playing solo. She tries to escape at any chance into the aliens’ escape pods even though Daphne tells her there’s no use.
Both Daphne and Serena are worshiped by the aliens as gods of a sort because they can do these things and the aliens can’t. Daphne feels uncomfortable about it and Serena is mostly disgusted.
Daphne and Serena constantly collaborate and try to come up with radical new material to keep the aliens appeased.
#30 Lucky
Like her name implies, Lucky is good at getting out of sticky situations with no thanks to her intelligence or strength. She is trying to work on the bond with her stubborn dragon, Jack.
Corrie Ferrell Jr. – 30 Characters in 30 Days
And here are my 30 characters. Â I had fun doing this challenge and I hope everyone else did too.
You can find me on deviantArt
#30Characters Chatter…