Character Back Story:
Rachel is a warrior daughter of Lilith. Lilith was Adams first wife before Eve, refusing to be his subordinate and left him. Through the many centuries Lilith has slowly created an army of daughters and sons to take back the world. One of the strongest of these daughters is Rachel. She was raised from childhood to hate and pity the “Children of Eve”. One of her mothers most loyal warriors. Rachel has fought many campaigns against both angels and demons. Rachel is a cunning warrior and field general in Lilith’s army. She is always ready to fight in defense of her sisters, brothers and mothers beliefs.
Behavior Traits:
Short Tempered, Headstrong, Driven, Impatient, Loyal
Powers / Abilities / Skills:
Invulnerability, Flight, Super-Strength, Swords Master, Hand to Hand Combat, Expert Combat Tactician
Rachel originates form a character creation I did a few years ago. I mentioned her in the character back story of a character named Aurora Light. I’ve always wanted to go back to that story, this gave me a change to redefine the characters and the story. The working title for this comic is “First Legacy“.
Check out my other 2011 Challenge Characters

Let’s be friends: Connect with me on my other sites!

Tags: Abilities, Back Story, Behavior Traits, Driven, Expert Combat Tactician, flight, Hand to Hand Combat, Headstrong, Impatient, Invulnerability, Loyal, powers, Rachel Daughter of Lilith, Ralph Contreras, Ralph Contreras 2011, Short Tempered, Skills, Super-Strength, Swords Master
Category: 2011, Fantasy, Superhero
My name is Ralph Contreras, I'm a graphic designer and proud comic book nerd living in Santa Fe, NM. A Four year alumni of the 30 Character Challenge, I have aspirations of becoming a professional comic book artist. I've been reading comics for over 25 years. I owned and ran my own comic shop for 5 years. My day job is graphic design, but at night I work on sharpening my storytelling, drawing and inking skills.
I setup a personal blog www.Comic Book Graphic Design.com where I combine my comic artwork with my graphic design skills. I post all my pencils, inks and character designs on the blog. I also post great comic book resources to help other aspiring comic artists in their journey too. In past 30 Character Challenges I've made some really great online friendships with fellow creators.. I'm always interest in making new friends and contacts, so drop me a line any time. - Shazam!