Archive for November 30th, 2011

# 20 Hans the Hammer

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

A hit man for the mob, in 1997 he would announce that it is “hammer time” before killing someone. No one ever told him the MC Hammer reference and his bosses all thought it was hilarious.

# 22 – The Point

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

If you get to the Point, that’s where it all ends.

A relentless torturer of souls, this hell-dweller is tasked with punishing those who have tried to talk their way out of the evil deeds they did.

# 30 – Robot

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Robot was created by Invento to be a lab assistant.

[In 1974, at the age of 12, I drew a series of “comic books” detailing the adventures of Merrill, a 15-year-old human boy, in the Other Land, an invisible dimension which co-exists with our own.  The characters I am submitting throughout the 30 Days are the inhabitants of the Other Land.]

# 21 – Boxdog 2

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Boxdog is the champion of underground boxing. He has had a hard time since dogfights have been forbidden.

Together with the other Boxdog, he tries to find a way back to the top!

# 20 – Boxdog 1

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Boxdog is made of cardboxes. Animated by a curious coincidence, he partners up with another boxdog, and the unlikely pair make their way through life in the backyards.

#19 – D’Spenser

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

A lesser Halloween demon. Filled with limitless amounts of candy, this little fellow poses as a disguised child and vomits candy into every suitable container, making children happy in the most digusting way. Devilishly clever, this is a plot of the major demons to defile Halloween and finally be released into the world!!!


| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

They came from outerspace, seeking refuge from the evil alien cyborgs, the Grill.

The found safe refuge in the kitchen of 16 year old Ally Katt, posing as kitchen accessories. They are the TRANSTOASTBOTS!

PRIMUS talks only in capital letters, as befits the LEADER!

#17 – Transtoastbot Mixxy

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

They came from outerspace, seeking refuge from the evil alien cyborgs, the Grill.

The found safe refuge in the kitchen of 16 year old Ally Katt, posing as kitchen accessories. They are the TRANSTOASTBOTS!

This is Mixxy (pronounced Mizzy), a female Transtoastbot and second in command.

#16 – Transtoastbot “Potty”

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

They came from outerspace, seeking refuge from the evil alien cyborgs, the Grill.

The found safe refuge in the kitchen of 16 year old Ally Katt, posing as kitchen accessories. They are the TRANSTOASTBOTS!

#30 – Me

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Success! Wooo!


(not an accurate representation….I just can’t draw a good beard that doesn’t look like I’m a messy eater)

#21 – Derpy Drak

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Peculiar among his kind, Derpy is often taken lightly. Hanging around blood bank dumpsters, and slaughter houses, he’s not much of a threat. He’s kind of clumsy when it comes to the hunt, earning the “Derpy” moniker from his peers. He’s also known as “Bumble Bat” to some.


#15 – Queen Hrmjsty

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

She’s the Queen of a large beehive.

Will the efforts of Happy finally get her to open her heart?

No. 29 & 30- Samurai Werewolf and Ghost Witch

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Short Background: A young arrogant samurai came across an unattractive old woman who asked for his help. She claimed that she was robbed by ninjas and needed his assistance, he ignored her pleas for help. Instead, he mocked her dirty clothes and compared her face to that of a dog’s. Unfortunately, the old woman turned out to be a witch. As punishment for his arrogance, she cursed him to walk the roads with wolf-like features. She sent him off on a quest to retrieve what was stolen from her with the promise of restoring him.


Several years went by and after fighting several ninjas, a pair of twin warlocks, and a three headed dragon, the arrogant young warrior returned a humble yet battle hardened samurai. However, it turned out that in his absence, the witch was killed by assassin’s sent by a rival witch. Now, with the help of the witch’s spirit, the furry warrior must complete one more quest. He has to find the rival witch, kill her, and retrieve several of the witch’s scroll in order to reverse the curse.

It looks like he may have another long road ahead of him.






#14 – Happy, the hapless bear

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Hear the story of an unaccomplished love.

He was just a common bear, and she was born to a noble house.

He was a devourer of sugary honey, while she ruled a kingdom that crafted golden riches.

He had fallen in love with her.

No. 28- The Most Gangsta Elf and his Crew

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Name: Gangster T. Elf

Occupation: Gangster Elf

Short Background:
G.T. Elf spends most of his time  defending the forest from haters and squares. Over time, he managed to accumulate a crew of misfits and outcasts. With them by his side, he acts as a ghetto Robin Hood. Chumps be warned, this Elf is packin’ more than cookies.

Jesse Kiefer – 30 Characters in 30 Days

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments





It’s been a riot seeing what everyone has posted. The challenge was at times harder than I thought and at others easier. I really dug seeing all of the different styles and approaches to this challenge. There were SOOOOO many! I didn’t keep up with everyone’s submissions as much as I would have liked to… but wow! I definitely found some very cool new artists and creators to follow.

If you want to see how many of these characters will be used, I invite you to check my site as I put these crazy cats to work in my comic. 🙂

Thanks to anyone who commented on or retweeted my characters, and huge thanks to Tyler James for putting this all together, what a great project this has been to work on. An honor to be a part of it.

#30 Rene Magritte and Kal-Dar The Cave Man (TIME TRAVELERS)

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

And we end with a two-fer for good measure! Rene-Magritte has always been one of my favorite artists and I always thought “how cool would it be if the surrealists weren’t making it up” What if Dali Painted melty Clocks not because he dreamt them up but because he actually viewed these off the coast of an alien world in a far flung future?

So Rene Magritte using a time traveling orb from the Future travels through time with  Kal-Dar a Cave man he saved when visiting the dawn of man. Kal-Dar has been traveling with him since that day hoping to repay the debt. DO NOT tell Kal-Dar that “time travel is so easy a cave man could do it…” he doesn’t like that.


Hope you all enjoyed my submissions because I definitely enjoyed the ones I got to see every day from these awesome contributors!

#13 – Redbreast

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Redbreast used to be a young computer genius on the edge of the law. Magpie uncovered a criminal plot that was to exploit his talents and recruited him for his side. Through rigorous physical training, he became an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, and uses the rocket wings for flight even better than the far bulkier Magpie.

He invented most of the new accessories the pair uses for crime-fighting, like a slightly radioactive tracer fluid that looks like bird-poo for tracking criminals.

Later finds out about Magpie’s doublecross and decides to kill him and assume his identity as the new Magpie, using his dead partner as a front and finally regaining a private life.

However, in the end he is unable to pull it off and tries to save Magpie in an heroic effort, but fails.

#12 – The high-flying Magpie, reformed master-thief

| November 30, 2011 | 1 Comment

Magpie used to be a thief, turned himself in and served a prison sentence.

Upon his release, he took in a young scholar and turned superhero.


Secretly, he has established for himself another secret identity, as the dangerous criminal “Two Slash”, unbeknownst even to his sidekick, and continues his criminal exploits, the Magpie always close on the chase. A perfect cover for his crimes.

30 Characters 2011 Raul Aguirre Jr.

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments


Below is a gallery containing all 30 of my  creations for the 30 Character Challenge.















#29 Mehmet and Emmett

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Mehmet and Emmett

Mehmet and Emmett

The first thing you need to know is, they are serious about their values. Mehmet always wears white through 50% gray. Emmett always wears 51% gray through black. The second thing is, they are always in the throes of some kind of contemporary art experience, and cannot be stopped.

Mehmet is from Istanbul and proudly calls what he does “art rock”. Influenced by musicians like David Bowie, Philip Glass, Can, and Laurie Anderson, he fuses it with traditional Turkish instrumentation, with a heavy dose of Turkish rock pioneer Ervin Koray — extending the use of Koray’s electric baÄŸlama in the contexts of experimental and electronic contexts. After failing to get money for his 9-hour song cycle on the life of Klaus Nomi, he’s agreed to accompany Emmett on his current adventure project. He makes field recordings, and is sketching the first stages of a series of compositions exploring the psychoacoustics of fear. “It’s very easy, you know, to evoke a sense of dread by merely using discordant sounds, like Hollywood always does. But eh, I think fear, it can also be beautiful, and kind of still, ok? Like there is the fear that someone is trying to kill you, and then there is the fear of the unkown, the fear of your own mortality. I do not think these fears are naturally so discordant. I am hoping to experience these fears — or maybe, Emmett can experience them and I can stand, you know, back a few paces — and come up with a new musical language to explain them.”

Emmett is from Louisville, and he’s traveling around having adventures and documenting them for his latest work. Among other things, he’s investigating UFO sightings, accompanying Real-Life Superheroes on their crime-fighing patrols, getting his P.I. license so he can solve mysteries, and shadowing insurance investigators tracking art thefts. He plans to document all of these things via a gallery installation incorporating video, machines, and performance art.  In between these assumed lives, he visits other friends of his, contemporary artists, scientists, street artists, makers, and general freaks, and gets involved in whatever it is they’re doing. He calls it “Operation Busybody” and he has a grant for it.

The first stop on Mehmet and Emmett’s next trip is to visit a Japanese artist friend who’s suspending a giant bronze bear head over an active volcano.

Below is Emmett’s artistic statement. Mehmet never misses a chance to point out how douchey it makes him sound.

“Emmett Pierce’s work explores the intersection and interplay of memory, culture, and the socially constructed nature of reality through mixed media installations, sculpture, and performance art. Through directed praxis, he interrogates the scientific shibboleth of ‘the unexplainable’, inserting himself into situations as a participant, or a kind of flaneur. By documenting his experiences, he alchemically transforms his life experience into an emergent artistic situation that forces the viewer to confront their assumptions about identity, the tyranny of existence, and the permeable boundary between danger and complacency.

His artistic practice, influenced by such diverse thinkers as Derridas, Rousseau and Buckminster Fuller, incorporates Jean Tinguely’s sculptural machines, the legacy of Fluxus, and the latest in multimedia technology to create a postmodern tableau that requires the viewer to question the undefined elements of their existence as they maneuver through the works.”

Emmett’s actually an okay guy, though. But he won’t change the damn statement.

#11 – The hero rabbit

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

The brown rabbit’s rival for the affection of the beloved rabbit. Wins effortlessly.


#10 – Shadow wolves

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

These creatures assume the shape of the shadows of the flower mares. Nothing in the second circle has a shadow of its own or can be made cast a shadow.

The Shadow Wolves use the flower mares to lure visitors into the reach of their fangs and claws. Living in sort of a symbiosis with the flower mares, they would never harm one, and usually go to great lenghts to protect the herd from harm. Thus, they cannot be considered really evil. They are just very hungry. And rabbit is their favourite.

#9 – The flower mares

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Inhabitants of the second circle of The Magical Top Hat. Mild and playful, these creatures are “kitsch” beyond measure.

They are the perfect bait for a far more grim species, see #10.

#8 – Mob rabbit

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Standard rendition of the inhabitants of the first circle of the Magical Top Hat.

Murderous and fluffy. Out to kill the brown rabbit.


Oh, by the way: In case anyone should be wondering how these fit in with the planned album “Momentum” – they don’t. But due to an over a week long internet outage, I fell behind on schedule, and decided to dish out anything that went through my mind in order to at least finish the 30.

#7 – The beloved rabbit

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Female inhabitant of the first circle, and love interest of the brown rabbit. Doesn’t care about him a lot.

#30 – Sparky

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Just your average kid. Hero type. Gullible, even naive, but has a lot of heart

#6 – The brown rabbit

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Inhabitant of the Magical Top Hat, specifically native to the first circle of the hat.

Tha Hat is divided into 9 circles, the innermost of which most resembles common depictions of Hell.

The brown rabbit is the only brown rabbit in a society of white rabbits, most of which are out to kill him. The brown rabbit is always saved in the last minute by the hand of the Magician, pulling out another white rabbit from the Hat.

#5 – Albert

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

A mysterious man who approaches Joe and initiates his first journey by simply telling him that he is about to embark on one, which sets in motion a chain-reaction.

Albert is only a messenger, sent by a strange power that seems to know the future quite well.

#4 – Arno Komarek

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Arno is Jon Grünstein’s companion. He’s a small time crook with the ability of fast talk, using Jon as his muscle to back his little schemes. He’s an opportunist, always trying to support the most promising party.

Thus he decides to save Joe from an impeding execution because he believes him to be rich (which is correct) and influental (which he’s not at all).

#3 – Charlotte Wechsler

| November 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

The secretary of Joe Hagen’s father-in-law-to-be, charged with the seemingly simple task of handing a letter over to Joe. Which is impeded by Joe’s beginning journey, on which she follows him, growing from an insecure young woman to an adventurous lady of action.